An open source cross-platform ventilator UI using React Native and Redux.
Boilerplate taken from daviddang91/react-native-redux-starter-kit
UI is based on a paper by Tovar et al.
With ventilators in short supply amid the COVID-19 pandemic, motivated engineers have been thinking of alternate approaches to quickly increase supply. This project aims to make available a smart phone user interface for controlling an ad-hoc or low-cost ventilator system. I imagine that the UI will interact with the ventilator through TLS and websockets, but the code is intended to be protocol agnostic - you should be able to write an interface for the communication protocol of your choice and swap out the TLS one.
I have never used a ventilator and my knowledge of ventilators begins and ends with this hour-long Med-cram course. I will do the best I can to make a useful product, but I am very new to this area. Please, if you happen upon this project, fork it, submit pull requests, message me - I want this to be of some use and I can't do that alone.
- Node
or newer - React Native for development
- Xcode for iOS development
- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development - Genymotion for Android emulation
- Android Marshmallow or newer on your Android device to test properly
See Getting Started to install requirement tools.
- React JS is a JavaScript library
- React Native
for building native apps using react - Redux
a predictable state container for Javascript apps - Babel
for ES6+ support - NativeBase
a UI components for React Native - Immutable Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript
- Navigation for React Native a router based on new React Native Navigation API
- native-base
- redux-modal
- react-native-splash-screen
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay
On the command prompt run the following commands
$ git clone
$ cd ventilator-ui/
$ npm install
Link react-native-svg
$ react-native link react-native-svg
Method One
Open the project in Xcode from ios/ReactNativeStarter.xcodeproj.
Hit the play button.
Method Two
- Run the following command in your terminal.
$ react-native run-ios
Make sure you have an Android emulator installed and running.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ react-native start
In another terminal, run
$ react-native run-android
This is the very beginning of the project. Pushed only the boilerplate code. I am currently only running on an Android emulator, so iOS may not work as of now
(Ignore the color scheme)