Updated the library and all documentation to 802.1Q-2018 (the library implements LegacySTP and RSTP and MSTP, but not yet SPB).
Renamed all library files to begin with "stp_", and moved everything except the API to an "internal" directory.
Removed onNotifiedTopologyChange
(no longer needed, flushFdb
does its job well now).
Removed onConfigChanged
(simulator stuff that's no longer needed).
Added enableBpduTrapping
(details in StpCallback_EnableBpduTrapping.html).
Changed onTopologyChange
to the operation required by the standard (it used to emulate some Cisco switch behavior).
Logging can now be disabled by compiling with STP_USE_LOG=0 (saves some microcontroller Flash).
Added another sample embedded app, one for a Marvell SOHO switch IC.
Plenty of improvements in the Simulator.
Fixed #14 : Receiving a BPDU with too many MSTI entries from the same region leads to a crash.
Fixed #13 : Restarting the state machines not always correct.
Fixed #11 : BPDU transmission period (was sometimes double the rate required by the standard).
You can’t perform that action at this time.