Convert applications using Go modules -> Nix
From the Go project directory execute:
$ gomod2nix
This will create gomod2nix.toml
that's used like so
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {
overlays = [
(self: super: {
buildGoApplication = super.callPackage ./builder { };
in pkgs.buildGoApplication {
pname = "gomod2nix-example";
version = "0.1";
src = ./.;
modules = ./gomod2nix.toml;
Vgo2nix was built on top of the old Nixpkgs build abstraction buildGoPackage
, this abstraction was built pre-modules and suffered from some fundamental design issues with modules, such as only allowing a single version of a Go package path inside the same build closure, something that Go itself allows for.
We need a better build abstraction that takes Go modules into account, while remaining import from derivation-free.
Yes. Once the API is considered stable.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.