spellfloat is a Neovim plugin for spelling suggestions from the built-in spell checker.
- Uses The built-in Vim Spell checker
- Finds the first misspelled word in the Sentence if it finds one then it will suggest Changes through a Pop-Up Menu
- If there is no misspelled word in the Sentence then the suggestions for the word under the cursor is suggested.
- You need Neovim for this plugin
- Map the Function
to some key
nnoremap <leader>my :call Spellfloat() <CR> "You can use any other keymap you want
- You need to enable spell-checker if you want to check the wrong word in the Sentence
set spell spelllang=en_us "Choose Any Other Language that you prefer
" If you don't turn on the spell-checker then the word under your cursor is taken as input
Plug 'aditya-K2/spellfloat'
Use the Mapping or Call the Function Spellfloat()
on the line with misspelled word.
If the misspelled word is found in the current line then suggestions for it are displayed else the word under the cursor is taken as input.