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Spring Boot Application with DATA REST + MYSQL deployed on Kubernetes

This application is showcases the following

  • Create a Basic Spring Boot Application
  • Create a Repository and Entity for Student
  • Create RESTful CRUD operations for Student using Spring DATA REST
  • Use MySQL as database
  • Build and Test application locally
  • Create a docker image and push it to docker hub.
  • Deploy a mysql database in Kubernetes
  • Deploy the application in Kubernetes and connect to the MySQL database already deployed

Building the application

  • Download the application code from github
  • Ensure that docker, gradle and Java 11 are already installed
  • Ensure that MySQL Database is already installed
  • Go to the application git folder
  • Open the and ensure that For Testing locally section is uncommented and For Deployment in Kubernetes section is commented
  • Execute the following command "gradlew clean build" in windows or "./gradlew clean build" in linux
  • To start the application excute the gradle bootRun task. It would open the application at "http://localhost:8080"
  • All the crud operations could be done at "http://localhost:8080/student"

Dockerizing the application

  • Stop the application by terminating the gradle bootRun task if it is running
  • Open the and ensure that For Testing locally section is commented and For Deployment in Kubernetes section is uncommented
  • Execute "gradlew clean build -x test"
  • Dockerfile is already available for docker build
  • Execute "docker build -t [your-docker-user-name]/mysql-app:v1 ."
  • Ensure that the image got created by executing "docker images"
  • Push the image to docker hub by executing "docker push [your-docker-user-name]/mysql-app:v1"

Deploying in Kubernetes

  • Use any Kubernetes deployment. My choice is Minikube
  • Start Minikube
  • Create a directory called "/mnt/data" for persistent volume
  • Execute the following commands one after another in sequence
    • kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-pv.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-pvc.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-service.yaml

All these would ensure that Persistent Volume, MySQL deployment are created. The MySQL deployment is also exposed as a service called mysql which we are referring in our SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL section without any port

  • To access the mysql service execute the command mentioned in the mysql-client.txt file under deployments folder
  • To deploy the application first open the mysql-app-deployment.yaml and replace adityapratapbhuyan/mysqlapp:no-port with docker push [your-docker-user-name]/mysql-app:v1
  • Execute "kubectl apply -f deployments/mysql-app-deployment.yaml". It would take around 2-3 minutes for the first time to download the image and deploy. Ensure the image started successfully by executing "kubectl get deploy"
  • Once the Deployment for the app is running, execute the below command to expose the deployment as a service kubectl -f deployments/mysql-app-service.yaml
  • Once the service is created the service could be accessed by executing "minikube service mysql-app". It would open the service endpoint on the browser. Then the testing could be done on the url opened in the browser.


Spring Boot Application with MySQL for Kubernetes






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