The increase in the number of RSOs (Resident Space Objects) indirectly increases the risk of collision of LEO Satellites.
Here's a snippet depicting the scale of the problem (Credits to LeoLabs):
The important point to be addressed here is the reliable and accurate orbit tracking of satellites to prevent a catastrophic event like the Kessler Syndrome.
This project is an experiment on predicting and forecasting the position of a satellite orbiting earth using Deep Learning (LSTM).
The LSTM model is trained on the data recorded over 18days and forecasts the trajectory for the next seven days.
- Tensorflow 2.x
- Keras
- Scikit Learn
- Python >= 3.7
- Numpy
- Statsmodels
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
- Pmdarima
Here's the link to the dataset https://www.kaggle.com/idawoodjee/predict-the-positions-and-speeds-of-600-satellites
The dataset from Kaggle contains information of 600 satellites.
This experiment is performed using data of a single satellite.