This is a script by which you can install Kali nethunter (Kali Linux) in your termux application without rooted phone
- Download curl by executing
pkg install curl
- Download script in HOME
curl -LO
- Give execution permission
chmod +x kalinethunter
- Run script
- Use command
to start nethunter. Default user is kali and default password is also kali. - if you want to start nethunter as a root user then use command
startkali -r
- To start a vnc session
vnc start
- To stop a vnc session
vnc stop
- To check status ( Display and port number) of vnc session
vnc status
- If user is kali then by default
vnc start
will start vncserver withDISPLAY=:2
and for root userDISPLAY=:1
Rerun script with extra parameter --insecure
or copy paste this command ./kalinethunter --insecure
Default DESKTOP is XFCE4 but you can setup LXDE also