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Steven Galgano edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 7 revisions

The EMANE shell (emanesh) is a Python CLI which provides access to emulator configuration, statistics, statistic tables and log control using the EMANE Remote Control Port API.

$ emanesh -h
Usage: emanesh [OPTION].. hostname [command]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  Server listen port [default: 47000]




Interactive Mode

To enter interactive mode, start emanesh with the address of the emulator instance you wish to connect to. You will see the emanesh prompt which will show the address and port of the connected emulator instance.

$ emanesh localhost
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## 


help Command

You can get a list of available commands by typing help:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  clear  exit  get  help  info  loglevel  set  show

You can get command specific help by specifying the command name:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## help show

        The show command is used to display manifest information provided
        by the connected control port server.

        The displayed information will include the NEM ids, component layer
        types present and the name of the component layer plugin.

        usage: show

          ## show


show Command

You can use the show command to see the list of NEMs running in the emulator instance.

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## show
nem 1   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
nem 2   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)


get Command

The get command is used to request configuration, statistic and statistic table information from one or more components.

[emanesh (node-1:47000)] ## help get

        The get command is used to get configuration, statistic and
        statistic table values.

        All get types use optional target-specific name parameters:
        * 'config' names specify configuration parameter names
        * 'stat' names specify statistic element names
        * 'table' names specify table names

        When no names are specified all items are retrieved.

        usage: get <type> <targets> <layer> [<target-specific>]
               <type>            ::=  'config' | 'stat' | 'table'
               <targets>         ::=  <nem> | <nem> <target> | 'emulator' |
                                      'nems'| '*'
               <layer>           ::=  'all' | 'mac' | 'phy' | <shim>
               <nem>             ::=  [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]+
               <shim>            ::=  'shim'[0-9]+
               <target-specific> ::= <names> | ''
               <names>           ::= <name> | <name> <names>
               <name>            ::= [A-Za-z0-9]+


          Get all configuration info from all NEM layers and the emulator
          ## get config * all

          Get all statistic tables from all NEM mac layers
          ## get table nems mac

          Get two statistic items from the mac layers of NEM 1 and 2
          ## get stat 1 2 mac processedEvents processedDownstreamControl

All the get types work the same way. To get the configuration from NEM 1's physical layer:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config 1 phy
nem 1   phy  bandwidth = 1000000
nem 1   phy  fixedantennagain = 0.0
nem 1   phy  fixedantennagainenable = True
nem 1   phy  frequency = 2347000000
nem 1   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
nem 1   phy  noisebinsize = 20
nem 1   phy  noisemaxclampenable = False
nem 1   phy  noisemaxmessagepropagation = 200000
nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentduration = 1000000
nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentoffset = 300000
nem 1   phy  noisemode = all
nem 1   phy  propagationmodel = precomputed
nem 1   phy  subid = 2
nem 1   phy  systemnoisefigure = 4.0
nem 1   phy  timesyncthreshold = 10000
nem 1   phy  txpower = 0.0

To get the configuration from all NEM physical layers you can list each NEM Id:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config 1 2 phy

or use nems:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems phy
nem 1   phy  bandwidth = 1000000
nem 1   phy  fixedantennagain = 0.0
nem 1   phy  fixedantennagainenable = True
nem 1   phy  frequency = 2347000000
nem 1   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
nem 1   phy  noisebinsize = 20
nem 1   phy  noisemaxclampenable = False
nem 1   phy  noisemaxmessagepropagation = 200000
nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentduration = 1000000
nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentoffset = 300000
nem 1   phy  noisemode = all
nem 1   phy  propagationmodel = precomputed
nem 1   phy  subid = 2
nem 1   phy  systemnoisefigure = 4.0
nem 1   phy  timesyncthreshold = 10000
nem 1   phy  txpower = 0.0
nem 2   phy  bandwidth = 1000000
nem 2   phy  fixedantennagain = 0.0
nem 2   phy  fixedantennagainenable = True
nem 2   phy  frequency = 2347000000
nem 2   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
nem 2   phy  noisebinsize = 20
nem 2   phy  noisemaxclampenable = False
nem 2   phy  noisemaxmessagepropagation = 200000
nem 2   phy  noisemaxsegmentduration = 1000000
nem 2   phy  noisemaxsegmentoffset = 300000
nem 2   phy  noisemode = all
nem 2   phy  propagationmodel = precomputed
nem 2   phy  subid = 2
nem 2   phy  systemnoisefigure = 4.0
nem 2   phy  timesyncthreshold = 10000
nem 2   phy  txpower = 0.0

To get statistics from all of NEM 1's components use the all keyword:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get stat 1 all
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   mac  avgDownstreamProcessingDelay0 = 0.0
... lots more
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeBroadcastTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastGenerated0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastRx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamPacketSizeUnicastTx0 = 0.0
nem 1   phy  avgDownstreamProcessingDelay0 = 0.0
... lots more

To get a specific item such as one or more statistic tables, list each table at the end of the get command:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get table 1 phy EventReceptionTable PathlossEventInfoTable
nem 1   phy EventReceptionTable
| Event | Total Rx |
| 101   | 1        |

nem 1   phy PathlossEventInfoTable
| NEM | Forward Pathloss | Reverse Pathloss |
| 2   | 90.0             | 90.0             |
| 3   | 90.0             | 90.0             |
| 4   | 90.0             | 90.0             |


set Command

The set command is used to set one or more configuration item values for one or more components provided the specified configuration items permit running-state modification.

[emanesh (node-1:47000)] ## help set

        The set command is used to set configuration elements that have
        been designated as modifiable.

        One or more configuration parameter value expressions can be

        usage: set config <targets> <layer> <expressions>
               <targets>     ::=  <nem> | <nem> <target> | 'nems' |
               <layer>       ::=  'all' | 'mac' | 'phy' | <shim>
               <nem>         ::=  [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]+
               <shim>        ::=  'shim'[0-9]+
               <nem>         ::=  [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]+
               <expressions> ::=  <expression> | <expression> <expressions>
               <expression>  ::= <name>'='<values>
               <name>        ::= [.A-Za-z0-9]+
               <values>      ::= <value> | <value>','<values>
               <value>       ::= value-string

          Set the txpower parameter for all NEM phy layers
          ## set config nems phy txpower=20

          Set the cwmin0 and cwmax0 parameters for NEM 1, 2 and 3 mac layers
          ## set config 1 2 3 mac cwmin0=100 cwmax0=200

To set the txpower of all physical layer instances to 30dBm with before and after configuration item gets for illustrative purposes:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems phy txpower
nem 1   phy  txpower = 0.0
nem 2   phy  txpower = 0.0
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## set config nems phy txpower=30
nem 1   phy  configuration udpated
nem 2   phy  configuration udpated
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems phy txpower
nem 1   phy  txpower = 30.0
nem 2   phy  txpower = 30.0

Don't worry if you make a mistake. Depending on the type of error, either emanesh or the Remote Control Port will catch it.

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems mac txpower
nem 1   mac  Unknown configuration parameter: txpower
nem 2   mac  Unknown configuration parameter: txpower
nem 3   mac  Unknown configuration parameter: txpower
nem 4   mac  Unknown configuration parameter: txpower
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## show
nem 1   mac(ieee80211abgmaclayer) phy(emanephy)
nem 2   mac(ieee80211abgmaclayer) phy(emanephy)
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## set config * mac cwmin0=1025
nem 1   mac  Validator failure: cwmin0 must be less than cwmax0
nem 2   mac  Validator failure: cwmin0 must be less than cwmax0
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## set config 1 2 phy systemnoisefigure=4.1
nem 1   phy  Parameter not running state modifiable systemnoisefigure
nem 2   phy  Parameter not running state modifiable systemnoisefigure


clear Command

The clear command is used to clear statistics and statistic tables that allow external clearing.

[emanesh (node-1:47000)] ## help clear

        The clear command is used to clear statistic elements that have
        been designated as clearable.

        Optional target-specific statistic element names can be specified.
        When no names are specified all clearable statistic elements will
        be cleared.

        usage: clear stat <targets> <layer> [<target-specific>]
               <type>            ::=  'stat' | 'table'
               <targets>         ::=  <nem> | <nem> <target> | 'emulator' |
                                      'nems'| '*'
               <layer>           ::=  'all' | 'mac' | 'phy' | <shim>
               <nem>             ::=  [1-9] | [1-9][0-9]+
               <shim>            ::=  'shim'[0-9]+
               <target-specific> ::= <names> | ''
               <names>           ::= <name> | <name> <names>
               <name>            ::= [A-Za-z0-9]+

          Clear all statistics from all NEM layers and the emulator
          ## clear stat * all

          Clear all statistics from all NEM mac layers
          ## clear stat nems mac

          Clear two statistic items from the phy layers of NEM 1 and 2
          ## clear stat 1 2 phy processedEvents processedDownstreamControl

The clear command is similar in usage to the get command. You can only clear statistics and statistic tables.

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get stat 1 2 phy processedEvents
nem 1   phy  processedEvents = 1
nem 2   phy  processedEvents = 1
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## clear stat 1 2 phy processedEvents
nem 1   phy  statistics cleared
nem 2   phy  statistics cleared
[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get stat 1 2 phy processedEvents
nem 1   phy  processedEvents = 0
nem 2   phy  processedEvents = 0


loglevel Command

The loglevel command is used to dynamically change the emulator's log level. If you are running a daemonized instance of the emulator and not logging to file, loglevel changes will have no affect.

emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## help loglevel

        The loglevel command is used to set the emulator loglevel.

          0 - No log messages
          1 - Abort log messages
          2 - Error log messages
          3 - Info log messages
          4 - Debug log messages

        usage: loglevel [0,4]

          ## loglevel 4


info Command

The info command is used to display descriptive information about component configuration items, statistics and statistic tables. The information displayed comes from plugin manifests which are XML files generated from plugin DLLs and loaded on emanesh startup.

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## help info

        The info command is used to display information loaded from plugin
        manifest files. There are four types of info commands: manifest,
        config, stat and table. The manifest info command is used to display
        the names of discovered plugins. The config, stat and table info
        commands are used to display plugin specific item descriptions.

        The config, stat and table info commands use a single optional
        plugin-specific name parameter:
        * config name specifies a configuration parameter name
        * stat name specifies a statistic element name
        * table name specifies a table name

        When no name is specified all known names are listed.

        usage: info <type> <plugin> [<plugin-specific>]
               <type>            ::=  'config' | 'stat' | 'table'
               <plugin>          ::=  plugin-name
               <plugin-specific> ::= <names>
               <names>           ::= <name> | <name> <names> 
               <name>            ::= [A-Za-z0-9]+

               info 'manifest'

          ## info manifest
          ## info config rfpipemaclayer
          ## info config rfpipemaclayer neighbormetricdeletetime
          ## info stat emanephy processedEvents

Use info manifest to list the currently loaded plugin manifests:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## info manifest

   Loaded plugin manifests


You can get a listing of available configuration, statistics or static tables for a given plugin:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## info config rfpipemaclayer

   Available configuration parameters for rfpipemaclayer


You can get specific configuration, statistics or static tables descriptions as well:

[emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## info config emanephy noisemode

    Configuration parameter information for emanephy noisemode

    Defines the noise processing mode of operation: none, all or outofband.

     default   : True
     required  : False
     modifiable: False
     type      : string
     regex     : ^(none|all|outofband)$
     occurs    : [1,1]
     default   : all  


Shell Commands from the Command Line

You can run emanesh commands from the command line in a manner similar to ssh:

$ emanesh localhost get stat nems all processedEvents processedTimedEvents processedDownstreamPackets processedUpstreamPackets
nem 1   mac  processedDownstreamPackets = 0
nem 1   mac  processedEvents = 0
nem 1   mac  processedTimedEvents = 58916
nem 1   mac  processedUpstreamPackets = 0
nem 1   phy  processedDownstreamPackets = 0
nem 1   phy  processedEvents = 0
nem 1   phy  processedTimedEvents = 0
nem 1   phy  processedUpstreamPackets = 0
nem 2   mac  processedDownstreamPackets = 0
nem 2   mac  processedEvents = 0
nem 2   mac  processedTimedEvents = 58916
nem 2   mac  processedUpstreamPackets = 0
nem 2   phy  processedDownstreamPackets = 0
nem 2   phy  processedEvents = 0
nem 2   phy  processedTimedEvents = 0
nem 2   phy  processedUpstreamPackets = 0


Manifest XML Search Path

emansh will look for Manifest XML files in /usr/share/emane/manifest. The EMANEMANIFESTPATH environment variable can be used to specify your Manifest XML search path using a colon (:) separated directory list.

export EMANEMANIFESTPATH:/usr/share/emane/manifest:/path/to/your/local/model/manifests


emane Python Module

You can also reuse emane Python module classes in your own applications:
