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The EMulation EXecutor (EMEX) project aims to simplify and automate EMANE emulation execution. An EMEX client interacts with a server via the EMEXD API and Scenario API to run one or more (concurrent) emulations --- up to the limits of the server's resources. Both APIs are defined in a Google protocol buffer description file emex/emexd.proto and emex/emexscenario.proto.

EMEX sees an EMANE emulation as two distinct parts, the Electro-Magnetic Operating Environment (EMOE) and the Scenario. The EMOE describes the participants of the emulation, the Platforms that model physical RF emitting/receiving entities (radios, vehicles, airplanes, towers, satellites, etc) and their configurations. The Scenario describes the dynamic, time sequenced events of the emulation, especially platform motion, antenna pointing and communication traffic flows. Using the analogy of a chess game, the EMOE sets up the board and the Scenario plays the game. Each EMOE is executed within a Docker container. Multiple EMOEs may run in parallel on the same server.

This project contains the EMEX software.

  • The EMEX Daemon (emexd) which runs on an EMEX server and manages EMOEs on behalf of a client.
  • An example EMEX Client (emex) which can either run an emulation based on a YAML file definition, or interact with the Daemon from a shell to create an EMOE and interact with it on the fly.
  • The EMEX Container Daemon (emexcontainerd) which resides within each EMOE container instance and orchestrates the associated EMOE applications in conjunction with its controlling emexd
  • A Model Repository containing standardized EMANE waveform model configuration and platform type definitions.

EMEX Block Diagram{#emex-block-diagram}

Design Overview

EMOEs are constructed from EMEX Types. There are currently two:

A PlatformType notionally maps to a physical entity in the EMOE --- a handheld radio, a terrestrial or airborne vehicle or a communications tower (for example). A PlatformType may contain one or more Spectrum Dependent Systems (SDS) sub-components which move together when the containing PlatformType moves. Each SDS is modeled by a WaveformType which maps one-to-one with an underlying EMANE Radio Model. Each PlatformType includes its WaveformTypes as configurable (sub) Components. For example, the scr_rfpipe PlatformType models a Single Channel Radio (SCR) running the the RFPipe open source radio model.

Each Component contains configurable parameters organized in groups. Most of the parameters have sensible defaults to simplify construction. Creating a Platform instance from a PlatformType requires uniquely naming the Platform and (optionally) specifying values for Component parameters. Helper classes automatically assign values for IP addresses or NEM IDs on EMOE creation if the user has not done so manually.

An AntennaType names a directional antenna type that can be used to specify a gain pattern at all elevations and bearings relative to the Platform's orientation - see the description of the EMANE Antenna Profile. An Antenna can be added to the EMOE from an AntennaType by specifying values for its parameters - for example a sector antenna can be built by defining the antenna's horizonal and vertical beam width. Each defined Antenna must be given a unique name and this name is used to assign the antenna to a particular Component. All SDSs default to an ideal omni-directional antenna when none is specified.

Initial conditions may be assigned to each EMOE Platform to include the Platform's initial position, orientation and velocity (POV), bidirectional pathloss settings to other Platforms or initial antenna pointing (azimuth and elevation) for each of the Platform's components.

At startup, the EMEX client queries the server for available types from the Model Repository via the ModelTypesRequest message.

In the EMEXD API an EMOE instance is the fundamental transactional element between clients and servers. Each EMOE is in one of nine states:

EMOE State Diagram{#emex-state-diagram}

  1. QUEUED: emexd place an EMOE into the QUEUED state on reception of a valid StartEmoeRequest message for an EMOE that can be provisioned with current resources. The request is enqueued to a separate worker thread that executes the call to start the EMOE container. Start requests are serviced in FIFO order.

  2. CONNECTED: The EMOE enters the CONNECTED state when the emexcontainerd instance in the EMOE container establishes connection back to the controlling emexd. It signals that the EMOEs container successfully launched.

  3. STARTING: After connecting to the controlling emexd instance, emexcontainerd orchestrates the intantiation of the EMOE nodes and applications that comprise the scenario within the EMOE container. The STARTING state spans the duration of this process - from container launch to all applications ready for scenario input.

  4. RUNNING: The EMOE enters the RUNNING state once of the emulation applications are up and running and the EMOE is ready to accept scenario inputs.

  5. UPDATING: Placeholder state for a planned future capability for allowing new platforms to be added to a running EMOE. This is not currently implemented.

  6. STOPPING: An EMOE enters the STOPPING state triggered by a StopEmoeRequest. During this stopping state, the EMOE applications are halted and the EMOE container is stopped and removed. The EMOE STOPPING state is signaled by StopEmoeReply[result=PASS] or by an `EmoeStateTransitionEvent[state=STOPPING] in case of an internal error.

  7. STOPPED: An EMOE enters the STOPPED state once it's container has been stopped and removed. The EMOE STOPPED state is signaled by an EmoeStateTransitionEvent[state=STOPPED] event or determined via polling with listEmoes. Any EMOE that is no longer among the entries in a listEmoesReply is also implicitly in the STOPPED state.

  8. FAILED: An EMOE enters the FAILED state from the QUEUED state when emexd is unable to start the EMOEs container.

Once an EMOE reaches the RUNNING state, it opens control and monitor endpoints for control and monitoring by the client. These accessors endpoints are signaled from the Daemon to the Client in listEmoesReply message. The emexcontainerd endpoint is the access point for controlling Platform traffic flows, position, antenna pointing and pair-wise pathloss. These manipulations are performed via the Scenario API messages defined by emexscenario.proto.

The EMOE lifecycle then is characterized by an initial transaction to start the EMOE via the EMEXD API, a period of runtime manipulations via the Scenario API and finally stopping the EMOE again via the EMEXD API. The following diagram illustrates this sequence orchestrated by the emex run command discussed later.

EMOE Lifecycle Sequence{#emex-lifecycle-sequence}


Installing EMEX requires installing the emex package and building the emex container. EMEX is tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04. You will need to install git to clone the EMEX repository and (deb package, not snap - see Troubleshooting Notes) to run emulations. Be sure to add your user account to the docker group too.

Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04

# Install dependencies and add username to docker group
[user@host]$ sudo apt-get install git
[user@host]$ sudo usermod -aG docker YOURUSERNAME

# Clone the emex repository
[user@host]$ git clone

# Build and install the emex package
[user@host]$ cd emex
[user@host]$ ./; ./configure; make deb
[user@host]$ sudo dpkg -i .debbuild/emex_*all.deb; sudo apt-get install -f

# Run to build the emex docker image.
[user@host]$ cd docker
[user@host]$ ./
Building docker image emex:0.6.3
Successfully built b4fb7830e1f4
Successfully tagged emex:0.6.3
Successfully tagged emex:latest

# Verify emex image
[user@host]$ docker image ls emex
emex         0.6.3     b4fb7830e1f4   2 minutes ago   4.76GB
emex         latest    b4fb7830e1f4   2 minutes ago   4.76GB

Getting Started

The current release includes emexd and emexcontainerd and the sample client, emex. The emex shell command opens a shell to dynamically interact with an emexd instance to start and stop EMOEs. It will eventually be updated to interface with individual EMOEs over the Scenario API and direct runtime scenario events.

The emex run command executes an EMANE emulation from a user provided EMEX YAML file taken as input. The YAML file specifies the emulation platforms, their initial conditions (optional) and time-based commands that define the scenario's runtime traffic flows and mobility.


The listing below shows emexd.xml, the example emexd configuration file included with the release. It installs to PYTHONPATH/emex/emexd.xml. The file may be passed to emexd as a command line argument or be placed at /etce/emexd.xml. The configuration file is not required and the values listed are the defaults.

<!-- Example emexd configuration file showing defaults.  Pass to emexd
     with the -c option or place it at /etc/emexd.xml. -c option
     takes precedence over /etc/emexd.xml. emexd runs with the
     default values when no configuration file is provided. -->
  <!-- emexd endpoint for listening for client connections -->
  <client-listen address="" port="49901"/>

  <!-- emexd endpoint for listening for container connections.
       uses the default docker0 address -->
  <container-listen address="" port="49902"/>

  <!-- disable asynchronous state messages to clients. this should
       be false for all provided emex clients which operate in
       strict request/response order. -->
  <state-messages enable="false"/>

  <!-- specify as a range the cpus on the system available for allocating
       for containers. the maximum emexd will attempt to use
       is "1-MAXID" where MAXID is the max cpu id on the system.
       By default will use MAXID/4 to MAXID. Uncomment and change
       to a valid range on your system to customize.
  <allowed-cpus ids=""/>
  <!-- specify the host ports that emexd will bind to container ports
       to connect to clients -->
  <allowed-host-ports ports="9000-9999"/>

  <!-- use the named docker image to run EMOEs -->
  <docker-image name="emex:@VERSION@"/>

  <!-- emexd logging level, one of debug,info,warning or error -->
  <emexcontainerd-loglevel level="info"/>

  <!-- At startup and shutdown, stop and remove all containers with
       image name starting with "emex" (when set to true). When set to false,
       only stop and remove the containers controlled by this emexd instance
       at shutdown - the user may need to handle any orphaned
       containers separately. -->
  <stop-all-containers enable="true"/>

  <!-- emexd creates a subdirectory in /tmp/emex for each EMOE
       executed. the directory contains configuration and output artifacts -
       logs and raw data.  at the end of the scenario, emexd will keep or
       delete this directory as directed by this parameter - one of
       keep,delete,deleteonsuccess. The last setting will only delete the
       emex directory after a scenario that completes successfully, to help
       preserve artifacts to troubleshoot possible scenario errors.
       containers. -->
  <emexdirectory action="keep"/>

  <!-- One of {none, prefix, suffix}. emexd will form an EMOE container
       name with the EMOE ID and the EMOE name specified by the client when
       set to "prefix" or "suffix" - the ID is prepended/appended to the name
       accordingly. When set to none, the EMOE container name is the EMOE
       name set by the client. prefix is the default. -->
  <container-datetime-tag format="prefix"/>

The -h option lists emexd command line options. emexd runs in the foreground if no arguments are provided.

[user@host]$ emexd -h
usage: emexd [-d] [-p PIDFILE] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-f LOGFILE] [-l LOGLEVEL]

       -d:            run as daemon
       -p PIDFILE:    specify a pidfile
       -c CONFIGFILE: specify the emexd configuration file
       -f LOGFILE:    specify the emexd log file
       -l LOGFILE:    specify the log level, one of critical,
                      error, warning, info, debug, notset.
                      Default: info

[user@host]$ emexd
10:54:59.218 INFO: importing Plugin from waveform_resource.plugins.emex.emexd
10:54:59.218 INFO: initializing service
10:54:59.218 INFO: initialize
10:54:59.218 INFO: client_address=
10:54:59.218 INFO: client_port=49901
10:54:59.218 INFO: container_address=
10:54:59.218 INFO: container_port=49902
10:54:59.218 INFO: state_messages_enable=False
10:54:59.218 INFO: allowed_cpus={4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
10:54:59.218 INFO: allowed_host_ports bounds [9000, 9999]
10:54:59.218 INFO: docker_image=rockylinux.emex
10:54:59.218 INFO: emexcontainerd_loglevel=info
10:54:59.218 INFO: stop_all_containers=True
10:54:59.218 INFO: listening for clients on
10:54:59.218 INFO: listening for containers on
10:54:59.220 INFO: starting service
10:54:59.220 INFO: stopping all existing emex containers
10:54:59.221 INFO: main thread waiting

emexd (server) and emex (client) are written generally to run on separate hosts where (primary use case) the server is a headless, CPU rich machine. Frequently though they are run on the same machine.

emexd listens for clients on port 49901 by default. Additionally, each EMOE container opens endpoints from a pool of ports allocated to the controlling emexd via configuration (allowed-host-ports) - the default range for these is [9000, 9999]. Currently each EMOE requires a minimum of 4 ports.

Firewall rules may need to be changed to allow client/server transactions on these ports. See Troubleshooting Notes later.

emex run

"emex run" runs the emulation described by the EMEX YAML input file. After the name and description elements for naming and describing the scenario, the YAML file contains two main sections. Follow along with the RF Pipe YAML example below when reading through the format description.

The emoe section contains up to three subsections. The platforms subsection, the only one required, names the platforms that comprise the EMOE. Each platform entry starts with a unique platform name followed by fields for it's platform type (type - required) and a set of parameter value assignments (parameters - optional).

The optional antennas subsection lists uniquely named antennas generated from the Model Repository AntennaTypes by specfiying values for the type's parameters. Assign an antenna to a platform by name. Platforms default to use an ideal omni-directional antenna with 0db gain. The omni antenna name is available without specifying an antennas entry and can be augmented with a gain value when specified as omni_GAINVALUE, see the example below.

Use the optional initial_conditions subsection to assign initial position, orientation and velocity (pov), pairwise pathloss or antenna_pointing (azimuth and elevation) to any of the platform components. The definitions of these entries follows closely from the underlying EMANE meaning for these values. The format for each of the initial condition entries is described later in the YAML Scenario Sentence Formats section. The initial conditions formats duplicate the format used in the YAML scenario sections except for breaking out the initial condition type to group the initial conditions (pov, pathloss, antenna_pointing).

One import note on initial conditions. EMOE platforms are set to use the EMANE freespace propagation model by default, where pathloss between nodes is calculated from the distance between the nodes as set by their pov values. In this case, pathloss values passed as initial_conditions or in the scenario section are ignored. The example YAML file below demonstrates setting the EMANE propagation model to precomputed where the pathloss settings are used instead (and are required for any traffic to pass between platforms). For this setting, the pov values are optional but, when specified, are used to calculate propagation delay between platforms. Propagation delay is 0 otherwise.

The scenario section defines the time-based scenario events. Each event starts with the scenario time of execution with reference to T=0 as the time the EMOE starts running. The scenario block can include the initial_conditions event types as well as traffic events (flow_on, flow_off) and jamming events for jammer platforms (jam_on, jam_off). YAML Scenario Sentence Formats details the format of each event.

name: demo.rfpipe
description: |
    Four rfpipe nodes in a square with a sensor node at the center.

            1 --- 2
            |     |
            |  s  |
            |     |
            4 --- 3

    node 1, 3 and 4 are configured with a directional antenna,
    "sector_60_by_30_3dB" and node 2 has an omni with 20dB gain,

    While the node locations determine propagation delays between
    nodes, the demo is configured with propagationmodel=precomputed,
    which means the pathloss between nodes is set by the intial_conditions
    and scenario "pathloss" statements explicitly set the channel
    loss between nodes. This contrasts to "freespace", the default
    progagation model where pathloss is deterimend by inter-node
    distance and the transmitter frequency. The pathloss is set to
    90dB along the sides of the square and 120dB along the diagonals.

    rfpipe-001 and rfpipe-003 are initially pointed towards
    rfpipe-002.  rfpipe-004 is pointed towards rfpipe-003, which will
    not receive it (since it is pointing north).

    T=20 set all nodes to transmit multicast to all other nodes 5 times
         per second with randomized transmit times.

    T=40 start a unicast traffic flow from rfpipe-001 to rfpipe-002 and
         antenna pointing are changed so rfpipe-001 and rfpipe-003 are
         pointed towards rfpipe-004. rfpipe-004 is pointed diagonally
         across the square towards rfpipe-002.

    T=60 the pathloss between rfpipe-001 and rfpipe-004 is increased to
         200 to break the link.

    T=80 all nodes move one position clockwise. Antenna pointings are
         changed so that all nodes point at rfpipe-002.

    T=110 all flows are stopped

    T=120 end the scenario

            type: sector
                gain: 3.0
                horizontal_beamwidth: 60.0
                vertical_beamwidth: 30.0
            type: scr_rfpipe
                r1.rm.rxfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txpower: 20.0
                r1.phy.propagationmodel: precomputed
                r1.phy.antenna0: sector_60_by_30_3dB
            type: scr_rfpipe
                r1.rm.rxfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txpower: 20.0
                r1.phy.propagationmodel: precomputed
                r1.phy.antenna0: omni_20.0
            type: scr_rfpipe
                r1.rm.rxfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txpower: 20.0
                r1.phy.propagationmodel: precomputed
                r1.phy.antenna0: sector_60_by_30_3dB
                r1.phy.antenna0_east: 5
            type: scr_rfpipe
                r1.rm.rxfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txfrequency: 2050000000
                r1.rm.txpower: 20.0
                r1.phy.propagationmodel: precomputed
                r1.phy.antenna0: sector_60_by_30_3dB
                r1.phy.antenna0_north: 10
            type: h_spectrum_monitor
                r1.phy.propagationmodel: precomputed

        pov: |
            rfpipe-001  37.005 -109.050 3.0
            rfpipe-002  37.005 -109.040 3.0
            rfpipe-003  36.995 -109.040 3.0
            rfpipe-004  36.995 -109.050 3.0
            sensor-001  37.000 -109.045 3.0
        pathloss: |
            rfpipe-001  rfpipe-002:90 rfpipe-003:120 rfpipe-004:90  sensor-001:80
            rfpipe-002                rfpipe-003:90  rfpipe-004:120 sensor-001:80
            rfpipe-003                               rfpipe-004:90  sensor-001:80
            rfpipe-004                                              sensor-001:80
        antenna_pointing: |
            rfpipe-001  90.0 0.0
            rfpipe-003   0.0 0.0
            rfpipe-004  90.0 0.0

    20.0: |
        flow_on name=SA source=rfpipe-* destination=rfpipe-* proto=multicast ttl=4 periodic 5.0 512
    40.0: |
        flow_on name=flow1 source=rfpipe-001 destination=rfpipe-002 proto=udp periodic 10.0 256
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-001  180.0 0.0
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-003  270.0 0.0
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-004   45.0 0.0
    60.0: |
        pathloss  rfpipe-001  rfpipe-002:90 rfpipe-003:120 rfpipe-004:120 sensor-001:80
        pathloss  rfpipe-002                rfpipe-003:90  rfpipe-004:120 sensor-001:80
        pathloss  rfpipe-003                               rfpipe-004:90  sensor-001:80
        pathloss  rfpipe-004                                              sensor-001:80
    80.0: |
        pov rfpipe-004  37.005 -109.050 3.0
        pov rfpipe-001  37.005 -109.040 3.0
        pov rfpipe-002  36.995 -109.040 3.0
        pov rfpipe-003  36.995 -109.050 3.0
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-001  180.0 0.0
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-003   90.0 0.0
        antenna_pointing rfpipe-004  135.0 0.0
    110.0: |
        flow_off name=SA
        flow_off name=flow1
    120.0: |

It's helpful to understand that the emoe and scenario sections of the YAML file are handled separately by the two APIs shown in the EMEX block diagram and lifecycle sequence earlier. All of the emoe information is exchanged with the serving emexd via the EMEXD API and is used to launch the EMOE within it's container. This is achieved by translating the emoe YAML block to application configuration files that are written to the config directory in a timestamped subdirectory of /tmp/emex on the server where the EMOE container runs. If you are digging under-the-hood, it can be helpful to inspect these configurations to understand how they connect to the YAML and to the underlying applications running within the container.

After a successful StartEmoe request/reply exchange via the EMEX API, the Client polls emexd to determine the EMOE is running, then attaches to the EMOE emexcontainerd access point. The YAML scenario section events then are conveyed over the Scenario API directly to the container as the scenario unfolds.

MGEN, RFSignal and EMOE health statistics will be collected from the running EMOE over the otestpoint-publish accessor endpoint when the "--monitor" options is specified; when "emex run" is launched it will exec the emex-monitor script to collect these statistics automatically. The data is written locally to an SQLITE file where the statistics are saved at a periodic time interval (default 5 seconds) with reported values as sums or averages over the interval.

Alternatively, statistics can be captured and printed to stdout using the emex-jsonclient-simple script. The script connects to the emex-jsonserver accessor endpoint.

EMEX Statistic Table Descriptions describes the table values.

[user@host]$ emex-jsonclient-simple
{'apiqueuemetrics': [{'avg_queue_depth': 1.0000000000000004,
                      'avg_queue_wait': 69.13580246913585,
                      'avg_timer_latency': 206.7931034482758,
                      'avg_timer_latency_ratio': 0.03993356777575714,
                      'component': 'rfpipe-003-r1',
                      'num_processed': 81,
                      'num_queued': 81,
                      'num_timer_events': 29,
                      'time': 1690497210},
 'mgen_rx': [{'avg_latency': 0.005097309748331706,
              'bytes': 9216,
              'completion': 1.0,
              'destination': '',
              'dup_bytes': 0,
              'dup_packets': 0,
              'flow': 10201,
              'max_sequence': 17,
              'min_sequence': 0,
              'packets': 18,
              'protocol': 'udp',
              'receiver': 'rfpipe-003-r1',
              'source': 'rfpipe-002',
              'time': 1690497210},
 'mgen_tx': [{'bytes': 9216,
              'destination': '',
              'flow': 10301,
              'max_sequence': 17,
              'min_sequence': 0,
              'packets': 18,
              'protocol': 'udp',
              'source': 'rfpipe-003-r1',
              'source_port': 5001,
              'time': 1690497210},
 'rfsignaltable': [{'avg_inr_dB': 0.0,
                    'avg_noise_floor_dBm': -110.0,
                    'avg_rx_power_dBm': -47.0,
                    'avg_sinr_dB': 63.0,
                    'component': 'rfpipe-003-r1',
                    'remote': 'rfpipe-002-r1',
                    'samples': 26,
                    'time': 1690497210},

emex run requires two arguments, a unique EMOE tag (the underlying Docker container name is formed from this tag) and the input YAML file. The example below also shows the monitor option to run the EMEX monitor.

[user@host]$ emex run --monitor emoe1 emex-scenario-rfpipe-emane-events.yml
17:56:44.431 INFO: search platforms_paths ['/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/emex/data/yml']
                   for yml definitions
17:56:44.487 INFO: emoe1 requires 5 cpus from server that has 12 available from
                   12 total allocated to it
17:56:44.825 INFO: emoe1 successfully started with message "started emoe "emoe1"
                   using 5 cpus.".
 22 emoe1 state: RUNNING
17:57:06.867 INFO: ###############
17:57:06.867 INFO: handle: host.20230727T175644
17:57:06.867 INFO: name: emoe1
17:57:06.867 INFO: state: RUNNING
17:57:06.867 INFO: cpus: 5
17:57:06.867 INFO: accesors:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    emane-node-view:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    emex-jsonserver:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    emexcontainerd:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    otestpoint-discovery:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    otestpoint-publish:
17:57:06.867 INFO:    sensor-001-h1:
17:57:06.867 INFO: ###############
17:57:06.870 INFO: Connecting to emoe at ('', 9002)
17:57:06.870 INFO: run demo.rfpipe
17:57:26.878 INFO: event time=20.0
17:57:26.948 INFO:
   flow_name  active  flow_id      source destination  tos  ttl
0         SA    True    10101  rfpipe-001  rfpipe-002    0    4
1         SA    True    10101  rfpipe-001  rfpipe-003    0    4
2         SA    True    10101  rfpipe-001  rfpipe-004    0    4
3         SA    True    10201  rfpipe-002  rfpipe-001    0    4
4         SA    True    10201  rfpipe-002  rfpipe-003    0    4
5         SA    True    10201  rfpipe-002  rfpipe-004    0    4  ...
6         SA    True    10301  rfpipe-003  rfpipe-001    0    4
7         SA    True    10301  rfpipe-003  rfpipe-002    0    4
8         SA    True    10301  rfpipe-003  rfpipe-004    0    4
9         SA    True    10401  rfpipe-004  rfpipe-001    0    4
10        SA    True    10401  rfpipe-004  rfpipe-002    0    4
11        SA    True    10401  rfpipe-004  rfpipe-003    0    4
17:59:06.957 INFO: Output data written to host.20230727T175644-emoe1
17:59:06.957 INFO: scenario complete, stopping emoe
17:59:06.957 INFO: emoe1 stopped.

This scenario includes an EMANE spectrum-monitor platform which publishes EMANE OTA energy information based on its position and configuration within the EMOE. It's publish endpoint is listed among the EMOE accessors (sensor-001-h1: and can be accessed with the emane-spectrum-analyzer GUI.

[user@host]$ emane-spectrum-analyzer --hz-min 2040000000 \
                                     --hz-max 2110000000 \
									 --hz-step 200000 \

EMANE Spectrum Analyzer

The captured statistic data is written, by default, to a timestamped directory in the current working directory (format EMEXDSERVER.TIMESTAMP). The data is contained as multiple tables in a single sqlite3 data base file.

[user@host]$ sqlite3 host.20230727T175644-emoe1/emex-monitor.sqlite
SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

sqlite> .tables
apiqueuemetrics  mgen_rx          rfsignalmetrics
mgen_flows       mgen_tx

sqlite> .schema mgen_rx
"time" INTEGER,
  "source" TEXT,
  "flow" INTEGER,
  "receiver" TEXT,
  "destination" TEXT,
  "packets" INTEGER,
  "bytes" INTEGER,
  "dup_packets" INTEGER,
  "dup_bytes" INTEGER,
  "avg_latency" REAL,
  "min_sequence" INTEGER,
  "max_sequence" INTEGER,
  "protocol" TEXT,
  "completion" REAL

sqlite> select * from mgen_rx;

The emane-node-view assessor can be used to monitor node positions from a web-browser while the EMOE is running:

EMANE Node View

emex shell

"emex shell" launches a CLI client for dynamically building and launching EMOEs. Use the address and port command line arguments if emexd is not running locally.

[user@host]$ emex shell -h
usage: emex shell [-h] [--address ADDRESS] [--port PORT]

Simple CLI emexd RPC client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --address ADDRESS  IPV4 address of the emexd server. Default:
  --port PORT        Listening port of the emexd server. Default: 49901.

help lists available commands.

(emex): help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
addlabel       help                   listplatforms      startemoe
buildplatform  listantennatypes       listplatformtypes  stopemoe
checkemoe      listemoes              setantenna
clear          listinitialconditions  setlocation
exit           listmodels             setparam

The client workflow is to build a set of platforms with their initial conditions, incorporate them into an EMOE and execute them on the server.

The client connects to the serving emexd on launch and queries the available model types. listmodels lists their names and listplatformtypes and listantennatypes lists details, especially configurable parameters. In the listing below, the scr platforms types represent a Single Channel Radio type, bs is a base station (here an LTE eNB base station). h is a host platform type. The host type is expected to be a platform category type for defining non-radio platforms. The only host type currently is an LTE ePC, the built network endpoint for communicating with LTE UE nodes.

(emex): listmodels
#### PlatformTypes

#### AntennasTypes

(emex): listplatformtypes scr_rfpipe
name: scr_rfpipe
template: single_channel_radio
    Single Platform Container for running an RF Pipe radio.
    name: r1
    type: waveform
    value: rfpipe
            cpus: [1]
            nemid: []
            propagationmodel: [freespace]
            subid: [300]
            antenna0: [omni]
            antenna0_north: [0.0]
            antenna0_east: [0.0]
            antenna0_up: [0.0]
            datarate: [1000000]
            delay: [0.0]
            jitter: [0.0]
            txpower: [0.0]
            rxfrequency: [2347000000]
            txfrequency: [2347000000]
            bandwidth: [1000000]
            ipv4address: []
            ipv4mask: []
            device: [emane0]

Use buildplatform, setparam, setlocation to build the EMOE from the ground up. listplatforms and listinitialconditions displays the current build set and clear resets it.

(emex): buildplatform rfpipe-01 scr_rfpipe

(emex): setlocation rfpipe-01 24.6288 -82.8738 3.0

(emex): listplatforms rfpipe-01
name: rfpipe-01
type: scr_rfpipe
    name: r1
    emex_type: waveform
    emex_type_value: rfpipe
            cpus: [1]
            nemid: []
            propagationmodel: [freespace]
            subid: [300]
            antenna0: [omni]
            antenna0_north: [0.0]
            antenna0_east: [0.0]
            antenna0_up: [0.0]
            datarate: [1000000]
            delay: [0.0]
            jitter: [0.0]
            txpower: [0.0]
            rxfrequency: [2347000000]
            txfrequency: [2347000000]
            bandwidth: [1000000]
            ipv4address: []
            ipv4mask: []
            device: [emane0]

Finally start the EMOE.

(emex): buildplatform rfpipe-02 scr_rfpipe

(emex): setlocation rfpipe-02 24.6288 -82.8748 3.0

(emex): startemoe emoe1
Client: Sending StartEmoeRequest
Emoe emoe1: started emoe "emoe1" using 2 cpus.

(emex): listemoes
Client: Sending ListEmoesRequest
emexd server:
total cpus: 12
available cpus: 10
handle: host.20230317T153939
name: emoe1
cpus: 2

Each EMOE is launched in a docker container that takes the EMOE name.

[user@host]$ docker container list --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}"
e4637dbeea7b   emex:0.1.5   emoe1

stopemoe tears down the EMOE and releases CPUs back to the Daemon.

(emex): stopemoe host.20230317T153939
Client: Sending StopEmoeRequest
Emoe emoe1: stopping emoe "emoe1".

(emex): listemoes
Client: Sending ListEmoesRequest
emexd server:
total cpus: 12
available cpus: 12

Exiting emex shell disconnects from Daemon, which automatically stops all of the EMOEs associated with the client.

YAML Scenario Sentence Formats


The flow_on event starts one or more traffic flows as described by the event arguments. EMEX uses MGEN for traffic generation. The EMEX flow_on pattern arguments closely adhere to a subset of the corresponding MGEN types.

The EMEX YAML flow_on syntax permits the wildcard * to appear in source and destination names as a convenience to start multiple similar flows with one sentence. The flow_on event name parameter can be used to assign a name to the flow(s) started. EMEX stores the name and uses it to stop all associated flows when the name is included in a flow_stop events.

    format:   [name=NAME] source=SOURCE destination=DESTINATION proto=PROTO \
              [ttl=TTL] [TOS=tos] \

              PROTO is one of {udp,tcp,multicast}

              PATTERN is one of:
                 periodic - rate_msgs_per_second size_bytes
                 poission - average_rate_msgs_per_second size_bytes
                 jitter   - rate_msgs_per_second size_bytes jitter_fracion

              jitter_fraction is in range [0.0, 0.5]

    example1: Start a multicast flow between all rfpipe nodes sending 5 messages per
	          second, 512 bytes long. Randomize the message transmit times.

              flow_on name=SA source=rfpipe* destination=rfpipe* proto=multicast ttl=4 \
                      jitter 5.0 512 0.5

    example2: Start a periodic UDP flow from rfpipe-001 to rfpipe-002 of 10 messages
              per second, 256 bytes long.

              flow_on name=flow1 source=rfpipe-001 destination=rfpipe-002 proto=udp \
                      periodic 10.0 256

One thing to note, EMEX assigns unique MGEN flow identifiers to each flow it handles. It also automatically handles starting the corresponding MGEN LISTEN and or JOIN events on receivers prior to executing the MGEN ON event to the transmitter. The field specific values are exposed in the traffic statistics captured by the EMEX monitor and saved in the SQLITE file.


The flow_off event stops the flows associated with the flow(s) name provided as an argument. The name must be one indiciated in a prior flow_on event.

    format:  flow_off name=NAME

    example: Stop the SA flows set up above.

             flow_off name=SA


The pov event set the target PLATFORM position, orientation and velocity. Only the position values are required.

   format:  pov PLATFORM latitude longitude altitude \
                         [azimuth [elevation [magnitude [pitch [roll [yaw]]]]]]

   example: Place rfpipe-002 near four corners (Utah, Colorado,
            New Mexico, Arizona)

            pov rfpipe-002 37.000 -109.045 3.0


The pathloss event sets the bidirectional pathloss (dB) between the target PLATFORM and REMOTE_PLATFORMs named in the arguments. Where a PLATFORM contains more than one COMPONENT, the [-COMPONENT] suffix may be added to any PLATFORM to specify which sub-component the pathloss applies to. With no suffix, the pathloss applies to all of the platform's components. Best practice is to exclude the suffix when the platform has only one component, which is true of all defined platform's at the time of this writing.


    example: Set the bidirectional pathloss to 80dB between rfpipe 1 and 2.

             pathloss rfpipe-001 rfpipe-002:80


The antenna_pointing event sets the target PLATFORM azimuth (degrees 0 to 359) and elevation (degrees -90 to 90) antenna pointing setting.

Note that the antenna_pointing command does not contain an EMANE antenna profile ID. EMEX stores the antenna configuration and assignment from the EMOE definition and applies the correct profile ID to the target platform.

    format: antenna_pointing PLATFORM[-COMPONENT] azimuth_deg elevation_deg

    example: Set rfpipe-001 antenna pointing to 45 degrees azimuth and -20
             degrees elevation

             rfpipe-001 45.0 -20.0


The jam_on event starts a new jamming transmission pattern from the target JAMMER_PLATFORM. Where the JAMMER_PLATFORM contains more than one component, the components can be individually targetted by adding the -COMPONENT suffix. All components receive the command when no -COMPONENT suffix is specified.

A jammer transmits on one or more frequency bands with equal power and bandwidth. The transmission pattern can be made to alternated between on and off periods that are defined by the jamming period (max 1000000 usecs = 1 second) and duty cycle (0 to 100).

The transmission pattern specified by the jam_on event entirely replaces the previous jam_on pattern issued to the jammer; a jam_off event is not required in between to change the jammer's pattern.

    format:  jam_on JAMMER_PLATFORM[-COMPONENT] txpower_dBm bandwidth_hz \
                                                period_usec duty_cycle \

    example: Set jammer-001 to transmit 1MHz wide bands at 20dBm
             centered at 2.050 and 2.090 GHz for a duration of 10 msec
             starting every 20 msec (50 % duty cycle).

             jam_on jammer-001 20.0 1000000 20000 50 2050000000,2090000000


The jam_off event halts all jamming transmissions from the target JAMMER_PLATFORM.

    format:  jam_off JAMMER_PLATFORM[-COMPONENT]

    example: Turn off jammer-001.

             jam_off jammer-001


The end event signals the end of the scenario. The emex client will close its connection to emexd and return when it encounters the end event. The EMOE container will be stopped and removed by emexd.

EMEX Statistic Table Descriptions

EMEX captures statistics at regular intervals from the EMOE platforms and components. In general, counts and averages in these reports are taken over the report interval.


In the emane application, each layer of the emulated node runs in a single thread with a queue to which all API events are fed - upstream and downstream packets, expired timers, external events, etc. Each layer has a common set of counters and averages for evaluating the responsiveness of the layer processing. The apiqueuemetrics table presents these metrics for the radio model layer.

  • time: The report interval timestamp.
  • component: The hostname of the reporting platform component.
  • num_queued: The number of events added to the queue during the interval.
  • num_processed: The number of events processed/dequeued during the interval.
  • avg_queue_depth: The average depth of the event queue over the interval at the time an event is serviced (1.0 is best case).
  • avg_queue_wait: For events processed during the interval, the average time spent in the queue (dequeue_time - enqueue_time). In microseconds.
  • num_timer_events: The number of timer events handled during the interval. Note - some radio models do not require timers, so this value and the following latency values will always be 0.
  • avg_timer_latency: The average time past the scheduled wake up time that a timer event is dequeued for all timer events handled during the interval. In microseconds.
  • avg_timer_latency_ratio: The same as avg_timer_latency except that each latency is divided by the duration of the timer request of the corresponding event. This permits monitoring the heuristic observation that timer latency may depend on timer duration.


The mgen_rx table tabulates statistics for packets and bytes received during the report interval at each platform component and distinguished by traffic flow.

  • time: The report interval timestamp.
  • source: The host name of the platform component transmitting the flow.
  • receiver: The host name of the receiving platform component.
  • destination: The IP destination of the traffic flow. For unicast (udp/tcp proto) flows, this will be the hostname of the receiving platform component. For multicast, this will be the receiving multicast address.
  • flow: A traffic flow identifier. EMEX assigns these internally. For unicast flows each flow number identifies a transmitter and receive pair uniquely (though multiple flow are possible beteen any such pair). For multicast flows, the flow number uniquely identifies and transmitter and multicast destination address.
  • min_sequence: Traffic flow packets are labeled with unique incrementing sequence numbers. This is the minimum sequence number received during the interval. min_sequence will be reported with a value of -1 in an interval when no packets are received (packets == 0).
  • max_sequence: Traffic flow packets are labeled with unique incrementing sequence numbers. This is the maximum sequence number received during the interval. max_sequence will be reported with a value of -1 in an interval when no packets are received (packets == 0).
  • protocol: The protocol type of the flow - udp, tcp or multicast.
  • packets: Total number of packets received during the interval.
  • bytes: Total bytes received during the interval.
  • dup_packets: Total number of packets received in duplicate during the interval
  • dup_bytes: Total number of bytes received in duplicate during the interval.
  • avg_latency: Average packet latency for packets received during the interval.
  • completion: Packet completion rate during the interval.


The mgen_tx table tabulates statistics for packets and bytes transmitted during the report interval at each platform component and distinguished by traffic flow.

  • time: The report interval timestamp.
  • source: The host name of the platform component transmitting the flow.
  • destination: The IP destination of the traffic flow. For unicast (udp/tcp proto) flows, this will be the hostname of the receiving platform component. For multicast, this will be the receiving multicast address.
  • flow: A flow number uniquely identifying the traffic flow. EMEX assigns these internally. For unicast flows.
  • min_sequence: Traffic flow packets are labeled with unique incrementing sequence numbers. This is the minimum sequence number transmitted during the interval.
  • max_sequence: Traffic flow packets are labeled with unique incrementing sequence numbers. This is the maximum sequence number transmitted during the interval.
  • protocol: The protocol type of the flow - udp, tcp or multicast.
  • source_port: The transmit port number of the flow.
  • packets: Total number of packets sent during the interval.
  • bytes: Total bytes transmitted during the interval.


Most EMANE Radio Models configure the EMANE Physical layer to record energy on the OTA channel in time/frequency bins that overlap receive packets. The Radio Models use this information to determine receive packet signal to interference+noise (SINR) and corresponding packet reception probability. The rfsignaltable records averages for various quantities for receive packets processed during the interval distinguished by transmitter (remote).

  • time: The report interval timestamp.
  • component: The hostname of the reporting (receiving) platform component.
  • remote: The hostname of the transmitting platform component.
  • samples: The number of receive packets processed during the interval.
  • avg_noise_floor_dBm: The average noise floor overlapping the time and frequency extents of receive packets processed during the interval. Note, this is the same as the configured receive sensitivity as determined by the configured receive bandwidth and noise figure. It is included for convenience and will be constant.
  • avg_rx_power_dBm: The average receive power of receive packets processed during the interval.
  • avg_sinr_dB: The average SINR of receive packets processed during the interval. This is the packet receive power less the residual noise of time frequency bins overlapping the packet's extent.
  • avg_inr_dB: The average interference to noise ratio for time/frequency bins overlapping receive packets processed during the interval. This is a measure of interfering noise above the noise floor overlapping with receve packets processed. In the absence of interference it will be 0.0.


For time division multiple access (TDMA), time-slot based waveforms, the portion of the slot when transmit or receive processing completes sometimes serves as a useful measure of the ability of the model to "keep up" with the computational load. The slottiminghistogram bins these times as a percentage of the slot duration. Only TDMA based waveforms report this table.

It is generally desirable for processing to complete as early as possible and especially before the end of the slot, though the histogram shape varies by waveform. In any case, for a given waveform the histogram tallies will shift later as load increases. The table can help to monitor for a threshold limit to emulation size and/or traffic load.

  • time: The report interval timestamp.
  • component: The hostname of the reporting platform component.
  • type: The slot type - transmit (TX), receive (RX) or combined transmit and receive (TXRX) - LTE, for example, processes all transmissions and receptions in aggregate on each slot.
  • .25: Processing completes within the first quarter of the slot.
  • .50: Processing completes within the second quarter of the slot.
  • .75: Processing completes within the third quarter of the slot.
  • 1.0: Processing completes within the fourth quarter of the slot.
  • >1.0: Processing time completes after completion of the slot.

Troubleshooting Notes

Ubuntu Docker snap versus deb package

Currently EMEX is only supported and tested for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04. EMEX requires Docker ( package) to be installed on the host system where emexd runs and launches EMOE containers.

Ubuntu allows Docker to be installed as a traditional deb package (apt-get install) or as a snap (snap install). EMEX is only tested using the debs package:

    sudo apt-get install

A reported attempt to use the snap install of failed as the launched EMOE containers were unable to connect with their controlling emexd instance.

Add your user name to the docker group:

    sudo usermod -aG docker YOURUSERNAME

Check that the docker service is running:

    docker systemctl status docker.service

If docker is running it will launch a docker0 interface with default address

    ip a show docker0
    5: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group
        link/ether 02:42:79:d6:b9:76 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global docker0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fe80::42:79ff:fed6:b976/64 scope link
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Ports and firewalls

The EMEX Daemon (emexd) listens for connections from clients (emex) and container daemon instances (emexcontainerd) to operate. As for any client server system, local firewall rules may need adjustment to allow the system to work within the constraints of local security requirements.

emexd listens for client connections on port 49901 (configurable). Also, a set of ports is allocated for each launched EMOE container to allow connections from the client for sending scenario evens to the EMOE. These ports are allocated from a (configurable) pool of ports which defaults to the range 9000-9999. Here are example iptables rules to open the emexd client listen port and a couple of container ports for a hypothetical server where emexd is listening on device eth0 at address

# open the emexd client listen port
[user@host]$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s \
                                      -d -i eth0 -p tcp \
									  -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 49901 \
									  -j ACCEPT

# open the first 11 emoe accessor ports
[user@host]$ for i in `seq 9000 9010`; \
             do \
             sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s \
                                      -d -i eth0 -p tcp \
                                      -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport $i \
                                      -j ACCEPT; \

On some systems, local firewall rules also block connections between emexd and the emexcontainerd instances running locally within launched EMOE containers. These connections occur over the internal Docker bridge network which is usually connected to the host docker0 device and assigned the address

[user@host]$ ip a show docker0
5: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default
    link/ether 02:42:41:28:99:b2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global docker0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:41ff:fe28:99b2/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

emexd receives connection on port 49902 (configurable) on this device:

# open the emexd container listen port
[user@host]$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s \
                                      -d -i docker0 -p tcp \
									  -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 49902 \
									  -j ACCEPT

srsRAN-emane and sctp

The srsRAN-emane software included in the pre-built EMEX Docker image depends on the Linux SCTP kernel module for handling various interal communications. This is an instance where a pre-built image may be incompatible with the sctp module installed on a target EMEX host due to a mismatch with the libsctp library installed on the build system. A solution is to rebuild the EMEX Docker image locally from source. Directions and Dockerfiles wlll be provided with EMEX releases to do so. Access is needed to GitHub to clone many of the Adjacent Link GitHub projects during build.


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