The Lightweight Experiment Template Configuration Environment (letce2) provides a hierarchical mechanism for generating experiment configuration using the Mako template engine.
This tutorial provides a set of experiments to introduce how to use letce2:
Experiment 00 is a configuration generation experiment that generates input files used by a separate test control system:
- exp-00: 5 node EMANE IEEE 802.11abg configuration generation.
Experiments 01 through 04 are runnable experiments that use the letce2 LXC experiment control plugin, letce2-plugin-lxc, which adds features and templates necessary to define and execute experiments:
exp-01: 10 node EMANE IEEE 802.11abg experiment.
exp-02: 10 node TDMA Event Scheduler experiment.
exp-03: 3 node EMANE IEEE 802.11abg experiment with a host application container hanging off each radio container.
exp-04: 10 node EMANE IEEE 802.11abg and TDMA experiment featuring emane-spectrum-tools.
exp-05: 3 node EMANE IEEE 802.11abg experiment with a host application container hanging off of each radio container using IPv6 host addresses.
In order to run the example experiments, you must install letce2 and letce2-plugin-lxc either from source or from pre-built binaries distributed within the latest EMANE bundles.
This tutorial project is not an introduction to EMANE. Detailed EMANE information is available from the EMANE Wiki and the EMANE Tutorial.
Each letce2 node generated using letce2-plugin-lxc, is instantiated as a Linux LXC Container and is configured with both network stack and process space isolation. The experiment nodes are not configured with file system isolation so care must be taken to ensure application files such as log, lock, pid and Unix sockets are uniquely specified via their respective application configuration templates.
During a running experiment, nodes are accessed via ssh. The experiment node init process is a bash script template that may be tailored to meet experimentation needs.
The layout of this tutorial: directory and file names and locations, is not dictated by letce2. However the layout does contain elements that are required for any letce2 project. So while your layout may differ, your contents should be similar.
exp-: Experiment directory, containing node and experiment specific configuration. This is the directory you must be in to start and stop the respective experiment.
node.cfg.d: Hierarchical configuration components used as inheritable base definitions.
templates: Mako templates used to create individual experiment node application configuration.
The exp- directories contain:
letce2.cfg: Optional letce2 plugin configuration file. Same for any experiment using letce2-plugin-lxc.
Makefile: A makefile to simplify building and cleaning an experiment. This is not required but it is helpful to speed up the process.
experiment.cfg: Experiment configuration. In this tutorial this is a single file. Nothing precludes you from using multiple files to define various parts of your experiment.
LXC container radio nodes have two interfaces: backchan0 and emane0. The backchan0 interface is used as the back-channel control interface as well as the Over-The-Air and Event Channel interface. The emane0 interface is the radio interface. Experiments using batman-adv will as see a bat0 interface as the radio interface, with the emane0 interface attached.
Test Node | Back Channel Address | Radio Interface Address |
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |
6 | | |
7 | | |
8 | | |
9 | | |
10 | | |
exp-04 has a more complex topology see exp-04/ for details.
letce2 uses modified ConfigParser syntax to define inheritance hierarchies of abstract definitions that are used to create node definitions. A node represents an instance of a system whose configuration is being generated.
letce2 operators:
: Operator defining a node or abstract definition using the ConfigParser section syntax. -
: Operator used when defining an abstract definition to indicate it as such. -
Operator specifying the base definition of a derived node or abstract definition. Only single inheritance is supported. -
Operator defining a variable. -
: Operator preceding a variable definition to indicate global accessibility to all host configuration templates. Normally variables are only accessible by their respective node during template instantiation.
Experiment nodes are defined using a hierarchical definition that resembles object oriented programming with single base class inheritance. For example, the following experiment nodes are defined in exp-01/experiment.cfg:
exp-01 defines 10 nodes which are instantiated as 10 LXCs, each
running an instance of emane
, containing a single IEEE802.11abg
radio model.
In exp-01, each node derives from ieee80211abg which is defined in
node.cfg.d/ieee80211abg.cfg. The __template.path
variables are special letce2 variables that
allow for specifying the template search path and the individual
templates that make up a definition.
Each template file variable has an index. That index can be used to
override the variable at another point in the base class hierarchy. It
is a good idea to use different index ranges for every derived or
abstract definition hierarchy level, unless you wish to override a
specific template file. In the above example, templates in common
start at index 001 and templates in ieee80211abg
start at 100.
The template search path order is as follows:
Directories in order as listed in the colon separated list contained in
. -
The plugin module's
directory. -
The root experiment directory.
letce2 uses ConfigParser syntax for indirectly setting a variable using the value of another variable. For example, the statement:
sets radio_ip_addr
to an IPv4 address generated with the value of
You can also set a variable to a value produced from an evaluated Python expression:
@square_param_a=@eval{str(int(%(@param_1)s) * int(%(@param_1)s))}
To build the configuration for each experiment, enter the experiment directory and issue the make command.
[me @host] cd exp-01
[me@host exp-01]$ make
letce2 \
lxc \
build \
../node.cfg.d/ieee80211abg.cfg \
The letce2 lxc build
command, which is used by the make all rule,
takes as input all the configuration files making up the experiment
definition. For exp-01, node.cfg.d/ieee80211abg.cfg
the configuration definition for an IEEE802.11abg radio node and
contains server (host) configuration, configuration
that is common to all nodes, and the declaration and configuration of
each node in the experiment.
The output of letce2 lxc build
is a directory for every node defined
in the experiment. For exp-01, this results in 10 node directories:
through node-10
, and one server directory: host
An experiment can be run with the letce2 lxc start
[me@host] letce2 lxc start
Similarly an experiment can be stopped with the letce2 lxc stop
[me@host] letce2 lxc stop
The experiments in this tutorial use batman-adv but can be configured
to use OLSR. Modify the following
section(s) of the respective experiment's experiment.cfg
to switch
protocols. Commented/uncomment __template.file.200
# to use olsr uncomment:
# __template.file.200=olsr.conf
# and comment:
# __template.file.200=batman-adv
# v-- comment/uncomment --v
# ^-- comment/uncomment --^
If you are looking for a more formal test control system, take a look at the Extendable Test Control Environment (ETCE). ETCE is the test control suite used for EMANE regression testing.