This script is intended to be used withe the sample Micro Focus Flight API and GUI applications that are part of the UFT installation
This script is great for showing customer the value of using API testing with their regression suites. Much of regression testing is setting up specific data secnarios to users can perform the actual test they need. Using API for the setup can drastically reduce the oveall execution time.
There are 2 scripts included in this repository
This script uses two service calls, Get Flights and CreateFlightOrder. The API script then calls a GUI test to verify the data in the application
MicroFocus FLights API must be installed and running
The majority of data is read from the included Flight_Info data sheet. Fight Number is created as an output of GetFlights and that is passed as an input to CreateFlightOrder. NOTE: Look at the properties of CreateFlightOrder
This test is a very basic test that logs into the Flight GUI, searches for the order that was created using the web services and verifies the customer name is correct for the order
Micro Focus Flight GUI should be installed and NOT running
Both the order number and the passenger name are set as test parameters, the API test passews in the information when it calls the GUI test. Note: Look at the properties of Verify Flight
This test should run as configured. You can update the test flow in the Flight API to run over multiple iterations.