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A small C++ implementation of LSTM networks, focused on OCR.

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A small C++ implementation of LSTM networks, focused on OCR. The only essential external dependencies are Eigen and STL.

For I/O, having HDF5 is useful. For plotting, you need Python and the ZMQ library.

To build a standalone C library, run

sudo scons install

If you have an older ZMQPP library, you need to compile with:

scons oldzmqpp=1

For debugging, you can compile with debug=1

To build the Python extension, run

python build
sudo python install


The clstm library operates on the Sequence type as its fundamental data type, representing variable length sequences of fixed length vectors. Internally, this is represented as an STL vector of Eigen dynamic vectors.

typedef stl::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> Sequence;

Networks are built from objects implementing the INetwork interface. The INetwork interface contains:

struct INetwork {
    Sequence inputs, d_inputs;      // input sequence, input deltas
    Sequence outputs, d_outputs;    // output sequence, output deltas
    void forward();                 // propagate inputs to outputs
    void backward();                // propagage d_outputs to d_inputs
    void setLearningRate(Float,Float); // set learning rates

Network structures can be hierarchical and there are some network implementations whose purpose it is to combine other networks into more complex structures.

struct INetwork {
    vector<shared_ptr<INetwork>> sub;
    void add(shared_ptr<INetwork> net);

The most important of these is the Stacked network, which simply stacks the given set of networks on top of each other, using the ouput from each network as the input to the next.

There are a few utility functions for walking through the subnetworks, states, and weights of a network, together with two hooks (preSave, postLoad) to facilitate loading.

The implementations of the various networks are not exposed; instead of new Stacked() use make_Stacked().

In addition to these basic functions, there is also a small implementation of CTC alignment.

The C++ code roughly follows the implementation from the Python version of OCRopus. Gradients have been verified for the core LSTM implementation, although there may be still be bugs in other parts of the code.

There is also a small multidimensional array class in multidim.h; that isn't used in the core LSTM implementation, but it is used in debugging and testing code, for plotting, and for HDF5 input/output. Unlike Eigen, it uses standard C/C++ row major element order, as libraries like HDF5 expect.

LSTM models are stored by default in HDF5 models, using the weights method to walk through all the weights of a network as arrays and storing them in HDF5 arrays. If HDF5 doesn't suit your needs, you can write similar functions for other forms of loading/saving LSTM networks.

Python API

The clstm.i file implements a simple Python interface to clstm, plus a wrapper that makes an INetwork mostly a replacement for the implementation from ocropy.

Comand Line Drivers

There are two command line drivers:

  • clstmseq learns sequence-to-sequence mappings
  • clstmctc learns sequence-to-string mappings using CTC alignment

Note that most parameters are passed through the environment:

lrate=3e-5 clstmctc uw3-dew.h5

Parameters are:


    Learns image->text transformations, modeling sequences of
    vertical slices through the input image.

    maxeval= max # evaluation samples
    randseed= random seed
    load= model to preload
    save_every= how often to save (0: save only improved models)
    after_save= shell command to execute after saving
    ntrain= number of training samples
    lrate= learning rate
    nhidden= #hidden units
    nhidden2= #hidden units second lstm layer
    batch= batching for updates
    momentum= momentum
    display_every= how often to display results
    report_every= how often to report progress
    randomize= shuffle training examples
    lrnorm= learning rate normalization
    dewarp= image dewarping method
    lstm= kind of LSTM to be used
    testset= test set file
    test_every= how often to compute test error rate
    after_test= shell command to run after testing
    start= start sample for training
    mode= command line mode (training, errors, etc.)


    lrate= learning rate
    display_every= how often to display recognition output (0=never)
    report= how often to report progress
    ntrain= total number of training steps
    kind= bidi, bidi2, lstm1
    state= number of internal state variables (2 by default)


    Training files contain lines of the form: "input\toutput\n"
    With mode=filter, the input file is transformed using the
    trained filter.

    (similar to clstmctc)

(You can find all parameters via grep 'get.env' *.cc.)

For debugging and testing, there are equivalent Python implementations (pylstmseq and pylstmctc) that should work the same way in Python.

The script will generate a number of simple sequence recognition tasks for testing.


  • consistently provide a separate update() method
  • canned support for multilayer, logistic outputs, linear outputs
  • 2D LSTM support
  • more testing


A small C++ implementation of LSTM networks, focused on OCR.






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  • C++ 86.6%
  • Python 13.4%