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DA App SDK Recipes

Chris Millar edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 7 revisions

Create a page



import DA_SDK from '';

const MOCK_PAGE = `
    <main><div><h1>Hello World</h1></div></main>

(async function init() {
  const { context, token } = await DA_SDK;
  const { org, repo } = context;
  const blob = new Blob([MOCK_PAGE], { type: 'text/html' });
  const body = new FormData();
  body.append('data', blob);
  const opts = {
    headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
    method: 'POST',
  const fullpath = `${org}/${repo}/drafts/cmillar/hello-world.html`;
  const resp = await fetch(fullpath, opts);

Node (20+)

Note: You will need to obtain and provide your own authorization token. We have provided an anonymous implementation below.


const DA_API = '';
const ORG = 'aemsites';
const REPO = 'da-block-collection';

const MOCK_PAGE = `
    <main><div><h1>Hello World</h1></div></main>

(async () => {
  const body = new FormData();
  const data = new Blob([MOCK_PAGE], { type: 'text/html' });
  body.set('data', data);
  // const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer {{YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}}` };
  const opts = { method: 'POST', body, headers };

  const path = `${DA_API}/${ORG}/${REPO}/drafts/cmillar/node-demo.html`;
  const resp = await fetch(path, opts);
node index.js

Get a streaming list of pages under a path

  1. Use the crawl function to traverse a tree.
  2. Optional: Pass a callback to execute against the files as the are discovered.
  3. Optional: set a throttle limit. Increase this value if you are performing other network requests in your callback.
  4. Crawl returns results<Promise>, getDuration, and cancelCrawl.
  5. Optional: await the final results.
  6. Optional: log the duration of the traversal.
import { crawl } from '';

const PATH = '/da-sites/bacom';

(async function init() {
  // Create cancel button
  const button = document.createElement('button');
  button.innerText = 'Cancel';

  // Create the callback to fire when a file is returned
  const callback = (file) => {
    button.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `<p>${file.path}</p>`);

  // Start the crawl
  const { results, getDuration, cancelCrawl } = crawl({ path: PATH, callback, throttle: 10 });

  // Asign the cancel button the cancel event
  button.addEventListener('click', cancelCrawl);

  // Await the results to finish
  await results;

  // Add the duration after the results are finished
  button.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `<p>${getDuration()}</p>`);
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