##HTML&CSS autoprefixer - parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use.
gulp-browser-sync - keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
gulp-useref - parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.
gulp-email-design - a workflow for designing and testing HTML email templates.
gulp-uncss - remove unused CSS from your projects.
gulp-csso - very cool CSS minificator. In addition, there are many CSS optimizers and benchmark tests (GitHub) for them. But recently I saw most powerful Shorthand utility and gulp-shorthand, which does folowing:
a {
font-family: Arial;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
background-image: url('example.png');
background-color: red;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
a {
font: italic bold 14px/18px Arial;
background: red url('example.png') no-repeat / cover;
gulp-htmlmin - neat HTML minificator.
gulp-csscomb - refines the structure of your CSS.
gulp-csslint - CSS linter.
gulp-htmlhint - HTML validator.
gulp-processhtml - Process html files at build time to modify them as you wish.
##JavaScript gulp-autopolyfiller - precise polyfills. This is like Autoprefixer, but for JavaScript polyfills.
gulp-babel - transpiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
gulp-jsfmt - for formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript.
gulp-jscs - for checking JavaScript Code Style.
gulp-modernizr - build out a lean, mean Modernizr machine.
gulp-express — start (and supervise) an Express.js web server using, works well with socket.io
gulp-requirejs and gulp-browserify - optimize the work with RequireJS and Browserify respectively.
gulp-plato - generate static analysis reports.
gulp-complexity - evaluates code maintainability using Halstead and Cyclomatic metrics.
fixmyjs - automatically fix silly lint errors with help of JSHint (gulp-jshint).
gulp-jscpd — copy/paste detector for programming source code.
gulp-buddy.js - magic number detection for javascript.
gulp-jsonlint - JSON validator.
gulp-uglify - JavaScript compressor.
gulp-concat - concatenate files.
###Unit Tests
##Graphics gulpicon - mystical CSS icon solution.
gulp-iconfont - SVG to webfont converter.
gulp-responsive - produce images at different sizes for responsive websites.
gulp-sharp - fastest module for work JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images.
gulp-svgstore - merge SVGs from a folder.
gulp-imacss - application and library that transforms image files to data URIs.
gulp-imagemin и gulp-tinypng or fimage compression.
gulp-spritesmith - converting a set of images into a spritesheet and corresponding CSS variables.
gulp-grunt - able to run Grunt tasks from Gulp.
gulp-watch — run tasks whenever watched files change.
gulp-notify - automatic error messages in system notifications center when Gulp tasks fail.
gulp-git - able to use Git commands.
gulp-jsdoc - generate JavaScript documentation by running JSDoc3.
gulp-rev - static file asset revisioning through content hashing.
gulp-bump - increments versions in package JSON and gulp-update, which automatically updates packages.
main-bower-files - inject Bower packages.
gulp-removelogs - remove console logging statements.
gulp-preprocess - preprocess files based off environment configuration.
gulp-duration — displays the elapsed execution time of Gulp tasks.
gulp-changed and gulp-newer — run Gulp tasks with only those source files modified since the last successful run.
gulp-connect - simple static web server.
gulp-shell - run Shell commands.
gulp-ssh - provides the ability to connect via SSH and SFTP.
gulp-zip - compress files and folders..
gulp-clean and gulp-copy - respectively remove and copy sources.
gulp-replace - Search and replace strings in text files.
gulp-filesize - displays sizes of files in a readable format.
gulp-util - utilities for developing Gulp plugins.
gulp-plumber - prevents pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
gulp-data - Generate a data object from a variety of sources: json, front-matter, database, anything. Compatible with many plugins including gulp-jade
and gulp-swig
- gulp-less - LESS in CSS.
- gulp-sass - SASS/SCSS in СSS.
- gulp-compass - SASS with Compass in CSS.
- gulp-stylus - Stylus in CSS.
- gulp-coffee - CoffeeScript in JavaScript.
- gulp-typescript - TypeScript in JavaScript.
- gulp-jade - Jade in HTML.
- gulp-handlebars - Handlebars templates in JST.
- gulp-jst - Underscore templates in JST.
- gulp-react - Facebook React's JSX templates in JST.
- gulp-nunjucks - Nunjucks templates in JST.
- gulp-dustjs - Dust templates in JST.
- gulp-angular-templatecache - AngularJS templates in JST.
- gulp-riot - RiotJS templates in JavaScript.
- gulp-swig - Compile swig templates.
- psi - PageSpeed Insights with reporting.
- tmi - TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web.
- ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost.
- pageres - responsive website screenshots.
- matchdep - filter npm module dependencies.
- Maybe some automatization methods you want to use directly in the editor, so look at the The Best Plugins for Sublime Text.