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Adrien GIVRY edited this page Sep 26, 2020 · 3 revisions


Mathematic representation of a 4D vector of floats


Name Type Description
x number X component of the Vector4
y number Y component of the Vector4
z number Z component of the Vector4
w number W component of the Vector4


Name Input Output Description
new Vector4 Creates an instance of Vector4 with x, y, z and w equals to zero
new number: x
number: y
number: z
number: w
Vector4 Creates an instance of Vector4 with the given values


Name Input Output Description
One Vector4 Returns a (1,1,1,1) Vector4
Zero Vector4 Returns a (0,0,0,0) Vector4
Length Vector4: instance
number Returns the length of the given Vector4
Dot Vector4: a
Vector4: b
number Returns the dot product of the two given Vector4
Normalize Vector4: instance
Vector4 Returns the normalized version of the given Vector4
Lerp Vector4: a
Vector4: b
number: t
Vector4 Calculate the linear interpolation between two Vector4 using the given alpha


Operation Description
Vector4 + Vector4 Adds two Vector4
Vector4 - Vector4 Substracts two Vector4
-Vector4 Multiplies each component of a Vector4 by -1
Vector4 * number Multiplies each component of a Vector4 by a number
Vector4 / number Divides each component of a Vector4 by a number
to_string(Vector4) Converts a Vector4 to a string
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