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Short summary

This pipeline processes daily and weekly myADS notifications and sends customized emails to registered users.

Config options for users

  • active = true/false
  • frequency = daily/weekly (traditionally used for daily arXiv notifications and weekly astronomy database updates)
  • type = templated/query (templated refers to notifications set up using guided Classic-style notifications - user supplies keywords or authors of interest and a query is constructed for them; query refers to free-form notifications that allow users to construct the query and select desired options)
  • stateful = true/false (true returns only new results, false returns all results)
  • name = string (for query setups, this is user-defined; for templated setups, this is pipeline-defined)
  • qid = string (pointer to entry in either Query table (query notifications) or myADS table (templated notifications))


  • process: processes notifications of the given frequency for a single user (fetches myADS setup, executes queries for notifications of the given frequency, processes stateful results if necessary, builds and sends HTML email)

Setup (recommended)

`$ virtualenv python`
`$ source python/bin/activate`
`$ pip install -r requirements.txt`
`$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt`
`$ vim` # edit, edit
`$ alembic upgrade head` # initialize database


Two cron jobs are needed, one with the daily flag turned on (processes M-F), one with the weekly flag turned on (processes after weekly ingest is complete)


PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Unit tests require a local running postgres database. Run the following commands to install a postgres database in Ubuntu with full admin privileges for any user in the machine via the postgres DB user:

sudo apt install postgresql
sudo sed -i 's/local   all             postgres                                peer/local   all             postgres                                trust/' /etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo systemctl status postgresql
psql -U postgres -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test_myadspipeline'
psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE test_myadspipeline'
psql -U postgres -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test_myadspipeline TO postgres'
psql -U postgres -c "ALTER USER postgres with password 'postgres';"