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239 lines (211 loc) · 9.01 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (211 loc) · 9.01 KB

holberton-system_engineering-devops repository

This repository contains 28 projects:

Learning Objectives

  • What do the commands or built-ins cd, pwd, ls do
  • How to navigate the filesystem
  • What are the . and .. directories
  • What is the working directory, how to print it and how to change it
  • What is the root directory
  • What is the home directory, and how to go there
  • What is the difference between the root directory and the home directory of the user root
  • What are the characteristics of hidden files and how to list them
  • What does the command cd - do
  • What do the commands ls, less, file do
  • How to use options and arguments with commands
  • Understand the ls long format and how to display it
  • What does the ln command do
  • What's found in the most common/important directories
  • What is a symbolic link
  • What is a hard link
  • What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link
  • What do the commands chmod, sudo, su, chown, chgrp do
  • Linux file permissions
  • How to represent each of the three sets of permissions (owner, group, and other) as a single digit
  • How to change permissions, owner and group of a file
  • Why can’t a normal user chown a file
  • How to run a command with root privileges
  • How to change the user ID or become superuser
  • Other Man Pages
  • How to create a user
  • How to create a group
  • How to print real and effective user and group IDs
  • How to print the groups a user is in
  • How to print the effective userid
  • What the commands head, tail, find, wc, sort, uniq, grep, tr do
  • How to redirect standard output to a file
  • How to get standard input from a file instead of the keyboard
  • How to send the output from one program to the input of another program
  • How to combine commands and filters with redirections
  • What are special characters
  • Understand what do the white spaces, single quotes, double quotes, backslash, comment, pipe, command separator, tilde and how and when to use them
  • What happens when you type ls -l *.txt
  • What are the /etc/profile file and the /etc/profile.d directory
  • What is the ~/.bashrc file
  • What is the difference between a local and a global variable
  • What is a reserved variable
  • How to create, update and delete shell variables
  • What are the roles of the following reserved variables: HOME, PATH, PS1
  • What are special parameters
  • What is the special parameter $?
  • What is expansion and how to use them
  • What is the difference between single and double quotes and how to use them properly
  • How to do command substitution with $() and backticks
  • How to perform arithmetic operations with the shell
  • How to create an alias
  • How to list aliases
  • How to temporarily disable an alias
  • How to execute commands from a file in the current shell
  • How to create SSH keys
  • What is the advantage of using #!/usr/bin/env bash over #!/bin/bash
  • How to use while, until and for loops
  • How to use if, else, elif and case condition statements
  • How to use the cut command
  • What are files and other comparison operators, and how to use them
  • What is a PID
  • What is a process
  • How to find a process’ PID
  • How to kill a process
  • What is a signal
  • What are the 2 signals that cannot be ignored
  • None
  • OSI Model
    • What it is
    • How many layers it has
    • How it is organized
  • What is a LAN
    • Typical usage
    • Typical geographical size
  • What is a WAN
    • Typical usage
    • Typical geographical size
  • What is the Internet
    • What is an IP address
    • What are the 2 types of IP address
    • What is localhost
    • What is a subnet
    • Why IPv6 was created
    • What are the 2 mainly used data transfer protocols for IP (transfer level on the OSI schema)
    • What is the main difference between TCP and UDP
    • What is a port
    • Memorize SSH, HTTP and HTTPS port numbers
    • What tool/protocol is often used to check if a device is connected to a network
  • What is localhost/
  • What is
  • What is /etc/hosts
  • How to display your machine’s active network interfaces
  • You must be able to draw a diagram covering the web stack you built with the sysadmin/devops track projects
  • You must be able to explain what each component is doing
  • You must be able to explain system redundancy
  • Know all the mentioned acronyms: LAMP, SPOF, QPS
  • None
  • What is a server
  • Where servers usually live
  • What is SSH
  • How to create an SSH RSA key pair
  • How to connect to a remote host using an SSH RSA key pair
  • The advantage of using #!/usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/bash
  • What is the main role of a web server
  • What is a child process
  • Why web servers usually have a parent process and child processes
  • What are the main HTTP requests
  • What DNS stands for
  • What is DNS main role
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • What is HTTPS SSL 2 main roles
  • What is the purpose encrypting traffic
  • What SSL termination means
  • None
  • None
  • What is the main role of a database
  • What is a database replica
  • What is the purpose of a database replica
  • Why database backups need to be stored in different physical locations
  • What operation should you regularly perform to make sure that your database backup strategy actually works
  • What is an API
  • What is a REST API
  • What are microservices
  • What is the CSV format
  • What is the JSON format
  • Pythonic Package and module name style
  • Pythonic Class name style
  • Pythonic Variable name style
  • Pythonic Function name style
  • Pythonic Constant name style
  • Significance of CapWords or CamelCase in Python
  • How to read API documentation to find the endpoints you’re looking for
  • How to use an API with pagination
  • How to parse JSON results from an API
  • How to make a recursive API call
  • How to sort a dictionary by value
  • None
  • Why is monitoring needed
  • What are the 2 main area of monitoring
  • What are access logs for a web server (such as Nginx)
  • What are error logs for a web server (such as Nginx)
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None