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Hyperion is the API of an open-source project launched by ÉCLAIR, the computer science association of Ecole Centrale de Lyon. This project aims to provide students of business and engineering schools a digital tool to simplify the association process. In a way, we could say that Hyperion is trying to create a social network for school associations.

The structure of this project is modular. Hyperion has a core that performs vital functions (authentication, database migration, authorization, etc). The other functions of Hyperion are realized in what we call modules. You can contribute to the project by adding modules if you wish.

Creating a virtual environment for Python 3.11.x


Create the virtual environment

You need to be in Hyperion main folder

py -3.11 -m venv .venv

Activate it


macOS (using Pyenv)

Install Pyenv

brew install pyenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenv

Edit ~/.zhsrc and add at the end of the file :

eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Create the virtual environment

pyenv virtualenv 3.11.0 hyperion

Activate it

pyenv activate hyperion

Install dependencies

Development requirements

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

If you need to remove all modules from your virtual environnement, you may use the following command with caution

pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

Linting and formating

To lint and format, we currently use Ruff. We also use Mypy for the type checking.

Before each PR or git push you will need to run ruff check --fix && ruff format in order to format/lint your code and mypy . in order to verify that there is no type mismatch.

Complete the dotenv (.env)

Hyperion settings are documented in app/core/ Check this file to know what can and should be set using the dotenv.

SQLITE_DB is None by default. If you want to use SQLite (if you don't use docker or don't have a postgres running), set it with the name of the db file (app.db for example).

ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET_KEY should be a strong random key, which will be used to sign JWT tokens

RSA_PRIVATE_PEM_STRING will be used to sign JWS tokens

# Generate a 2048 bits long PEM certificate and replace newlines by `\n`
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -x509 -days 365 | sed 's/$/\\n/g' | tr -d '\n'
# If you only want to generate a PEM certificate and save it in a file, th following command may be used
# openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem

REDIS may be left blank to disable Redis during development Numerical values are example, change it to your needs

REDIS_HOST = "localhost" #May be left at "" during dev if you don't have a redis server running
#REDIS_PASSWORD = "pass" Should be commented during development to work with docker-compose-dev, and set in production

POSTGRES: This section will be ignored if SQLITE_DB is set to True.

POSTGRES_HOST = "localhost"
POSTGRES_USER = "hyperion"
POSTGRES_DB = "hyperion"

Launch the API

fastapi dev app/

Use Alembic migrations

See migrations README

Warning : on SQLite databases, you have to drop the database and recreate it to apply the new DDL.

OpenAPI specification

API endpoints are parsed following the OpenAPI specifications at

A Swagger UI is available at For authentication to work, a valid AUTH_CLIENT must be defined in the .env, with as the redirect URI, and scope=API must be added to the authentication request.

Create the first user

You can create the first user either using Titan or calling the API directly.

You need to use an email with the format or

To activate your account you will need an activation token which will be printed in the console.

With Titan

Press "Créer un compte" on the first page and follow the process.

Using the API directly

Create the account:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "<...>",
    "account_type": "39691052-2ae5-4e12-99d0-7a9f5f2b0136"

Activate the account:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name": "<Name>",
    "firstname": "<Firstname>",
    "nickname": "<Nickname>",
    "activation_token": "<ActivationToken>",
    "password": "<Password>",
    "birthday": "<2019-08-24>",
    "phone": "<Phone>",
    "promo": 0,
    "floor": ""

Make the first user admin

If there is exactly one user in the database, you can make it admin using the following command:

curl --location --request POST ''

Install docker or an equivalent

Install docker and the compose plugin (

docker-compose.yaml includes the minimal settings required to run Hyperion using docker compose.

During dev, docker-compose-dev.yaml can be used to run the database, the redis server etc... If you really want to run the project without docker, you can do it but you will have to install the database, redis, etc ... yourself or disable corresponding features in the .env file (which is not recommended).

Configure Firebase notifications

Hyperion support push notification using Firebase Messaging service.

To enable the service:

  1. Add USE_FIREBASE=true to dotenv file
  2. Create a service account on Firebase console:
    1. Go to Google cloud, IAM and administration, Service account and add a new Service Account with Messaging API capabilities.
    2. Choose Manage keys and create a new JSON key.
    3. Rename the file firebase.json and add it at Hyperion root

Use websocket

When using multiples workers, a Redis server must be configured to broadcast messages between workers.

Google API usage

Hyperion can use Google API to run App Script and upload files to Google Drive. See app/core/google_api/ for more information.

Hyperion deployment

For production we encourage to use multiple Uvicorn workers. You can use our docker image and docker-compose file files to run Hyperion with Unicorn.

You should use our init file to ensure that database initialization and migrations are only run once.