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A simple way to make pdf documents and reports in PHP.


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Make PDF

A simple way to make pdf documents and reports in PHP.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


PHP 7.4.x.


composer require aelian/make-pdf

How it works

Simple document

Instance a object PdfDocument:

use Pdf\MakePdf\PdfDocument;

$document = new PdfDocument();

Configure the document:

$settings = array(
    'fileName' => 'hello_world.pdf',
    'template' => array(
        'body' => array(
            array('cell' => array('text' => 'Hello World!')),

Create the document:


Simple report

Instance a object PdfReport:

use Pdf\MakePdf\PdfReport;

$report = new PdfReport();

Configure the report:

$settings = array(
    'fileName' => 'report.pdf',
    'template' => array(
        'body' => array(
            array('line' => array(
                array('cell' => array('fieldName' => 'Aliance.number')),
                array('cell' => array('fieldName' => ''))
    'records' => array(
        array('Aliance' => array('number' => 1, 'name' => 'Luke Skywalker')),
        array('Aliance' => array('number' => 2, 'name' => 'Leia Organa'))

Create the report:


See more examples in tests folder.

Pdf Settings

You can use these settings to customize your PDF document or report:

  • fileName - A complete path and file name to the generated PDF. Whether not defined, Make PDF will return a PDF content stream to be render in web browser. (Default null)

  • outputType - Destination where to send the document. It can be one of the following: I: send the file inline to the browser. The PDF viewer is used if available. D: send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name. S: return the document as a string. (Default I)

  • orientation - PDF page orientation. Use 'P' to portrait or 'L' to landscape. (Default 'P')

  • size - PDF page size. Use A3, A4, A5, LETTER or LEGAL. (Default 'A4')

  • records - The data structure used to generate a PDF content, normaly feed from a database entity. In a PdfDocument each record will generate a page, although in PdfReport a page will contain many records acording with template defined options.

  • skipFirstFooter - Skips footer on first page. (Default false)

Example of records:

$records = array(
    array('EntityName' => array('fieldName' => 'Some content one'),
    array('EntityName' => array('fieldName' => 'Some content two'),
    array('EntityName' => array('fieldName' => 'Some content two'),
  • header - A data structure like records, but contain only one record used in page header content.

Defining PDF templates

A Template is a structure of options to customize your PDF document or report. Its formed by sessions, nodes and your respective attributes. All the elements are structured in a associative array.


The sessions are the regions will form your document:

  • config - The PDF defaults options will be used in entire document, like font size, alignment, border and margin.

  • header - The PDF page header options.

  • columnTitles - The PDF report column titles options. It will be printed just after header.

  • body - The document body or report detail options. This session is required to create the PDF.

  • sumary - The PDF sumary options, where reports will can be sumarized just after the body session.

  • footer - The PDF page footer options. It´s the last session to be printed.


The sessions contain a set of "nodes" to form the PDF page layout desired. Theses nodes can contain diferents behaviors, like:

  • cell - The simplest node. It behaves like a box where you can print some content.

  • line - Use to put one or more nodes in the same row. The nodes can be the same type or diferents.

  • group - Like line node a group is used to agroup many nodes, but it can contain many lines.

  • title - Use to describe a title of a node, by default its appear on the top of the node and with a minor font size than node.

  • image - Use to print a image. You can set the image size (width and height).

  • checkbox - It print a blank box to be checked, or fullfilled with some content.

  • digit - It print a sequence of boxes that can be used to set a field of a formulary.

  • barCode123ABC - It print a bar code of kind 123ABC.

  • barCodeI25 - It print a bar code of kind I25.

  • verse - Use to define the content of a page verse.

  • watermark - It print a watermark in a PDF document or report.

  • qrCodeImage - Use to print a QR Code image in a PDF document or report. You can set the image size (width and height).

  • PostNetCode - It print a POSTNET bar code using a Zipcode.


The nodes can contain the follow attributes used to define its caracteristics:

  • text - A static content to be printed in a node.

  • fieldName - A dynamic content from records to be printed in a node. (example: Entity.field)

  • border - The border of a node. (0 - none, 1 - all, R - right, L - left, T - top and B - bottom)

  • margin - The left, right and top margin of the document or report page. Can be used only in config session. (Default 10 mm)

  • align - The content horizontal alignment. (L - left, C - center, R - right)

  • title - The node title content. It´s can be static (by attribute text) or dynamic (by attribute fieldName).

  • fill - A background color of a node (Use the RGB standard).

  • alternateFill - Alternate background color thru the lines using white and the color setted by alternateFill (Use the RGB standard).

  • fontFamily - The font family of a document or a node like Arial, Times, Courier, Symbol and ZapfDingbats. (Default Arial)

  • fontStyle - The font style of a document or a node. (B - bold, I - italic, N - normal, U - underscored)

  • fontSizePt - The font size of a document or a node. (Use points)

  • textColor - The text color of a document or a node. Use RGB string separating with commas. (Ex.: '100,150,200')

  • titleFontFamily - The font family of a node title like Arial, Times, Courier, Symbol and ZapfDingbats. (Default Arial)

  • titleFontStyle - The font style of a node title. (B - bold, I - italic, N - normal, U - underscored)

  • titleFontSizePt - The font size of a node title in points.

  • lineWidth - The width size of a node in milimiters.

  • lineHeight - The height size of a node in milimiters.

  • x - The horizontal position of a node in milimiters.

  • y - The vertical position of a node in milimiters.

  • relativeX - A offset in horizontal position of a node in milimiters. It can be a negative value.

  • relativeY - A offset in vertical position of a node in milimiters. It can be a negative value.

  • groupSpacing - A blank space after a printed group.

  • decimal - A double value format to print values. (Example: 1234.56 defined with "decimal = 2" results in "1.234,56"

  • date - A date value format to print dates. (Example: 2018-05-01 defined with "date = d/m/Y" results in "01/05/2018"

  • autoPageBreak - Set the bottom margin limit to page break automaticaly.

  • footerPage - Set a page for show the group.

  • middlePage - Set for show de group only in the middle of the page.

  • autoLineBreak - Set to break a line automaticaly when a text have the "\n" caracter.

  • useTag - Set a cell to ajust font style when detect a tag in the content. Allowed tags are: <B> - Bold, <I> - Italic and <U> - Underline

Example of a complete template contained sessions, nodes and attributes:

$template = array(
    'config' => array(
        'border' => 1,
        'align' => 'L',
        'fill' => 0,
        'fontFamily' => 'Arial',
        'fontSizePt' => 10
    'header' => array(
        'line1' => array('line' => array(
            'lineHeight' => 20,
            'image1' => array('image' => array('fieldName' => 'Header.image', 'lineWidth' => 20)),
            'cell1' => array('cell' => array('fieldName' => 'Header.title'))
    'columnTitles' => array(
        'line1' => array('line' => array(
            'fontStyle' => 'B',
            'cell1' => array('cell' => array('text' => 'Number', 'lineWidth' => 20)),
            'cell2' => array('cell' => 'Name'),
            'cell3' => array('cell' => array('text' => 'Value', 'lineWidth' => 30))
    'body' => array(
        'groupDetail1' => array('groupDetail' => array(
            'fieldName' => '',
            'line1' => array('line' => array(
                'lineHeight' => 10,
                'fontSizePt' => 12,
                'cell1' => array('cell' => array('text' => 'Group:', 'lineWidth' => 40, 'border' => 0)),
                'cell2' => array('cell' => array('fieldName' => '', 'border' => 0)),
        'line1' => array('line' => array(
            'lineHeight' => 10,
            'alternateFill' => 210,
            'border' => '1',
            'cell1' => array('cell' => array('fieldName' => 'Custumer.number', 'lineWidth' => 20)),
            'cell2' => array('cell' => array('fieldName' => '')),
            'cell3' => array('cell' => array('fieldName' => 'Custumer.value', 'lineWidth' => 30))
    'sumary' => array(
        'SUM_OF_CUSTUMER' => 'Custumer.value',
        'line1' => array('line' => array(
            'cell1' => array('cell' => array('text' => 'CUSTUMER COUNT ==> [RECORD_COUNT]', 'fontStyle' => 'I')),
            'cell2' => array('cell' => array('text' => '[SUM_OF_CUSTUMER]', 'fontStyle' => 'B', 'decimal' => '2'))
    'footer' => array(
        'line1' => array('line' => array(
            'cell1' => array('cell' => 'Some footer text'),
            'cell2' => array('cell' => 'In [DATE]'),
            'cell3' => array('cell' => 'Pages: [PAGE]/[PAGES]'),

See more examples in tests folder.

Defining XML template files

Another good and easy way to set PDF templates is creating a XML files. Through a XML file you can keep the template rules isolated from your code, possibiliting dynamic genaration of templates. Use the option templateFile to define the complete path and XML file name.

Example of a XML contained a template:

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                            <cell fieldName="Model.field1">
                                <title fieldName="Model.field2"></title>
                                <text>Some text line 1 cell 3</text>
                        <title><text>Line title</text></title>
                        <cell1><cell><text>Some text line 2 cell 1</text></cell></cell1>
                        <cell2><cell><text>Some text line 2 cell 2</text><lineHeight>10</lineHeight></cell></cell2>

It´s possible to set one or more XML files, using a array in "templateFile" option. Like:

$templateFile = array(

See more examples of template XML files in tests/fixtures folder.

Built With

  • FPDF - PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP.
  • PHP-QRCODE - A PHP QR Code library.


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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details


A simple way to make pdf documents and reports in PHP.







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