- 2 layer PCB designed with KiCad 7 EDA.
- KiCad learned with ûdemy course
- PCB manufactured by Aisler
- proprietary form factor: 1/2 credit card size ( 53.98 x 42.8 mm)
Microchip AVR64DD32 (QFP32 socket). Replacement or successor for the old ATmega328P?
- 8-bit MCUs: Still Thriving After 50 Years
- If you're a fan of ATmega, try AVR Dx
- AVR® DD Product Family Overview
- AVR Peripheral Deep Dive
- https://www.arduino.cc/en/software Arduino IDE
- https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore Arduino support for the AVR DA, DB-series and DD-series
- SerialUPDI programmer Flashing Optiboot bootloader ok with the above versions
Flashing Optiboot Bootloader via UPDI Target Header.
- https://www.mikroe.com/mikrobus
- https://www.mikroe.com/click
- Sensirion & mikroBUS™ , ETHzürich & mikroBUS™ , Microchip & mikroBUS™ , u-blox & mikroBUS™
MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC-node connected to TTN ...
Tested with Arduino IDE 2.3.3 and DxCore Version 1.5.11
Graphics with SPI TFT displays on mikroBUS™ socket ...
Adafruit example sketch graphicstest.ino with ST7735 and ST7789 library. Initialize ST7789 240x240 with tft.init(240, 240, SPI_MODE3) https://tigoe.github.io/display-examples
u-blox PAM-7Q GPS Module added (--> TTN-Mapping walk) ...
needs to be synced with RTC or GPS ...
PoLoLu Stepper Motor Driver on mikroBUS™ Modul ...
DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Sensor (incl. Payload Encoding / Decoding) ...
Servo Sweep (#include <Servo_DxCore.h>) ...
Test mikroBUS CO2 click board with Sensirion STC31-sensor on my "polylab" Development-Board with mikroBUS socket.
Sketches with Sensirion-Arduino library and SparkFun Arduino Library for STC3x sensor. CO2 gas for testing produced with baking soda and water.
First successful TTN test with Grove Wio E5 LoRa-E5 Arduino Library from Sylvain Montagny.
Successful upload of DHT22 sensor data.
Successful switching LED_BUILTIN according to PayloadDown value (0x00/0x01)
Next project: mikroBUS Board with Seeed StudioLoRa Grove Wio-E5 Module.
- 2 x 19 pin male pinheader with Arduino/MKR- Adafruit/Feather- like pinout
- mikroBUS™ socket
- 2 x Grove connector (I2C & UART)
- 2 x 4-pin header (female) with Grove Digital/Analog pinout
- 1 x Qwiic® connector
- MicroUSB (CH340N USB to UART converter)
- Barrel Jack 7-12V DC, 3.5*1.3mm ( to 5V with AMS1117-5.0)
- MicroUSB (5V to 3V3 with AP2112K-3.3)
- JST PH 2.0 for Single LiPo cell (MCP73831 charge controller)
- 6-pin UPDI-target-header (male)
This board is still a WiP! There is a list with many changes, improvements and extensionss for the next version.
Breakout adapter from RFM95W module to mikroBUS™ socket
LED's on all pins for mikroBUS™ socket testing
powered with DC (9V battery), USB or LiPo
made with regular protoboards and pinheaders
Modelling a case with OpenSCAD (done) (https://openscad.org)
- Low Power / Sleep Mode
- Energy Harvesting
Wio-SX1262 for XIAO
Test environment:
"polylab" Triple-Board with "polylab" Dev.-Board, Wio-SX1262 extension board and Bosch BME280 Sensor / SSD1306 OLED Display
Successful LoRaWAN test with Arduino RadioLib library on my DIY Microchip AVR64DD32 board with Wio-SX1262 Module and Arduino DXcore. -
23:29:08.532 ->
23:29:08.532 -> Setup ...
23:29:08.532 -> Initialise the radio
23:29:08.576 -> Join ('login') the LoRaWAN Network
23:29:14.223 -> Ready!
23:29:14.223 ->
23:29:14.270 -> Sending uplink
23:29:19.897 -> Received a downlink
23:29:19.940 -> Next uplink in 300 seconds
Disadvantage of Arduino RadioLib library:
Sketch uses 63572 bytes (97%) of program storage space. Maximum is 65024 bytes.
Comment of the maintainer of the RadioLib library: Unfortunately, small footprint was not one of the design goals of this library!
The Arduino MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC library supports the SX1262 since Verion 5.0.0 but my setup for the Seeed Studio Wio-SX1262 doesn't work yet.
The microBUS-layout will be based on these two modules already made.