Terraform templates from different trainings or developed by myself
NOTE : Inside each folder there will be specific README files adapted to the template request
This small part provide some useful commands for terraform
terraform state list
List all resources we have state for, mostly resources that i created
terraform state show <resource>
Provides detailf of an specific resource, example:
- terraform state show aws_instance.myfirstServer
terraform apply --auto-approve
Apply your terraform template with automatic approval (you must be cautious with this)
terraform output
Show all the outputs defined on your template
terraform refresh
Refresh the state of your terraform deployment without actually redeploying anything, helpful if you add outputs to your template and want to see how it looks like
terraform destroy --target resource.name
This command will destroy a specific resource instead of all the resources defined in the template
- Example: terraform destroy --target aws_instance.myfirstServer
terraform apply --target resource.name
This command will create a specific resource instead of all the resources defined in the template
- Example: terraform apply --target aws_instance.myfirstServer
terraform apply -var "var_name=var_value"
Apply a terraform template entering the value you defined in a variable inside the template.
- Lets say you define the following variable:
- variable "instance_type" { description = "Instance Type"}
- you can apply it using terraform apply -var "instance_type=t3.micro"
terraform apply -var-file <name>.tfvars
This command apply a template using the variables defined in an specific file.
- Note by default terraform look for a file named terraform.tfvars for variables but you can rename this file and send it to terraform