Logger of NVIDIA GPU use, based on nvidia-smi and the wrapper package nvsmi.
logs every minute the processes using the GPUs on the system.
The format of each row is:
timestamp, interval_duration_in_secs, gpu_id, gpu_utilization_percent, gpu_used_memory, process_pid, process_owner, command_line
Command line of each process is logged only if enabled using the --log_cmdline
If multiple process are running at the same moments, multiple lines will be printed. If no process is using a GPU, nothing will be printed. Utilization percentage is relative to the whole GPU, not to the single process using it.
usage: nvidialog.py [-h] [--interval INTERVAL] [--log_cmdline]
[--output_file OUTPUT_FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--interval INTERVAL Interval log in seconds
--log_cmdline Enable command-line logging
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file, default is standard output
prints a markdown-formatted report from the log, and can generate a plot of user/gpu usage over time. See the example report and the example plot.
The plot is generated using matplotlib, the extension of the filename determines the format of the file (e.g., .pdf, .png, .svg).
Usernames can be mapped to alternative names. This can be useful to group users by affiliation/work group/project.
usage: nvidialog-report.py [-h] [--num_gpus NUM_GPUS]
[--input_file INPUT_FILE]
[--output_file OUTPUT_FILE] [--plot_file PLOT_FILE]
[--user_map USER_MAP]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--num_gpus NUM_GPUS Number of GPUs. Optional, by default it is inferred
from log.
--input_file INPUT_FILE
Input file, default is standard input
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file, default is standard output
--plot_file PLOT_FILE
Plot user/GPU map to file. Default is no plot.
--user_map USER_MAP Mapping of user names to alternative names. One per
line, format: "user,newname". Default is no mapping.
prints the currently running processes, with memory occupation, username, and the command line:
user@host:~$ nv-now
GPU Mem (MB) PID User Command
0 18776 1918054 username python train_3d.py --dataset_name datamodel --network anet3d --path...
0 868 1999026 another.user /raid/homes/another.user/miniconda3/envs/text/bin/python -m ipython...
1 57226 819106 username python train_3d.py --dataset_name datamodel2 --network bnet3d --pat...
2 9106 1642497 username python train_3d.py --dataset_name datamodel2 --network bnet3d --pat...
3 13828 1944849 username python train_3d.py --dataset_name datamodel --network anet3d --path...