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Releases: aferodeveloper/AferoIOSSofthub

HUB-1120: Bump to 1.6.7 (Hubby 1.0.359 + SofthubAssociationState patch)

31 Jul 01:54
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This is a minor patch which corrects values for AferoSofthubAssociationStatus to ensure that association status notification is properly communicated back to the softhub.

Migrate to ARM Permissive Binary License

31 Aug 01:08
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As of 1.6.5, AferoSofthub is available under the ARM Permissive Binary License. See LICENSE for more info.

AferoSofthub 1.4.5 - Consumer Default, Notification Cleanup

16 May 21:43
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New Features

  • OTA status notifications have been cleaned up; in swift, the valid names can be found in AferoSofthub.AferoSofthubNotificationName. Old names are still valid (but deprecated).

  • OTA progress notifications (name AferoSofthub.AferoSofthubNotificationName.OTAProgressUpdate) now contain userInfo dicts with deviceId, progress, state, and state desciption info.

NOTE: All OTA info from the softhub pertains to the local softhub only.

  • A category on NSString provides factory methods for producing string descriptions of AferoSofthubSetupWifiCommandState and AferoSofthubWifiState values ([NSString stringWithWifiSetupCommandState:] and [NSString stringWithWifiSetupState], respectively.


  • Releases 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 defaulted to starting the softhub in ENTERPRISE mode. Release 1.4.5 defaults this to CONSUMER (the standard mode). To use ENTERPRISE mode, invoke:
+ (void)startWithAccountId:(NSString *_Nonnull)accountId
               softhubType:(AferoSofthubType _Nullable)softhubType
        hardwareIdentifier:(NSString *_Nullable)hardwareIdentifier
        associationHandler:(AferoSofthubSecureHubAssociationHandler _Nonnull)associationHandler
         completionHandler:(AferoSofthubCompleteReasonHandler _Nonnull)completionHandler;

App Thinning Support

04 Apr 18:02
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This release fixes ACE-190, in which app thinning was broken for 32-bit platforms. Specifically, it:

  1. Ensures that the framework's Info.plist is not restricted to arm64 architectures by removing the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities keys altogether.

  2. Ensure that an armv7s slice is present.

Enterprise mode + Bugfixes

27 Mar 21:38
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AferoIOSSofthub 1.4.3 introduces an "enterprise" mode, and fixes two bugs:

  • HUB-841: Softhub OOB crash when connecting to peripherals
  • HUB-798/ACE-170/ACE-173: Softhub crashes when quickly starting/stopping


As of this release, AferoIOSSofthub is considered an Afero-internal API. External API consumers should use the Softhub class vended by AferoSwiftSDK 1.0.9 or later. See the Softhub documentation for more details.

Binary Softhub

14 Nov 18:51
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AferoIOSSofthub 1.1.0 is a precompiled dynamic framework:

  • The module name (AferoSofthub) and all symbol names are unchanged from version 1.0.2 (which is the last hosted in the aferodeveloper/hubby repo. 1.1.0 is API-compatible with 1.0.2.
  • Framework contains armv7, arm64, i386, and x86_64 architectures, as well as bitcode.
  • As i386 and x86_64 slices are intended to run on the simulator only, they're "stubbed": the AferoSofthub interface is exposed, but all calls are stubbed to either no-op, or to return test fixture results. Bitcode is included only as a marker in these slices.