Data Science Project
Part 1. Using NBA player data to predict player position based on player height
Part 2. Using NBA game data to predit outcome of a specific game
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install seaborn
All the code is in a jupyter notebook
pip install notebook
Look at the player_position_prediction.ipynb notebook file for part 1 code. The player height is in Players.csv in the home directory. The NBA yearly player data is found in the Players_Yearly directory. Feel free to change the file names in the notebook to other years too build your own models.
Look at the game_winner_prediction.ipynb notebook file for part 2 code. The game data is in the GameData directory. The indiviudal functions that were used to create the different features could have all been made into one functin for effeciency but this way it is easier to understand what feature is being added.