This is a CloudBioLinux (CBL) flavor intended to be used when building CBL images on the NeCTAR cloud as part of the Genomics Virtual Laboratory.
To install, first clone CBL from its Git repository (if you have already
done that). Then, change into cloudbiolinux/contrib/flavor/
directory and
clone this flavor:
$ cd <project_home>
$ git clone
$ cd cloudbiolinux/contrib/flavor
$ git clone gvl
The two repositories will be kept separate (depending on the contents of
your .gitignore
file in the cloudbiolinux repository root directory
(i.e., <project_home>
), git may mark contrib/flavor/gvl
untracked files, but no need to worry about that - you can add that
directory to your .gitignore
or leave it as is. However, do not add/commit
gvl flavor files into the cloudbiolinux repository).
The reason for having separate repositories is because gvl_flavor
depends on CBL, but CBL code does not depend on the gvl_flavor
As a result, having these two repositories separate and independently versioned,
it allows them to be managed independently (i.e., gvl_flavor
can be versioned
but does not have to become part of the main CBL source).
The flavor is used as part of invoking CBL scripts. To adjust the settings the flavor defines,
edit the following files (all in <project_home>/cloudbiolinux/contrib/flavor/gvl
- to define the list of meta-packages to be installedpackages.yaml
- to define the exact list of system packages to be installed (this is in part defined by the list frommain.yaml
- to define specific language libraries to be installed (this is in part defined by the list frommain.yaml
- to define a list of tools and their versions that will be installed as Galaxy-dependenciesfabricrc.txt
- to define the paths where software should be installed on the remote system
Once all the configuration has been done run the CBL scripts:
$ fab -i <key> -H ubuntu@<IP> -c contrib/flavor/gvl/fabricrc.txt install_biolinux:flavor=gvl
Once all the packages and libraries have been installed, clean the image and then create a snapshot from it via the cloud console:
$ fab -i <key> -H ubuntu@<IP> install_biolinux:target=cleanup