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    register a new user,

    require body : valid email address, username, and password

    response success 201

      "_id": "5db10205a5743e0e18ce651f",
      "username": "documentation",
      "email": "",
      "password": "$2b$10$i9PfpVSEex3HCV4AaSyENe09Pd8ccCx4BzIybaBZwFXVcoosMDRLe",
      "__v": 0

    response error 422

    if body email is invalid, and username was not filled

      "message": [
        "username is required",
        "Please fill a valid email address"

    login existing user

    require body: valid email and passowrd

    response success 200

      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InRlc3QiLCJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3RAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiX2lkIjoiNWRhZDY0ZjJmNjBlNjEyYWEzNmIyNTZhIiwiaWF0IjoxNTcxODgxNjE5fQ.0O2wqOxGB9Hi0aXTDUrt405U2SYkVLOAvAEK9bV72RQ",
      "user": {
        "username": "test",
        "email": "",
        "_id": "5dad64f2f60e612aa36b256a"

    response error 422

    if email and password didnot match any data in database

      "message": "wrong email/password"

  • Request (multipart/form-data)

            "tags": "code"
  • Request

    • Headers

        token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiYXJub2xkIHRoZXJpZ2FuIiwiZW1haWwiOiJhcm5vbGR0aGVyaWdhbjE1QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsIl9pZCI6IjVkYmQ2NzA3MjJlYzA2M2M0ZGJiOWQ5MSIsImlhdCI6MTU3Mjc5NTIwNH0.t8gPkA68mipNpz67WGjdXCsA1yLp_ZlnSJfLo4w9x3U"
  • Response 201 (application/json)

            "message": "tags updated"
    1. PATCH /removeTag [REMOVE TAGS]
  • Request (multipart/form-data)

            "tags": "code"
  • Request

    • Headers

        token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiYXJub2xkIHRoZXJpZ2FuIiwiZW1haWwiOiJhcm5vbGR0aGVyaWdhbjE1QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsIl9pZCI6IjVkYmQ2NzA3MjJlYzA2M2M0ZGJiOWQ5MSIsImlhdCI6MTU3Mjc5NTIwNH0.t8gPkA68mipNpz67WGjdXCsA1yLp_ZlnSJfLo4w9x3U"
  • Response 201 (application/json)

            "message": "tags updated"


  1. GET /question/

    find all question data, did not require anything

    response success 200

    array of object containing question data populated with user and answer, and votes data

        "tags": [
          "angular ",
          "javascript "
        "answer": [
            "_id": "5db0080d7dc5164e638c4932",
            "answer": "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch ..... ; background-color: rgb(239, 240, 241); white-space: pre-wrap;\">&lt;Test three=\"anyValue\" /&gt;</code>&nbsp;then you can easily get this value in child component.</p>",
            "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
            "question": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
            "upvotes": [
                 "downvotes": [],
            "createdAt": "2019-10-23T07:58:05.859Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-10-23T08:14:41.089Z",
            "_id": "5db00aa67dc5164e638c4937",
            "answer": "<p style=\"background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);\">By default, QEditor offers most if not all the commands you’d need in a WYSIWYG editor: bold, italic, strike, underline, unordered (list), ordered (list), subscript, superscript, link,</p><p style=\"background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);\">fullscreen, quote, left (align), center (align), right (align), justify (align), print, outdent, indent, removeFormat, hr, undo, redo, h1 to h6, p (paragraph), code (code paragraph), size-1&nbsp;</p><p style=\"background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);\">to size-7.</p><p style=\"background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);\">Each of these commands is pre-configured with icons and their own internationalized tooltips. However, if you want to override some of their settings you can do so with the&nbsp;</p><p style=\"background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);\">help of definitions Object property.</p>",
            "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
            "question": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
            "votes": [
                "_id": "5db00be47dc5164e638c4946",
                "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
                "value": -1
            "createdAt": "2019-10-23T08:09:10.189Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-10-23T08:14:37.382Z",
            "__v": 0
  2. GET /question/user/

    require an user token as a headers.

    response success 200

    response all question post by user(token)

        "tags": [
          "angular ",
          "javascript "
        "answer": [
            "_id": "5db0080d7dc5164e638c4932",
            "answer": "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inher .... his value in child component.</p>",
            "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
            "question": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
            "upvotes": [
             "downvotes": [],
            "createdAt": "2019-10-23T07:58:05.859Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-10-23T08:14:41.089Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5db009227dc5164e638c4934",
            "answer": "<p style=\"marg ... ity&nbsp;<em>might still be visible</em>&nbsp;to:</p>",
            "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
            "question": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
            "votes": [
                "_id": "5db00c127dc5164e638c494a",
                "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
                "value": -1
                "_id": "5db05ae9c2e30a6759a13cd4",
                "user": "5dad64f2f60e612aa36b256a",
                "value": -1
            "createdAt": "2019-10-23T08:02:42.245Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-10-23T13:51:38.690Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "5db00aa67dc5164e638c4937",
            "answer": "<p style=\"back .... t property.</p>",
            "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
            "question": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
            "upvotes": [
             "downvotes": [],
            "createdAt": "2019-10-23T08:09:10.189Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-10-23T08:14:37.382Z",
            "__v": 0
        "_id": "5dafc78a7d164c1bea6e2368",
        "title": "angular something",
        "question": "<div clas....

    response error 403

      "message": "authentication error"
  3. POST /question/

    create question

    require body : title, question, and tags(optional)

    require headers : token

    response success 201

      "tags": [],
      "answer": [],
      "_id": "5db10b9da5743e0e18ce6522",
      "title": "test4",
      "question": "test4",
      "user": "5dad64f2f60e612aa36b256a",
      "upvotes": [
         "downvotes": [],
      "createdAt": "2019-10-24T02:25:33.065Z",
      "updatedAt": "2019-10-24T02:25:33.065Z",
      "__v": 0

    response fail 422 or 403

      "message": [
        "question required"
      "message": "authentication error"
  4. PATCH /question/:id

    require params : question id

    require body : updated data ( title , question, and tags)

    response success 200

      "message": "update question success",
      "updated": {
        "n": 1,
        "nModified": 1,
        "ok": 1

    response fail 404 or 403

      "message": "data not found"
      "message": "authentication error"
  5. PATCH /question/upvote/:id

    require params : question id,

    require headers : user token

    response success 200

      "message": "upvotes success",
      "updated": {
        "n": 1,
        "nModified": 1,
        "ok": 1

    response fail 404 or 403

      "message": "data not found"
      "message": "authentication error"
  6. PATCH /question/downvote/:id

    require params : question id,

    require headers : user token

    response success 200

      "message": "downvote success",
      "updated": {
        "n": 1,
        "nModified": 1,
        "ok": 1

    response fail 404 or 403

      "message": "data not found"
      "message": "authentication error"
  7. DELETE /question/:id

    require params : question id

    require headers : user token

    response success 200

      "message": "delete question success",
      "deleted": {
        "n": 1,
        "ok": 1,
        "deletedCount": 1

    response fail 404 or 403

      "message": "data not found"
      "message": "authentication error"
  8. GET /question/tag

    did not require any params, body, or headers

    return trending 4 tags

    response success 200

        "_id": "javascript ",
        "count": 6
        "_id": "html ",
        "count": 2
        "_id": "angular ",
        "count": 1
        "_id": "js ",
        "count": 1

    response fail 500

    	"message" : "internal server error"


  1. GET /answer

    show all logged user (token) answer

    require headers : token

    response success 200

        "_id": "5db155bb05feae4f29a8926c",
        "answer": "<p style=\"margin-bottom: ... t-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(48, 51, 54);\">);</span></code></pre></div></div>",
        "user": {
          "_id": "5db1555f05feae4f29a89269",
          "username": "botol",
          "email": "",
          "password": "$2b$10$AvfO6842jpMydJO.SzW1Le1dtsJPQh7UqcqTC8cmgYoccsLSErz..",
          "__v": 0
        "question": {
          "tags": [
            "javascript ",
            "closures "
          "answer": [
          "_id": "5db1549505feae4f29a89267",
          "title": "How do javascript closure work",
          "question": "<p style=\"marg....  help.</p>",
          "user": "5db1543a05feae4f29a89266",
          "upvotes": ["5dd4b354512cdb11cc0d6991"],
             "downvotes": [],
          "createdAt": "2019-10-24T07:36:53.431Z",
          "updatedAt": "2019-10-24T08:49:46.299Z",
          "__v": 0
        "votes": [
            "_id": "5db155bd05feae4f29a8926d",
            "user": "5db1555f05feae4f29a89269",
            "value": 1
        "createdAt": "2019-10-24T07:41:47.153Z",
        "updatedAt": "2019-10-24T08:49:30.472Z",
        "__v": 0
      {... },

    response error

      "message": "authentication error"
    1. POST /answer

      require body : answer as a string

      require params: question id,

      require headers : user token

      response success 201

        "answer": {
          "_id": "5dada8bedb75b10e34d823be",
          "answer": "isi answer test",
          "user": "5dad8d852ccce63cdad9f159",
          "question": "5dad77e0e187d2324fd490bf",
          "upvotes": [
                "downvotes": [],
          "createdAt": "2019-10-21T12:46:54.761Z",
          "updatedAt": "2019-10-21T12:46:54.761Z",
          "__v": 0
        "updated": {
          "n": 1,
          "nModified": 1,
          "ok": 1

      response fail 404 or 403

        "message": "data not found"
        "message": "authentication error"
      1. PATCH /answer/:id

        require params : answer id,

        require headers : user token

        response success 200

          "message": "update answer success",
          "updated": {
            "n": 0,
            "nModified": 0,
            "opTime": {
              "ts": "6751315867755085825",
              "t": 3
            "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000003",
            "ok": 1,
            "operationTime": "6751315867755085825",
            "$clusterTime": {
              "clusterTime": "6751315867755085825",
              "signature": {
                "hash": "FGw6psPuVsdXfdxzNiw6P4HOXAE=",
                "keyId": "6737062748200370177"

        response fail 404 or 403

          "message": "data not found"
          "message": "authentication error"
      2. PATCH /answer/upvote/:id

        require params : answer id,

        require headers : user token

        response success 200

          "message": "upvote success",
          "updated": {
            "n": 1,
            "nModified": 1,
            "ok": 1

        response error 404 or 403

          "message": "data not found"
          "message": "authentication error"
        1. PATCH /answer/downvote/:id

          require params : answer id,

          require headers : user token

          response success 200

            "message": "downvote success",
            "updated": {
              "n": 1,
              "nModified": 1,
              "ok": 1

          response error 404 or 403

            "message": "data not found"
            "message": "authentication error"


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • Vue 66.3%
  • JavaScript 32.8%
  • Other 0.9%