QRP CW Transceiver
- Covers 30, 17, and 12 meters
- Easily modifiable for other 3 bands or all 8 HF bands
- Classical single IF superheterodyne design
- Free of spurious signals!
- Simple but effective AGC
- Supports RIT and XIT
- 10-30 WPM Elekey-B type keyer + straight key mode
- Keyer settings are saved in EEPROM
- ~5W class C power amplifier
- Has a S-meter and a SWR meter
- Open-source firmware, schematic and 3D-printable enclosure
- Article (in Russian): https://eax.me/hbr-3b-transceiver/
- Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xab1Q_SXZec