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"Pixel Dungeon 3D" is mod for original "Pixel Dungeon" (forked from here) that adds new 3D renderer and new GUI. This mod does not alter game logic, nor it adds any new gameplay elements - it's still good ol' "Pixel Dungeon" with new 3D visuals and different controls.

This was my hobby project that I was coding on my free time for 18 months. It is still half-finished and needs a lot of polishing, but I'm not going to continue development right now because I'm really tired of it!

I'll just leave it over here and switch to other projects.

Gameplay video

Playing beta version of PixelDungeon 3D mod (v0.2.8)


"Pixel Dungeon 3D" v0.2.8 binaries:


Following GIFs show how 3D mod looks like comparing to original. Each GIF captures output of two windows:

  • In left window you see Desktop version of Pixel Dungeon 3D v0.2.8 which acts as client
  • In right window you see Android emulator with original Pixel Dungeon v1.9.7 which acts as server

When doing standalone release I compile client and server into single app and, but to record those GIFs I launched client (i.e. 3D engine) and server (i.e. original Pixel Dungeon) as different processes connected via java-websocket. This allowed me to capture output of both processes while they were negotiating with each other and rendering same game session.

Rotating camera in first room of first level Exploring first level
Fighting rats on first level Fighting Goo boss on level 5

External links - twitter account where I used to share progress while developing #pixeldungeon3d - youtube channel where I used to publish gameplay videos - reddit post #1 where I first announced this 3D mod - reddit post #2 where I published v0.1.0 alpha version - reddit post #3 where I published v0.2.8 beta version

Implementation details

Pixel Dungeon 3D source code is split between 4 git repositories:

  1. pixel-dungeon.git - forked original Pixel Dungeon project which acts as server. All gameplay logic is located in this repository

  2. pixel-dungeon-classes.git - forked original PD classes project that is being used by pixel-dungeon.git

  3. pixel-dungeon-3d.git - root project that contains 3D engine core and acts as client. This repository contains code that receives game state from server and renders it in 3D space via libgdx

  4. pixel-dungeon-3d-lib.git - shared code that is being used by both pixel-dungeon.git (i.e. server) and pixel-dungeon-3d.git(i.e. client) and contain packages that:

    a. Serialize game state and send it from server to client

    b. Send game commands in opposite direction from client to server

Following external packages are managed by Gradle which should automatically download them and update project file accordingly:

  1. org.json:json:20180130
  2. org.mini2Dx:universal-tween-engine:6.3.3
  4. com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:1.9.8
  5. com.kotcrab.vis:vis-ui:1.4.0

Preparing "IntelliJ IDEA" project (aka "Android Studio")

  1. Create root project from pixel-dungeon-3d.git:

    Create new IntelliJ IDEA project by cloning repository into ./pd3d directory.

    In "Import project" window select "Gradle" and then tap "Create separate module per source set" checkbox.

    When Gradle sync is over then you should see pd3d project with core, desktop and android modules.

  2. Import pixel-dungeon-3d-lib.git:

    Clone to ./pd3d/core/pixel-dungeon-3d-lib directory (you can do this by navigating to VCS -> Checkout from Version Control -> Git menu)

    (Press No if IntelliJ IDEA asks you to create new project)

  3. Import pixel-dungeon-classes.git:

    Clone to ./pd3d/core/pixel-dungeon-classes directory.

    (Press No if IntelliJ IDEA asks you to create new project)

  4. Import pixel-dungeon.git:

    Clone to ./pd3d/core/pixel-dungeon directory.

    (Press No if IntelliJ IDEA asks you to create new project)

When you complete above mentioned steps then your project should have following structure:

     +-- core
     |     | 
     |     +-- pixel-dungeon-3d-lib
     |     |
     |     +-- pixel-dungeon-classes
     |     |
     |     +-- pixel-dungeon
     +-- desktop
     +-- android

IMPORTANT - you should manually copy original game assets (*.png and *.mp3 files) from ./pd3d/core/pixel-dungeon/assets to ./pd3d/android/assets. (TODO: Automate this step with Gradle)

Build instructions (Desktop JAR)

Select ./pd3d/android/assets as your working directory and run com.matalok.pd3d.desktop.DesktopLauncher class.

IMPORTANT - I've been developing for Java8 that's why it might not compile/run with different Java version.

Build instructions (Android APK)

Building for Android is a little bit trickier than building for Desktop because all android.* and javax.* imports from native Pixel Dungeon project should be renamed to* and stub.javax.* accordigly.

For instance:

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;  -> import stub.javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;
import android.opengl.GLES20;                     -> import;

This step is "necessary evil" which ensures that native Pixel Dungeon sources call custom methods from* packages instead of android.*.

To automate this task I created ./pd3d/scripts/ shell script that can add/delete this stub hack when necessary.

The only problem with this script is that it uses /bin/bash syntax which can be run either from Linux or Cygwin.

  1. Navigate to ./pd3d/scripts directory
  2. Run ./ add to replace android.* package import with*
  3. Run com.matalok.pd3d.AndroidLauncher activity
  4. Run ./ del to revert stub.adnroid.* back to android.*