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AndresGranados edited this page Nov 9, 2015 · 2 revisions

SpecData wiki

SpecData is entirely written in Python. You have to install the following packages for use SpecData:

  • Astropy
  • SciPy
  • Matplotlib
  • PyNeb
  • IPython / IPython[notebook]
  • Astroquery (it isn't mandatory)

Make a clone of this repo: git SpecData repo

Fitting a spectrum

Locate the SpecData folder in a terminal and write ipython notebook

Then run the DescargaFITS notebook if you want download a list of objects. It will be located in LIST1 folder. It will be needed Astroquery.

If you have the spectra .fits located in LIST1 you can directly run SpecData notebook.

You can see a plot of the model and observed spectrum like:

The data about the fittings are in LIST1 and in a format TABLA_obj_name.tbl

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