This is a repository that contains demos for the set of best practices related to deployment of JVM-based applications to AWS Lambda, and comparing this with a baseline in Node.js.
It includes optimized runtimes, JVM compilation tweaks (including JIT), and AoT compilation with GraalVM. To not make this artificially bound only to Java it additionally contains similar examples in Clojure.
- Pre-installed tools:
- Most recent AWS CLI.
- Most recent AWS SAM.
- AWS CDK in version 2.x or higher.
- OpenJDK 11 or higher (ideally Amazon Corretto 11.x).
- Gradle 5.x or higher.
- Node.js v16.x or higher.
- Configured profile in the installed AWS CLI for your AWS IAM User account of choice.
- Last, but not least - do either of two (I prefer the latter):
- Deploy this layer to your AWS account in the region where you will deploy your stacks.
- Note down the ARN of the layer as you will need that later.
# After checking out the repository - do it in a single terminal session ...
$ make
$ source ./.env/bin/activate
$ cd sources
$ make
$ cd ../infrastructure
$ npm install
$ cdk bootstrap
$ npm run package
$ cdk deploy Infrastructure-Shared # Get the repository URL from the outputs.
# Generate AWS CodeCommit HTTPS credentials in the AWS IAM for your user.
$ git remote add aws https://... # Put that repository URL here.
$ git push aws main
$ npm run deploy
From now on everything can be done from the AWS Cloud9 that is set up by the infrastructure as code used above.
If you are interested in seeing relevant slides, contact me directly.