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Predicting Court Judgement Decisions using Natural Language Processing


Legal institutions in most countries suffer from significant delay due to large number of cases. This is not only an issue in law & ethics but a research problem which comes under the purview of legal engineering. With modern tools and computational abilities we can look into using Natural Language Processing(NLP) as a guiding mechanism for legal systems and influence the productivity of our over-burdened courts.

Case for India

The courts of india are relatively overburdened. The New Delhi’s High Court (2009) observed that the existing backlog of cases would take another 466 years to come to a verdict! The Hindu estimates the number of cases pending with Indian courts to be around 30 million. The Law Commission, 1987, estimated that there are 10 judges for every million population of India. With increasing population the cases with the courts has increased drastically while the judge to population ratio did not increase to the recommended level. All this together stanches the flow of justice.


Predicting the outcomes of cases which are under the jurisdiction of European Court of Human Rights, regarding violations of Articles 3,5,6,8. Output will be a binary vector of Violation and No violation.


The number of transacripts available for each article and violation/non-violation are summarised below.

Article# Violations Not Violations
Article 3 591 560
Article 5 509 437
Article 6 754 565
Article 8 411 351

Classification Models

The following models were used for the binary classification :

  • Neural Network
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Prediction Scores
    Using the weights calculated, we formulate a predictive score for each paragraph (via aggregation of the weights of constituent words). As with the word weights, a positive paragraph score suggests article violation while a negative score suggests no violation. Calculating the prediction scores for all paragraphs in a document we use three approaches to interpret the aggregate score to a single prediction :
    • Min-Max : We sort the prediction scores for each paragraphs and use the sum of min and max
    • Aggregate sum : We take a linear summation of prediction scores of all paragraphs. A positive sum predicts a violation and vice-versa
    • Weighted sum : We take a weighted mean of the prediction paragraph score using word size as the weight of each paragraph


The following table summarizes the accuracies with respect to the topmost(most frequent) features corresponding to each of the three articles(3, 6 & 8) used in [1]. Moreover it can be seen that the accuracies in general are low for all the articles and subsections, this can be attributed to the fact that the topmost features are not so predictive of the violation/non-violation of the articles. Adding to this the data set used in [1] was very less and hence the weights obtained might be questionable too.

Case Structure Metric Article 3 Article 6 Article 8
Procedure Max/min 65.7 58.32 53.05
Sum Compare 66.78 57.18 50.13
Size Weighted Sum 66.51 55.74 49.73
Facts Max/min 60.64 56.92 54.88
Sum Compare 60.99 56.54 54.19
Size Weighted Sum 60.18 56.39 53.92
The Law Max/min 54.59 56.62 51.85
Sum Compare 53.87 57.22 48.83
Size Weighted Sum 53.96 56.92 48.84
Full Doc Max/min 57.16 56.86 53.14
Sum Compare 54.12 57.24 50.26
Size Weighted Sum 55.25 57.31 49.88

The accuracies of subsections and different metrics using the most predictive features for violation and non-violation of articles and their corresponding weights obtained by training a model using SVM classifier and a linear kernel are summarised in the table below :

Case Structure Metric Article 3 Article 5 Article 6 Article 8
Procedure Max/min 81.22 80.86 81.67 71.07
Sum Compare 81.57 81.08 81.90 71.27
Size Weighted Sum 81.40 80.65 81.52 72.07
Facts Max/min 66.87 71.80 68.34 71.11
Sum Compare 68.59 74.33 71.23 75.37
Size Weighted Sum 68.86 74.10 71.68 73.31
The Law Max/min 73.12 71.47 72.07 70.79
Sum Compare 78.35 76.74 78.38 76.44
Size Weighted Sum 75.02 73.76 77.54 74.49
Full Doc Max/min 72.98 75.89 79.22 70.99
Sum Compare 75.15 73.28 80.00 74.14
Size Weighted Sum 72.54 79.06 79.57 74.27

These results indicate that the SVM classifier was able to identify more predictive features/topics as compared to manual identification.

The table below summarizes the performance of the ”tf-idf” representation using Feed forward neural networks and SVM as classifiers.

Classifier Metric Article 3 Article 5 Article 6 Article 8
NN Procedure 92.48 92.92 93.41 92.97
Facts 90.92 90.05 91.69 91.00
The Law 91.80 91.23 92.77 92.04
Full Doc 92.16 92.24 93.60 93.12
SVM Procedure 96.31 96.41 95.74 94.28
Facts 92.96 92.63 94.14 91.76
The Law 94.86 94.04 95.05 93.41
Full Doc 94.17 94.82 95.67 94.48


In contrast to the analysis done by Aletras 2016 which concluded that relevant facts has the highest predictive performance that resonates with he principles of legal realism, we find that with more enriched word representations like word specific prediction weights and tfidf features, Procedure outperforms other sections. Various explanation can fit this observation. The most relevant one seems to be that the section Procedure has the most concise description of the facts of the case, hence the most weighted words happen to be in this section, that is the section is fact dense. other explanations could be that outcome for a case is biased by the pre judicial treatment of the lodged complaints and the ruling of the domestic courts are good predictors of the outcome.


  1. Nikolaos Aletras, Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis, Daniel Preot¸iuc-Pietro, and Vasileios Lampos. Predicting judicial decisions of the european court of human rights: A natural language processing perspective. PeerJ Computer Science, 2:e93, 2016.
  2. Reed C Lawlor. What computers can do: Analysis and prediction of judicial decisions. American Bar Association Journal, pages 337–344, 1963.
  3. Benjamin E Lauderdale and Tom S Clark. The supreme court’s many median justices. American Political Science Review, 106(4):847–866, 2012.

Full Report

The full report is available here


The presentation is available here


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