Full-featured framework for writing telegram bots in Elixir.
Link to repository simple CLI application for receiving and sending messages to telegram bot
git clone https://github.com/CarefreeSlacker/sandbox
cd sandbox
- Create your bot by @BotFather
- Add its token to sandbox/config/config.custom.exs into sandbox.agala_telegram.token
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
- ?????
Now you can send and receive messages from created Telegram bot.
- Incoming messages will be displayed in CLI like this:
<User first name> <user_telegram_id> : <Message>
----> You have just received message <----
- For sending message you can use module
Sandbox.MessageSender.answer(<recepient user_telegram_id>, <Your message>)
and then you will see feedback:
<bot_name> Bot <bot_id> : <Your message>
----> You have just sent message <----
There will be described the process of creating a bot step by step. Also pay attention to comments in code snippets.
- Add to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:agala_telegram, "~> 0.1.2"}
- Create request handler
defmodule Sandbox.RequestHandler do
@moduledoc false
use Agala.Chain.Builder # Add it in handler. It will allow you to use `chain` macro
use Agala.Provider.Telegram, :handler # Specify provider.
alias Agala.Conn
# Chain macro. Works just like `plug` macro.
# You can pass there module. Like here.
# Module must
# 1. Have one `init` method with specification `@spec init(opts :: Keyword.t) :: Keyword.t`. Options will be passed to `call` function.
# 2. Have one `call` method with specification `@spec call(conn :: Agala.Conn.t, opts :: Keyword.t) :: Agala.Conn.t`. Attention! It must return `Agala.Conn.t` function for chaining.
# Or you can pass there current module function name
# Function must have specification `@spec call(conn :: Agala.Conn.t, opts :: Keyword.t) :: Agala.Conn.t`
def handle(%Conn{request: %{message: %{text: text, from: %{first_name: first_name, id: user_telegram_id}}}} = conn, _opts) do
IO.puts("#{first_name} #{user_telegram_id} : #{text}")
def second_handle(conn, _opts) do
IO.puts("----> You have just received message <----")
- Create your bot
You can create it by @BotFather. Just find it, type
and follow instructions. In the end copy the token of created bot and paste it into your config file.
config :sandbox, :agala_telegram,
name: "sandbox_telegram_bot", # It must not strict to you telegram bot name. It's using to call specific bot.
token: "999999999:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa" # Nuff said
- Create bot configuration
defmodule Sandbox.BotConfig do
alias Agala.Provider.Telegram.Conn.ProviderParams
def get do
name: Application.get_env(:sandbox, :agala_telegram)[:name], # You can use any string. It's using for sending message from specific bot in paragraph #6
provider: Agala.Provider.Telegram,
handler: Sandbox.RequestHandler, # RequestHandler from paragraph #2
provider_params: %ProviderParams{
token: Application.get_env(:sandbox, :agala_telegram)[:token], # Token from paragraph #3
poll_timeout: :infinity
- Add Bot to your supervision tree
{Agala.Bot, Sandbox.BotConfig.get()}
You can run any number of bots. Just specify different name
and token
in each bot configuration.
- Create request sender
defmodule Sandbox.MessageSender do
@moduledoc """
Module for sending messages to telegram
alias Agala.Provider.Telegram.Helpers
alias Agala.Conn
@bot_name Application.get_env(:sandbox, :agala_telegram)[:name] # Bot name just like in bot configuration from paragraph #4
def answer(telegram_user_id, message) do
# Function for sending response to bot
|> Conn.send_to(@bot_name) # You must explicitly specify bot name.
|> Helpers.send_message(telegram_user_id, message, []) # Helper function for telegram prpovider.
|> Conn.with_fallback(&message_fallback(&1)) # Fallback after successful request sending. Pass Agala.Conn.t of finished request.
# It is not necessary to pass fallback. It's just mechanism to make feedback after sending message.
# For example it is necessary to display that message has been delivered. Or there could become error or something else.
defp message_fallback(%Conn{fallback: %{"result" => %{"from" => %{"first_name" => first_name, "id" => id, "is_bot" => is_bot}, "text" => text}}} = _conn) do
bot_postfix = if is_bot, do: "Bot", else: ""
IO.puts("\n#{first_name} #{bot_postfix} #{id} : #{text}")
IO.puts("----> You have just sent message <----")
- Download dependencies
mix deps.get
That's it. Now you can receive and send messages from and to telegram bot.
For further information you can visit documentation page in hexdocs.pm