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A ready-to-run Docker container setup to quickly provide MLflow as a service, with PostgreSQL, AWS S3, and NGINX


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A ready-to-run Docker container setup to quickly provide MLflow as a service, with optional database backend, optional storage of artifacts in AWS S3, and a reverse proxy frontend which could allow one to easily implement basic or secure authentication.

💡 Note this repo is part of a trio that you might find useful together (but all are separate tools that can be used independently):



The main use-case options available in this MLflow implementation are:

  • store the core MLflow info in a new separate standalone database instance, or in a pre-existing database instance elsewhere (including perhaps AWS RDS). Note a PostgreSQL database is assumed in this repo's setup, although altering to some other database would be a minimal change (mainly in the password file handling)
  • store the run artifact files (like model and graphic/plot files) in the local local filesystem, in a docker volume, or in an S3 bucket,
  • the default setup in this repo serves MLflow with its own database instance, and both database data and artifact files stored in their own docker volumes.

There are several docker-compose.yaml files in the compose_variations subdirectory, any of which can be used in lieu of the docker-compose.yaml in the root directory to use the desired variation.

In all variations, the additional nginx reverse-proxy on the front end allows for options such as:

  • using an htpasswd file in the nginx container to provide non-secure, basic logins for workgroup members behind an already-secure firewall,
  • implementing more full-fledged certficate-based secure access,
  • easily swapping out the nginx image with that some other comparable service (caddy for example). No secure access is implemented here, deemed outside the scope of this repo, but by having the reverse proxy in place and already correctly functional then one may focus one's effort for updates on just the reverse proxy component.

To run and connect to MLflow

An easy way to start the containers using separate new standalone db instance is to just let MLflow use the admin user account to access the database. (Not recommended for a database other than the standalone one, and be judicious about even that.)

echo -n mydbadminpassword  > ~/.pgadminpw  # used when creating standalone db
echo db:5432:mlflow:postgres:mydbadminpassword > ~/.pgpass  # used by mlflow to save/get its results
chmod 600 ~/.pg*
make start

The first time it's run will be slower as it must download/build the containers, but after that first time it will start back up the existing containers and volumes. We can verify it's all up and ready via:

> docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                   NAMES
dc99e6fc8d80   mlflow_nginx      "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   18 minutes ago   Up 18 minutes>80/tcp, :::5000->80/tcp   mlflow_nginx
259ea89f1a9a   mlflow_server     "sh -c 'mlflow serve…"   19 minutes ago   Up 18 minutes   5001/tcp                                mlflow_server
07bbead3e910   postgres:latest   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   19 minutes ago   Up 19 minutes   5432/tcp                                mlflow_db

When it's up we can access the MLFlow website at http://localhost:5000. If this is running on a remote machine without firewalled access, you could access via http://remotehost:5000 (ie if the remote hostname were 'remotehost'), or if only access to remotehost is via ssh tunnel, then this command running in a separate terminal:

ssh -CNL 5000:localhost:5000 <username>@<hostname>

will allow you to access the MLFlow website via http://localhost:5000 locally. If running on AWS, that ssh line might look something like:

ssh -CNi "~/.ssh/my_awskey.pem" -L 5000:localhost:5000 ec2-user@

You can shut the docker-compose all down via make stop which just runs a docker compose down command.

There are a set of environment variables that can control the behavior of the implementation, but depending on one's needs one one may get away with not specifying any of them, simply using the defaults for all of them. Password for the database is supplied securely via a ~/.pgpass file, PostgreSQL's standard handling mechanism.

Here are the possible env vars one may set, and their defaults which will be used if the variable is not explicitly set. For runs in the default setup you can start it up without setting any of these.

# only bother with the ones you want to change from defaults
export DB_NAME=mlflow
export DB_USER=postgres  # default is admin user of standalone database, but
                         # in pre-existing database would use regular user account
export DB_SERVER=db  # 'db' is the name of the default standalone database
                     # container, but DB_SERVER could be set to something like
export DB_PORT=5432  # port of database process
export PGADMINPW=~/.pgadminpw  # file containing pw to use for admin user of new standalone db (if used)
export PGPASS=~/.pgpass  # file containing pw to use for mlflow (DB_USER) account, in PostgreSQL pgpass format
export FILESTORE=/storage/mlruns  # if using filesystem for artifacts; unused if using S3
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2                    # unused unless using S3
export AWS_S3BUCKETURL=s3://mybucketname/myprefix/     # unused unless using S3
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              # unused unless using S3
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          # unused unless using S3

Warning: Note regardless of the mechanisms noted above, it's important to note that the public domain version of MLflow is still fundamentally insecure, with no user logins. One should run this strictly on a secure, company-internal, firewalled intranet and/or wrapped within some secure/https, internet-facing layer. Overall the typical use-case here is individual or small-group usage contained inside a company's internal network behind a firewall, so not at the top of my concern list. Please beware for use-cases beyond that.

A few other functionalities to note

The makefile contains the following two macros which can be useful in testing and development:

  • make mlflowquickcheck just outputs the MLflow experiments list as a connectivity test, answering the basic question of "is it working?"

  • make mlflowpopulate runs the small, quick-running example project 'mlflow-example' to generate some example/test contents in your MLflow instance. This test content in a rapidly-spun-up mlflow instance can be really useful when testing other tools such as the vim-mlflow Vim plugin.

Relevant links

Initial implementation was originally based on Guillaume Androz's 10-Jan-2020 Toward-Data-Science post, "Deploy MLflow with docker compose" (thanks for getting me started!)

Other links:


A ready-to-run Docker container setup to quickly provide MLflow as a service, with PostgreSQL, AWS S3, and NGINX








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