Checkout the code to either of your library directories:
cd libraries
git clone
Include the library in in your /app/config/bootstrap/libraries.php
You must configure the adapter you wish to use first, but once you have it configured it's fairly simple to use.
$access = Access::check('access_config_name', Auth::check('auth_config_name'), $this->request);
if(!empty($access)) {
If the request validates correctly based on your configuration then Access::check()
will return an empty array()
otherwise it will return and array with two keys; message
and redirect
. These values are built into the Access class but you can override them but passing them as $options
to all three of the adapters in this repository.
In this repository there are three adapters. All three work in a slightly different way.
The simple adapter is exactly what it says it is. The check method only checks that the data passed to is not empty and as a result the configuration is trivial.
'simple' => array('adapter' => 'Simple')
And that's it!
This adapter effectively allows you to tell it how it should work. It comes with a few preconfigured rules by default but it's very simple to add your own. Its configuration is the same as the Simple
adapter if you only want to use the built in methods.
'rules' => array('adapter' => 'Rules')
Then to deny all requests from the authenticated user.
$access = Access::check('rules', Auth::check('auth_config_name'), $this->request, array('rule' => 'denyAll'));
if(!empty($access)) {
There are four built in rules; allowAll, denyAll, allowAnyUser and allowIp, for more information see the adapter itself. However, this adapter is at it's most useful when you add your own rules.
Access::adapter('custom_rule')->add(function($user, $request, $options) {
// Your logic here. Just make sure it returns an array.
Then to use your new rule:
$access = Access::check('rules', Auth::check('auth_config_name'), $this->request, array('rule' => 'custom_rule'));
One more to go!
This is the most complex adapter in this repository at this time. It's used for Role Based Access Control. You define a set of roles (or conditions) to match the request against, if the request matches your conditions the adapter then checks to see if the user is authenticated with the appropriate \lithium\security\Auth
configurations to be granted access.
It's difficult to explain (I hope that's clear enough) so lets look at an example configuration to try and achive some clarity:
'auth_rbac' => array(
'adapter' => 'AuthRbac',
'roles' => array(
'requesters' => '*',
'match' => '*::*'
'message' => 'No panel for you!',
'redirect' => array('library' => 'admin', 'Users::login'),
'requesters' => 'admin',
'match' => array('library' => 'admin', '*::*')
'requesters' => '*',
'match' => array('library' => 'admin', 'Users::login')
'requesters' => '*',
'match' => array('library' => 'admin', 'Users::logout')
First we tell it which adapter to use:
'adapter' => 'AuthRbac',
Then we set the roles array. This array is required if you want to use this adapter. The roles are evaluated from top to bottom. So if a role at the bottom contradicts one closer to the top, the bottom will take precedence.
A rule used to match (see: AuthRbac::parseMatch()
) this role against the request object passed from the check()
method. You may use a parameters array where you explicitly set the parameter/value pairs, a shorthand syntax very similar to the one you use when generating urls or even a. Without match being set the role will always deny access.
->array('controller' => 'Dashboards', 'action' => 'index')
->array('controller' => 'Dashboards', 'action' => '*')
->Any action in the Dasboards controller.
array('library' => 'admin', '*::*');
->array('library' => 'admin_plugin', 'controller' => '*', 'action' => '*')
->Any controller/action combination under the admin library.
A string or an array of auth configuration keys that this rule applies to. The string *
denotes everyone, even those who are not authenticated. A string of admin
will apply this to everyone who can be authenticated against the user defined admin
Auth configuration. An array of configuration keys does the same but you can apply it to multiple Auth configurations in one go.
Assuming we have an Auth configuration like so:
'user' => array(
'adapter' => 'Form',
'model' => 'User',
'fields' => array('email' => 'email', 'password' => 'password'),
'scope' => array('active' => true)
'editor' => array(
'adapter' => 'Form',
'model' => 'Editor',
'fields' => array('email' => 'email', 'password' => 'password'),
'scope' => array('active' => true, 'group' => 1)
'customer' => array(
'adapter' => 'Form',
'model' => 'Customer',
'fields' => array('email' => 'email', 'password' => 'password'),
'scope' => array('active' => true, 'group' => 2)
Setting 'requester' => array('user', 'customer') would only apply the rule to anyone that could authenticate as a user or customer. Setting 'requester' => '*' would mean that all of these auth configurations and people that are not authenticated would have this role applied to them.
A boolean that if set to false forces a role that would have been granted access to deny access. This way you can apply a rule to everyone and then proceed to exclude requesters manualy.
The Access::check() method is filterable. You can apply the filters in the configuration like so:
'rule_based' => array(
'adapter' => 'Rules',
'filters' => array(
function($self, $params, $chain) {
// Filter logic goes here
return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
ACL adapter uses 2 plugin libraries:
3 tables must be insert to database:
- aros
- acos
- aros_acors
standard configuration you can check it on official lithium php documentation
'user' => array(
'adapter' => 'Form',
'model' => 'Users',
easy config params adapter
set to acl
, and get user credentials from Auth
'acl' => array(
'adapter' => 'Acl',
'credentials' => Auth::config('user')
add to your models 'Users'. Thanx to it after you inser or delete users, roles your Aros trees is refresh
class Users extends \li3_behaviors\extensions\Model {
protected $_meta = array('source' => 'users');
protected $_actsAs = array(
'Acl' => array('type' => 'requester')
public static function parentNode($entity) {
$data = $entity->data();
if ( !$entity->exists() && empty($data) ) {
return null;
$id = $entity->data('role_id');
if (empty($id)){
//@todo add field constrains
$id = self::first($entity->data('id'))->data('role_id');
if (!$id) {
//default group IMPORTANT !!! change it when ur Role `id` is diffrent
return array('Roles' => array('id' => 7)); //Roles, 7, user
} else {
return array('Roles' => array('id' => $id));
and 'Roles'
class Roles extends \li3_behaviors\extensions\Model {
protected $_meta = array('source' => 'roles');
protected $_actsAs = array(
'Acl' => array('type' => 'requester')
public function parentNode() {
return null;
- 1st step get from array at
list of action available without check authentication and authorization, when action is public or it's a 'test' or 'li3_docs.ApiBrowser' return controller without A&A - 2nd step uses
to get user credentials, is Requester (ARO) for ACL - 3d step is authentication user (ARO) to resource (ACO) by Access Control List in this example
ARO is requester get in 2nd step by
ACO is path of maskcontrollers/{controller}/{action}
this path is a binary tree stores in SQL database when user (ARO) have permission to (ACO)Dispatcher
return controller
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function($self, $params, $chain) {
$ctrl = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
// simple
if (
(isset($ctrl->publicActions) && in_array($params['request']->params['action'], $ctrl->publicActions)) ||
in_array($params['request']->params['controller'], array(
return $ctrl;
// check is user loged in
$user = Auth::check('user');
throw new AccessDeniedException('User not logged in.');
// authentication by ACL trees and mask controllers/{controller}/{action}
$aco = 'controllers';
$aco .= '/'. ucfirst($params['request']->params['controller']);
$aco .= '/'. $params['request']->params['action'];
$access = Access::check('acl', $user, $aco);
throw new AccessDeniedException('Permission deined.');
// throw new \Exception('na drzewo');
} catch (Exception $e){
} catch (AccessDeniedException $e){
//if is ajax
//headers 403 - permission denaind
// flash and set redirect
echo $e;
if (Session::read('redirect')) {
$redirect = Session::read('redirect');
} else {
$redirect = $access['redirect'];
if(!in_array($params['request']->url, array('/', 'users/login'))){
Session::write('redirect', $params['request']->url);
return function(){
//catch and set redirect url
return new Response(
array('location' => '/users/login')
//array('location' => $redirect)
return $ctrl;
The original author of this library.
Github: tmaiaroto
Website: Shift8 Creative
Wrote the original Rbac adapter.
Website: Weluse
Modified the original Rbac adapter, added some tests and wrote this version of the documentation.
Github: rich97
add Acl adapter and behaviors
Github: AgBorkowski
Website: Holicon Sp. z o.o.