Bridge and Call contract for AggLayer's Unified Bridge. Allows bridging an asset w/ logic to be executed. Check the Relevant Info section.
Currently deployed to
- Ethereum Mainnet
- Polygon ZkEVM
- X Layer
- Silicon
more to come.
First, copy .env.example
to .env
and set the appropriate environment variables (annotated with TODOs).
- Start anvil: two instances required, one for L1, and one for L2
# 1.1 start L1 (ethereum mainnet) anvil - NOTE: using port 8001 for L1
anvil --fork-url=mainnet --chain-id 1 --port 8001 --fork-block-number 19370366
# 1.2 start L2 (polygon zkevm) anvil - NOTE: using port 8101 for L2
anvil --fork-url=polygon_zkevm --chain-id 1101 --port 8101 --fork-block-number 10484909
- Run the tests
forge test -vvvvv
forge test -vvvvv --match-contract NativeConverter
forge test -vvvvv --match-contract QuickSwap
forge test -vvvvv --match-contract KEOM
NOTE: testBridgeFromL2AndCallL1Uniswap
might fail due to exchange rates, if you're not forking the expected block number. You can manually change the expected exchange rate in ZkEVM2ETHMainnet.t.sol#L124
NOTE: BridgeExtension (proxy) must be deployed to the same address on all chains
and run
export RPC=yourRPCURL
forge script script/DeployInitBridgeAndCall.s.sol --rpc-url ${RPC} -vvvvv --legacy --broadcast
No create2 deployer.
This means your chain doesn't have the keyless create2 deployer at: 0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C
The deployer is documented here:
Because we get only one attempt at deploying this please be extra careful and first simulate the deployment:
forge script script/DeployUtils.s.sol --rpc-url ${RPC} -vvvvv --legacy
Make sure the deploy account has at least 0.2 eth as 0.1 will send to the keyless deployer account.
You can deploy it using:
forge script script/DeployUtils.s.sol --rpc-url ${RPC} -vvvvv --legacy --broadcast
Implementation not deployed correctly! or Proxy not deployed correctly!
This likely means your local setup generated the wrong bytecode for the Proxy and Implementation contracts.
This can happen for a variety of reasons. In the scripts/artifacts
directory are the expected bytecodes.
As an alternative you can use:
forge script script/DirectDeployInitBridgeAndCall.s.sol --rpc-url ${RPC} -vvvvv --legacy --broadcast
It uses prepared tx data that uses the exact bytecode needed.
- create easier interfaces for bridging assets (gas token, lx weth, erc20)
- helper claimBridgeAndCall function
- ethers/viem example calling bridgeAndCall