Swift package for displaying view like github contribution
It requires iOS 14
In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and paste in the repo's url: https://github.com/agilestarskim/GrassView.git
import the package in the file you would like to use it
import GrassView
place GrassView in the parent view
VStack {
_ data:[String: Int] = [:],
row: Int = 5, col: Int = 10,
cellColor: Color = .green,
formatString: String = "yyyy-MM-dd",
locale: Locale = Locale(identifier: Locale.current.identifier),
timeZone: TimeZone? = TimeZone(identifier: TimeZone.current.identifier),
onCellTouch: @escaping (String, Int) -> Void = { _, _ in }
data: [String: Int] = [:]
This is Dictionary Type
Key is String Type, value is Int Type
example) "2022-03-01"
Invalid date is available but it won't be shown on the view
example) "2022-14-52"
Keep date form constant!! not various
example) "2022-03-01", "2022/03/02" -> not good
The order of date doesn't matter. view will sort them automatically
Value means how much work at that time
The value ranges from 0 to 10
OutOfRange doesn't occur error but the cell would be invisible
let testCase = [
"2022-10-26": 10,
"2022-10-25": 10,
"2022-10-23": 4,
"2022-10-21": 5,
"2022-10-20": 10,
"2022-10-19": 8,
"2022-10-18": 6,
"2022-10-17": 4,
"2022-10-16": 2,
"2022-10-15": 10,
"2022-10-14": 2,
"2022-10-13": 1,
"2022-10-12": 7
you can customize cell color using Color in SwiftUI
GrassView(data: testCase1, row: 2, col: 11) // default value is .green
GrassView(data: testCase1, cellColor: .orange, row: 2, col: 11)
GrassView(data: testCase1, cellColor: .red, row: 2, col: 11)
GrassView(data: testCase1, cellColor: .blue, row: 2, col: 11)
GrassView(data: testCase1, cellColor: .cyan, row: 2, col: 11)
GrassView(data: testCase1, cellColor: .indigo, row: 2, col: 11)
row: Int = 5
col: Int = 10
row means table row count and col means table column count
formatString: Sting = "yyyy-MM-dd"
The formatString is used to find keys in data.
if formatString and data key format are different, view can't read the data
GrassView(["2022-03-01": 10], formatString: "yyyy-MM-dd") //-> good
GrassView(["20220301": 10], formatString: "yyyy-MM-dd") //-> bad
locale is for formatting date string to specific country
if you don't pass paramter, locale would be localized automatically by finding out the current place of device
GrassView(locale: Locale(identifier: "en-US"))
you can check various country code here
timezone is for calculating current time based on a specific timezone
if you don't pass paramter, timezone would be localized automatically by finding out the current place of device
you can check various time zone code here
It will be supported in version 1.0.0
It will be supported in version 1.0.0
It will be supported in version 1.0.0