This version of UMongo is provided as free software by EdgyTech LLC. UMongo is open source, and sources can be seen at . The libraries used by UMongo either have an open source license, or are proprietary and owned by EdgyTech LLC.
All binaries are available from:
- place archive file where is preferred (for example, in your downloads folder)
- extract the archive (right-click “Extract All”)
- open the extracted folder and double-click umongo (type Application)
- place archive file where is preferred (for example, in your downloads folder)
- extract the archive (right-click “Extract Here”)
- open the extracted folder and double-click, or execute in a terminal
If your Mac tells you that the application is damaged, go to "system preferences / security and privacy / General" and make sure that "allow applications downloaded from" is set to "anywhere".
- place archive file where is preferred and extract it (for example, in your downloads folder)
- extract the archive (double-click the file)
- open the extracted folder and double-click
On any platform you can run UMongo from the command line. Open a terminal and go to UMongo's directory in which umongo.jar is present and run:
> java -jar umongo.jar
Often times your client machine cannot directly connect to the MongoDB hosts.
One easy trick is to use a SOCKS
proxy based on SSH tunnel to connect transparently:
> ssh -D 9000 -i key.pem hostThatCanConnectToDB -N
Then make sure you select a SOCKS
proxy of "localhost:9000" in the connection settings.
To compile:
go to the base directory and run:
> ant jar
To package the application:
go to the
folder and run:> ./
To set the version:
- change the version number in
prior to compile / package
Copyright (C) 2010 EdgyTech LLC.