This package makes it very easy to copy files over scp in Go. It uses the package to establish a secure connection to a remote server in order to copy the files via the SCP protocol.
package main
func main(){
// Use SSH key authentication from the auth package
// we ignore the host key in this example, please change this if you use this library
clientConfig, _ := auth.PrivateKey("username", "/path/to/rsa/key", ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey())
// For other authentication methods see ssh.ClientConfig and ssh.AuthMethod
// Create a new SCP client
client := scp.NewClient("", &clientConfig)
// Connect to the remote server
err := client.Connect()
if err != nil{
fmt.Println("Couldn't establisch a connection to the remote server ", err)
// Open a file
f, _ := os.Open("/path/to/local/file")
// Close session after the file has been copied
defer client.Session.Close()
// Close the file after it has been copied
defer f.Close()
// Finaly, copy the file over
// Usage: CopyFile(fileReader, remotePath, permission)
client.CopyFile(f, "/path/to/remote/file", "0655")