Is reality a simulation?
Were Mathematics created by the Illuminati so that you'd be bad at school?
Is the answer 42?
Or is there a tiny bug in this application?
Build the image and run the container with the following commands:
docker build -t xdebug-phpstorm-docker . # Build the image
docker run -d --rm -p 8080:8000 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html --name xdebug-phpstorm-docker xdebug-phpstorm-docker # Run the container in the background
docker exec -it xdebug-phpstorm-docker composer install # Run composer to generate autoload files
Go to the localhost
You can access the container's command line with:
docker exec -it xdebug-phpstorm-docker bash
docker stop xdebug-phpstorm-docker