My Resume is available here.
Am a Principal Engineer at Apptio, working on Application Life-cycle Automation. Have experience in ETL and ML platforms to clean and process data, on-prem or public cloud, at Petabyte Scale. I write code and work with Teams on greenfield Products, Microliths, and on improving NFRs of products and platforms across Business Units and Geographies.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on AWS, Google Cloud, Python, Golang, Kubernetes, Operator-Framework, Java - SpringBoot Microservices, Messaging, Containers / Orchestration, and Open Telemetry.
- 🌱 I’m recently learned creating agents in Langchain, Replication Control Protocols like Gossip / Epidemic, BloomFilters and Merkel Tree to reduce Entropy during Replication. Last year, I learnt Kotlin, and developed a Computer-Vision Android App.
- ❤️ Love to program in Java, Python, Golang, Tensorflow, Kafka / Pub-Sub / JMS, and Refactoring of Code and Applications.
- ❤️ Earlier worked on Deep Learning Vision, Performance Tuning, Scaling, Baselining and Capacity Planning.
- 📫 How to reach me: Email, Twitter, LinkedIn .