A python package for deriving climate indices based on climate data.
BiC cfg_hwmi_other-2.yml eur-11_import_.yml
BiH cfg_hwmi_other.yml eur-11_import__.yml
cfg_hwmi_cmip-2.yml cfg_hwmi_stkh.yml eur-11_import___.yml
cfg_hwmi_cmip.yml cmip5_import_cp.yml eur-11_smhi-rca4.yml
cfg_hwmi_cordex-2.yml cmip5_import.yml gcm_gwls_old.yml
cfg_hwmi_cordex-e.yml cmip5_import_.yml gcm_gwls.yml
cfg_hwmi_cordex.yml cmip6_smhi_len.yml gcm_gwls_.yml
cfg_hwmi_eobs.yml eur-11_import_eval.yml norcp_.yml
cfg_hwmi_erai.yml eur-11_import.yml
diction_.py exe_.py func_.py group_.py hwmid_.py hwmi_.py io_.py zzzz_.py
- BiH
usage: BiH [-h] {expl,calc} ...
Calculate hwmi(d) based on data set on BI.nsc.liu.se
-h, --help show this help message and exit
valid subcommands
{expl,calc} additional help
usage: BiH expl [-h] opt
show controlfile examples
positional arguments:
opt options for controlfile examples: obs | cmip5 | cordex | other
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: BiH calc [-h] [-l LOG] controlfile
calculate HWMId/HWMI [& even WSDI]
positional arguments:
controlfile yaml file with metadata
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOG, --log LOG logfile
- BiH
usage: BiC [-h] {calc,prnt} ...
Calcualte climate indices based on data set on BI.nsc.liu.se
-h, --help show this help message and exit
valid subcommands
{calc,prnt} additional help
usage: BiC prnt [-h] [opt]
Information printer
positional arguments:
opt options for print content: None->list all available Indices |
INDEX->definition of INDEX | grp_X[Y...]->list Indices in group
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: BiC calc [-h] [-x INDICES] [-X INDICES_EXCL] [-w GWL] [-s START]
[-e END] [-i IDXP] [-u USER_CFG] [-p PATH_CFG] [-t TINT]
[--y0y1 Y0Y1] [--lll LLL] [-d DOMAIN] [-o ODIR] [-g G_MTHD]
[-n VNX] [-l LOG]
positional arguments:
opt options for dataset on BI: eobs | erai | cdx_eval;
cdx_eval_smhi | cdx; cdx_smhi | norcp | cmp5 | cmp6
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x INDICES, --indices INDICES
indices to be calculated. Formats: file name (yaml):
read list from yaml file | indexA,indexB,indexC (no
space after comma) | grp_a[bc]: indices belong to a
[and b and c] currently available group labels: w | t
| p | r | c
indices to not be calculated. Format:
indexA,indexB,indexC (no space after comma)
-w GWL, --gwl GWL warming levels: current | gwl15 | gwl2 | gwl25 | gwl3
| gwl35 | gwl4 | xx-xx | xxxx-xxxx
-s START, --start START
simulation-loop start.
-e END, --end END simulation-loop end
-i IDXP, --idxp IDXP simulation-loop index. expl: 0,1,3 meaning simulation
#1,2,4 in the lists (specified in a yaml file) to be
-u USER_CFG, --user_cfg USER_CFG
yaml file that stores user configuration
-p PATH_CFG, --path_cfg PATH_CFG
yaml file that stores paths (simulations)
-t TINT, --tint TINT temporal resolution(s) of input data: mon,day
--y0y1 Y0Y1 only for period: y0-y1
--lll LLL longitude/latitude limits: lo0,lo1,la0,la1
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
name of domain
-o ODIR, --odir ODIR directory where the results to be stored!
-g G_MTHD, --g_mthd G_MTHD
method for grouping indices for a single call: None
(default) | 'v' | 'i'
-n VNX, --vnx VNX maximum number of variables: maximum input variables
for a single call
-l LOG, --log LOG exclusive log identifier
import iris
import dask.array as da
import atmos
import uuuu