- era5wrf
usage: era5wrf [-h] [-d DATE] [-a AREA] [-p PATH] {e5pl,e5sfc,e5land}
Retrive ERA5 hourly data from cds as forcing of WRF
positional arguments:
{e5pl,e5sfc,e5land} Category, currently accepts the following options: e5pl
(ERA5 data on pressure levels) | e5sfc (ERA5 data on
single level) | e5land (ERA5-land)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATE, --date DATE Specify on which dates data should be retrieved
acceptable formats: YYYY (days in YYYY) | YYYYMM (days
in YYYYMM) | YYYYMMDD (this day) | yyyy-YYYY (days in
years between yyyy and YYYY) | yyyymm-YYYYMM (days in
months between yyyymm and YYYYMM) | yyyymmdd-YYYYMMDD
(days between the two dates)
-a AREA, --area AREA Specify the area within which data should be retrieved
in format of NN,WW,SS,EE
-p PATH, --path PATH Specify the directory to store the grib files
- era5get
usage: era5get [-h] [-d DATE] [-u UPDATES] [-p PATH] opt
Retrive ERA5 data from cds according to a yaml file and modifications
positional arguments:
opt Category, currently accepts the following options: e5pl
(ERA5 data on pressure levels) | e5sfc (ERA5 data on
single level) | e5land (ERA5-land) | yaml file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATE, --date DATE Specify on which dates/months data should be retrieved
acceptable formats: YYYY (days/months in YYYY) | YYYYMM
(days in YYYYMM or this month) | YYYYMMDD (this day or
the month of this day) | yyyy-YYYY (days/months in
years between yyyy and YYYY) | yyyymm-YYYYMM (days in
months between yyyymm and YYYYMM or these months) |
yyyymmdd-YYYYMMDD (days/months between the two dates)
-u UPDATES, --updates UPDATES
Update the second argument to c.retrieve() in format of
key0:value0,value1,...;key2:value0,value1,... . f.ex:
-p PATH, --path PATH Specify the directory to store the grib files
import cdsapi
refer to cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api-how-to for help on cdsapi (the Climate Data Store Application Program Interface).