for the better grow of this package. some change may influence the old users, the old-code has tag: v0.1
install: go get
Pipe Example:
package main
import ""
func main() {
sh.Command("echo", "hello\tworld").Command("cut", "-f2").Run()
I like os/exec, so this golang package go-sh, is very like os/exec. But it really have some better experience than os/exec.
There are some features, listed bellow.
- keep the variable environment (like export)
- alias support (like alias in shell)
- remember current dir
- pipe command
- shell build-in command test
- timeout support
Example is always important. I will show you how to use it.
sh: echo hello
go: sh.Command("echo", "hello").Run()
sh: export BUILD_ID=123
go: s = sh.NewSession().SetEnv("BUILD_ID", "123")
sh: alias ll='ls -l'
go: s = sh.NewSession().Alias('ll', 'ls', '-l')
sh: (cd /; pwd)
go: sh.Command("pwd", sh.Dir("/")).Run()
sh: test -d data || mkdir data
go: if ! sh.Test("dir", "data") { sh.Command("mkdir", "data").Run() }
sh: echo hello world | awk '{print $1}'
go: sh.Command("echo", "hello", "world").Command("awk", "{print $1}").Run()
sh: msg=$(echo hi)
go: msg, err := sh.Command("echo", "hi").Output()
sh(in ubuntu): timeout 1s sleep 3
go: c := sh.Command("sleep", "3"); c.Start(); c.WaitTimeout(time.Seocnd) # default SIGKILL
go: out, err := sh.Command("sleep", "3").SetTimeout(time.Second).Output() # set session timeout and get output)
If you need to keep env and dir, it is better to create a session
session := sh.NewSession()
session.SetEnv("BUILD_ID", "123")
# then call cmd
session.Command("echo", "hello").Run()
# set ShowCMD to true for easily debug
session.ShowCmd = true
for more information, it better to see docs.
If you love this project, star it which will encourage the coder. pull requests are welcomed, if you want to add some new fetures.
support the author: alipay
this project is based on thanks for the author.
So what is go-sh. Sometimes we need to write some shell scripts, but shell scripts is not good at cross platform, but golang is good at that. Is there a good way to use golang to write scripts like shell? Use go-sh we can do it now.