IBM Cloud Kubernetes service --> initial connection to on-prem Strong Swan IPSEC
These scripts are based on this cool tutorial article: (thanks DigitalOcean!)
This Readme edited from the original fork to work with IBM cloud kubentes cluser IBM Cloud softlayer machine
This script would uuidgen a PSK and print it out to console, where you can copy and hit enter to continue.
After you ssh your_vpn_machine
, just run this:
curl -L -o ~/
#Edit the and update the following
# leftsubnet, with softlayer private subnet
# rightsubnet, append IKS workernodes private subnet
chmod +x ~/ && ~/
after starting your cluster run the following command download config.yaml file, and update the following
local.subnet append IKS worker node private subnet privateIPtoPing with Softlayer machine private IP
helm install -f config.yaml --name=vpn ibm/strongswan
For detailes steps and trouble shooting follow the below URL
To validate if everything went right
helm test vpn
Expected result should be
RUNNING: vpn-strongswan-check-state
PASSED: vpn-strongswan-check-state
RUNNING: vpn-strongswan-check-config
PASSED: vpn-strongswan-check-config
RUNNING: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-ip-1
PASSED: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-ip-1
RUNNING: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-gw
PASSED: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-gw
RUNNING: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-ip-2
PASSED: vpn-strongswan-ping-remote-ip-2