Robin is a multi-platform notification interface for iOS, watchOS, and macOS that handles UserNotifications behind the scenes.
let notification = RobinNotification(body: "Welcome to Robin!", trigger: .interval(5))
_ = Robin.scheduler.schedule(notification: notification)
- Features
- Requirements
- Communication
- Installation
- Usage
- Notes
- Author
- License
- Request notification permissions
- Query notification settings
- Schedule date, location, and interval notifications
- Handle notification response actions (including text responses)
- Manage delivered notifications in the notification center
- Push notifications support
- iOS, watchOS, and macOS support
- High test coverage
- Swift Package Manager
- CocoaPods
- iOS 10.0+
- watchOS 3.0+
- macOS 10.14+
- Xcode 11.1+
- Swift 4.2+
- If you need help or have a question, use 'robin' tag on Stack Overflow.
- If you found a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue.
Please do not open a pull request until a contribution guide is published.
Robin is available through both Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods.
To install using SPM:
.package(url: "", from: "0.98.0"),
pod 'Robin', '~> 0.98.0'
And if you want to include the test suite in your project:
pod 'Robin', '~> 0.98.0', :testspecs => ['Tests']
import Robin
Robin is divided into multiple sub-modules (discussed below):
- Actions
- Delegate
- Manager
- Scheduler
- Settings
Each sub-module has separate concerns which allows Robin to be modular and easily extended. Each section below, ordered by their entry point, will discuss the different sub-modules.
The settings sub-module is concerned with requesting notification permissions and querying the app's available notification settings.
Before using Robin
, you need to request permission to send notifications to users. The following requests badge
, sound
, and alert
permissions. For all available options, refer to UNAuthorizationOptions.
Robin.settings.requestAuthorization(forOptions: [.badge, .sound, .alert]) { grant, error in
// Handle authorization or error.
To query for the app's notification settings, you can use Robin.settings
as follows:
let alertStyle = Robin.settings.alertStyle
is not available on watchOS.
let authorizationStatus = Robin.settings.authorizationStatus
let enabledSettings = Robin.settings.enabledSettings
Note: This returns an option set of all the enabled settings. If some settings are not included in the set, they may be disabled or not supported. If you would like to know if some specific setting is enabled, you can use
for example. For more details, refer toRobinSettingsOptions
let showPreviews = Robin.settings.showPreviews
is not available on watchOS.
Robin automatically updates information about the app's settings when the app goes into an inactive state and becomes active again to avoid unnecessary queries. If you would like to override this behavior and update the information manually, you can use forceRefresh()
Note: Robin on watchOS does not support automatic settings refresh.
The scheduler sub-module is concerned with scheduling and managing scheduled notifications; rescheduling, canceling, and retrieving notifications.
Scheduling notifications via Robin
is carried over by manipulating RobinNotification
objects. To create a RobinNotification
object, simply call its initializer.
init(identifier: String = default, body: String, trigger: RobinNotificationTrigger = default)
Example notification, with a unique identifier, to be fired an hour from now.
let notification = RobinNotification(body: "A notification", trigger: .date(.next(hours: 1), repeats: .none))
, andnext(years:)
are part of aDate
extension. Robin supports the following repeating interval.none
, and.month
Example notification, with a unique identifier, to be fired 30 seconds from now.
let notification = RobinNotification(body: "A notification", trigger: .interval(30, repeats: false))
Note: Repeating a notification with an interval of less than 60 seconds might cause the app to crash.
Example notification, with a unique identifier, to be fired when entering a region.
let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.335400, longitude: -122.009201)
let region = CLCircularRegion(center: center, radius: 2000.0, identifier: "Headquarters")
region.notifyOnEntry = true
region.notifyOnExit = false
let notification = RobinNotification(body: "A notification", trigger: .location(region))
Note: For the system to deliver location notifications, the app should be authorized to use location services, see here. Robin does not check whether the required permissions are granted before scheduling a location notification. Location notifications are not available on either macOS or watchOS.
The following table summarizes all RobinNotification
Property | Type | Description |
badge | NSNumber? |
The number the notification should display on the app icon. |
body | String! |
The body string of the notification. |
categoryIdentifier | String? |
The identifier of the notification's category. |
delivered | Bool |
The delivery status of the notification. read-only |
identifier[1] | String! |
A string assigned to the notification for later access. |
scheduled | Bool |
The status of the notification. read-only |
sound | RobinNotificationSound |
The sound name of the notification. not available on watchOS |
threadIdentifier | String? |
The identifier used to visually group notifications together. |
title | String? |
The title string of the notification. |
trigger | enum |
The trigger that causes the notification to fire. One of date , interval , or location . |
userInfo[2] | [AnyHashable : Any]! |
A dictionary that holds additional information. |
[1] identifier
is read-only after RobinNotification
is initialized.
[2] To add and remove keys in userInfo
, use setUserInfo(value: Any, forKey: AnyHashable)
and removeUserInfoValue(forKey: AnyHashable)
After creating a RobinNotification
object, it can be scheduled using schedule(notification: RobinNotification)
let scheduledNotification = Robin.scheduler.schedule(notification: notification)
Now scheduledNotification
is a valid RobinNotification
object if it is successfully scheduled or nil
Simply retrieve a scheduled notification by calling notification(withIdentifier: String) -> RobinNotification?
let scheduledNotification = Robin.scheduler.notification(withIdentifier: "identifier")
To cancel a notification, either call cancel(notification: RobinNotification)
or cancel(withIdentifier: String)
Robin.scheduler.cancel(notification: scheduledNotification)
Robin.scheduler.cancel(withIdentifier: scheduledNotification.identifier)
allows you to cancel all scheduled notifications by calling cancelAll()
Robin utilizes the threadIdentifier
property to manage multiple notifications as a group under the same identifier. To group multiple notifications under the same identifier, you can either set threadIdentifier
of the notification to the same string or schedule a notification group by calling schedule(group: RobinNotificationGroup)
let notifications = ... // an array of `RobinNotification`
let group = RobinNotificationGroup(notifications: notifications)
// or
let group = RobinNotificationGroup(notifications: notifications, identifier: "group_identifier")
let scheduledGroup = Robin.scheduler.schedule(group: group)
Robin will automatically set threadIdentifier
of each RobinNotification
in the array to the group's identifier. If you omit identifier
when initializing the group, Robin will create a unique identifier.
Simply retrieve a scheduled notification group by calling group(withIdentifier: String) -> RobinNotificationGroup?
let scheduledGroup = "group_identifier")
Robin will return a group if there exists at least one notification with threadIdentifier
the same as the group's identifier. The returned group might contain less notifications than initially scheduled since some of them might have already been delivered by the system.
To cancel a notification group, either call cancel(group: RobinNotificationGroup)
or cancel(groupWithIdentifier: String)
Robin.scheduler.cancel(group: group)
Robin.scheduler.cancel(groupWithIdentifer: group.identifer)
Notifications can be scheduled with actions the users can interact with. When a user responds to a notification action, the system then informs the app about the notification and its actions' identifiers to process the user's response. Learn more about setting notification actions and categories here.
The actions sub-module is concerned with registering and de-registering action handlers that are invoked when a notification response is delivered by the system. This sub-module requires the delegate sub-module to function properly.
If your app uses many different notification actions, it may become cumbersome to handle each action. Robin actions allows you to separate the handling of each notification action type into its own isolated space. To do so, your app will need to create an object for each action type and have it conform to the RobinActionHandler
struct ExampleActionHandler: RobinActionHandler {
func handle(response: RobinNotificationResponse) {
/// Handle the response here.
contains two properties, the deliverednotification
and an optionaluserText?
contains the text the user typed when responding to aUNTextInputNotificationAction
and register the action handler for an action identifier:
Robin.actions.register(actionHandler: ExampleActionHandler.self, forIdentifier: "<ACTION_IDENTIFIER>")
If you would like to deregister any registered action handler, simply call:
Robin.actions.deregister(actionHandlerForIdentifier: "<ACTION_IDENTIFIER>")
If you want to schedule a notification with actions, set its categoryIdentifier
notification.categoryIdentifier = "<CATEGORY_IDENTIFIER>"
Note: You need to set the category identifier in the notification center first as shown here.
Example from Apple's documentation:
// Define the custom actions.
let acceptAction = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "ACCEPT_ACTION",
title: "Accept",
options: UNNotificationActionOptions(rawValue: 0))
let declineAction = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "DECLINE_ACTION",
title: "Decline",
options: UNNotificationActionOptions(rawValue: 0))
// Define the notification type
let meetingInviteCategory =
UNNotificationCategory(identifier: "MEETING_INVITATION",
actions: [acceptAction, declineAction],
intentIdentifiers: [],
hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder: "",
options: .customDismissAction)
// Register the notification type.
let notificationCenter = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
// Register action handlers early in the app's lifecycle.
Robin.actions.register(actionHandler: AcceptActionHandler.self, forIdentifier: "ACCEPT_ACTION")
Robin.actions.register(actionHandler: DeclineActionHandler.self, forIdentifier: "DECLINE_ACTION")
// Schedule a notification later on.
let notification = RobinNotification(body: "A notification", trigger: .date(.next(hours: 1), repeats: .none))
notification.categoryIdentifier = "MEETING_INVITATION"
_ = Robin.scheduler.schedule(notification: notification)
Robin uses its delegate sub-module to determine which handler to invoke when the system delivers the notification response to the app. You will need to register the action handlers early in the app's lifecycle to not miss handling the responses.
The delegate sub-module is concerned with handling the notification center's delegate methods. Currently, it only supports processing received notification responses.
To correctly invoke registered action handlers, your UNNotificationCenterDelegate
object will need to inform Robin about the response:
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
Robin.delegate.didReceiveResponse(response, withCompletionHandler: completionHandler)
Note: If you don't pass the
, you will need to call it yourself.
When a notification response is received, Robin will invoke the correct action handler if it is already registered.
The manager sub-module is concerned with managing delivered notifications in the notification center.
To retrieve all delivered notifications that are displayed in the notification center, call allDelivered(completionHandler: @escaping ([RobinNotification]) -> Void)
Robin.manager.allDelivered { deliveredNotifications in
// Access delivered notifications
To remove a delivered notification from the notification center, either call removeDelivered(notification: RobinNotification)
or removeDelivered(withIdentifier identifier: String)
Robin.manager.removeDelivered(notification: deliveredNotification)
Robin.manager.removeDelivered(withIdentifier: deliveredNotification.identifier)
allows you to remove all delivered notifications by calling removeAllDelivered()
is preset to allow 60 notifications to be scheduled by the system. The remaining four slots are kept for the app-defined notifications. These free slots are currently not handled by Robin
; if you use Robin
to utilize these slots, the notifications will be discarded.
Ahmed Mohamed,
Robin is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.