This fap plugin (app) for RCWL-0516 radar.
RCWL-0516 is a doppler radar microwave motion sensor module
rcwl-0516. | flipperzero |
3V3 | NC |
GND | Pin 3 (A6) |
OUT | Pin 2 (A7) |
VIN | Pin 1 (5V) |
CDS | NC |
Make sure you have enough space and clone the source code:.
git clone --recursive
copy my folder to flipperzero-firmware/applications_user.
cd flipperzero-firmware
./fbt fap_RCWL_0516
you will find the app in build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/,
or you will just see the output file dir in terminal after build
or you can just copy RCWL_0516.fap to your flipperzero /sdcard/app/GPIO and use it
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.