Advanced File System Search Engine that have smart ways for search specified for the file system and use deep learning search in the file contents
# first build:
go build
# to index:
./dlocate -o index -d /home/ahmed/Downloads/csed/networks
optional: -deepScan to use ML for extacting files content
# to open the web
./dlocate -o web
# to search in file names:
./dlocate -o search -d /home/ahmed/Downloads/csed/networks -s midterm
# to search in file content:
./dlocate -o search -deepScan -d /home/ahmed/Downloads/csed/networks -s midterm
# to search in meatadata:
./dlocate -o metaSearch -d /home/ahmed/Downloadscsed/networks/ -s clock --deepScan
# to update:
./dlocate -o update -d /home/ahmed/Downloads/csed/networks
optional: -deepScan to use ML for extacting files content
# to clear:
./dlocate -o clear
first put a test folder in indexFiles and name it testFolder
# build the project
# we use CompileDaemon to build the project if any file changed
run the project
sudo docker-compose up -d
# to index
sudo docker-compose exec dlocate ./dlocate -o index -d ./indexFiles/testFolder/
# to open the web
sudo docker-compose exec dlocate ./dlocate -o web
# and so on like the previous block ...