Bulbul: A fat-free Python3 to Javascript/ES6 compiler attempt.
Bulbul is a Python3 like language.
This is an experimental project not currently ready for production use. Bulbul is a very simple compiler, as long as its valid python3 like syntax it will work. The current code miss several python constructs but the examples really work.
The aim of this project is to provide best support for AngularJS both 1.X and 2.X series, React 0.13 (ES6) and Aurelia and some other essential javascript stack libraries (basically to rule the world).
- Inline if else statements
- Lambda expressions
- ES6 compatible classes
- Functions
- Dict as Javascript Object
- List as Javascript Array
Command: bulbul.py [inputpython.py] > [output.js]
Just run this command on example python files.
Bulbul converts this AngularJs 1.4 python code
def main_controller():
todoList = this
todoList.todos = [
{'text':'learn angular', 'done':True},
{'text':'build an angular app', 'done':False}]
def addTodo():
todoList.todos.push({'text':todoList.todoText, 'done':False})
todoList.todoText = ''
todoList.addTodo = addTodo
def remaining():
count = todoList.todos.reduce(lambda p,c : p+(1 if c.done == True else 0), 0)
return count
todoList.remaining = remaining
def archive():
todoList.todos.length = 0
todoList.archive = archive
angular.module('todoApp', []).controller('TodoListController', main_controller)
Into this Javscript ES5 Code
function main_controller() {
var todoList = this ;
todoList.todos = [{"text":"learn angular","done":true},{"text":"build an angular app","done":false}] ;
function addTodo() {
todoList.todoText = "" ;
todoList.addTodo = addTodo ;
function remaining() {
var count = todoList.todos.reduce(function (p,c) {
return p+((c.done==true) ? 1:0);
},0) ;
return count;
todoList.remaining = remaining ;
function archive() {
todoList.todos.length = 0 ;
todoList.archive = archive ;
Bulbul converts this React 0.13.X python code
'use strict'
from react import React
class HelloWorld(React.Component):
def render():
elapsed = this.props.elapsed / 100.0
seconds = elapsed / 10.0
message ='React has been successfully running for ' + seconds + ' seconds.'
return bb_jsx('<p>{message}</p>')
bb_export('default HelloWorld')
start = Date.now()
setInterval(lambda : React.render(bb_jsx('<HelloWorld elapsed={new Date().getTime() - start} />'), document.getElementById('body') ), 50)
Into this ES6 Code
"use strict"
import React from 'react';
class HelloWorld {
render() {
var elapsed = this.props.elapsed/100.0 ;
var seconds = elapsed/10.0 ;
var message = "React has been successfully running for "+seconds+" seconds." ;
return <p>{message}</p>;
export default HelloWorld;
var start = Date.now() ;
setInterval(function () {
return React.render(<HelloWorld elapsed={new Date().getTime() - start} />,document.getElementById("body"));