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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:
# | Title | Solution | Tags | Submitted |
155 | A - Strange Functions | GNU C++14 | math number theory *800 |
Dec/15/2020 21:04 |
154 | C - Sequence Transformation | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *1200 |
Nov/28/2020 14:55 |
153 | B - Unique Bid Auction | GNU C++14 | implementation *800 |
Nov/28/2020 14:36 |
152 | A - Special Permutation | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms probabilities *800 |
Nov/28/2020 14:31 |
151 | A - Subtract or Divide | GNU C++14 | greedy math *800 |
Nov/23/2020 19:17 |
150 | C - They Are Everywhere | GNU C++14 | binary search strings two pointers *1500 |
Nov/19/2020 20:53 |
149 | B - Yet Another Bookshelf | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *800 |
Oct/23/2020 11:19 |
148 | A - Boring Apartments | GNU C++14 | implementation math *800 |
Oct/23/2020 11:13 |
147 | C - Numbers on Whiteboard | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation math *1000 |
Oct/15/2020 08:19 |
146 | B - Barrels | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation sortings *800 |
Oct/15/2020 07:29 |
145 | A - Number of Apartments | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms math *900 |
Oct/15/2020 07:20 |
144 | B - A and B and Compilation Errors | GNU C++14 | data structures implementation sortings *1100 |
Aug/31/2020 19:53 |
143 | A - Juggling Letters | GNU C++14 | greedy strings *800 |
Aug/31/2020 18:48 |
142 | B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 | GNU C++14 | math *900 |
Jun/29/2020 13:11 |
141 | C - Move Brackets | GNU C++14 | greedy strings *1000 |
Jun/29/2020 12:50 |
140 | A - Required Remainder | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Jun/29/2020 12:17 |
139 | B - Mashmokh and Tokens | GNU C++14 | binary search greedy implementation math *1500 |
May/21/2020 02:23 |
138 | D - Anti-Sudoku | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms implementation *1300 |
Apr/14/2020 15:18 |
137 | C - Two Teams Composing | GNU C++14 | binary search greedy implementation sortings *1100 |
Apr/14/2020 15:05 |
136 | B - Construct the String | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms *900 |
Apr/14/2020 14:42 |
135 | A - Candies and Two Sisters | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Apr/14/2020 14:24 |
134 | B - Food Buying | GNU C++14 | math *900 |
Apr/05/2020 21:09 |
133 | A - Array with Odd Sum | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Apr/05/2020 21:02 |
132 | C - K-Complete Word | GNU C++14 | dfs and similar dsu greedy implementation strings *1500 |
Apr/03/2020 19:51 |
131 | A - Exercising Walk | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation math *1100 |
Apr/02/2020 19:10 |
130 | C - Points on Line | GNU C++14 | binary search combinatorics two pointers *1300 |
Apr/01/2020 16:08 |
129 | D - Carousel | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dp graphs greedy math *1800 |
Mar/30/2020 19:47 |
128 | C - Ternary XOR | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *1200 |
Mar/28/2020 19:21 |
127 | B - K-th Beautiful String | GNU C++14 | binary search brute force combinatorics implementation math *1300 |
Mar/28/2020 13:46 |
126 | A - Divisibility Problem | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Mar/28/2020 13:20 |
125 | C - Maxim and Discounts | GNU C++14 | greedy sortings *1400 |
Mar/22/2020 13:36 |
124 | C - Developing Skills | GNU C++14 | implementation math sortings *1400 |
Mar/18/2020 20:35 |
123 | C - Little Elephant and Problem | GNU C++14 | sortings *1300 |
Mar/18/2020 10:44 |
122 | C - Homework | GNU C++14 | greedy *1200 |
Mar/18/2020 10:36 |
121 | C - Replacement | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation sortings *1300 |
Mar/18/2020 10:22 |
120 | B - A and B | GNU C++14 | greedy math *1500 |
Mar/16/2020 19:49 |
119 | A - Shuffle Hashing | GNU C++14 | brute force implementation strings *1000 |
Mar/16/2020 19:12 |
118 | C - Adding Powers | GNU C++14 | bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 |
Mar/16/2020 18:53 |
117 | B - Bogosort | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms sortings *1000 |
Mar/16/2020 17:11 |
116 | A - Two Regular Polygons | GNU C++14 | geometry greedy math number theory *800 |
Mar/16/2020 10:06 |
115 | B - Cormen --- The Best Friend Of a Man | GNU C++14 | dp greedy *1000 |
Mar/16/2020 09:48 |
114 | B - Airport | GNU C++14 | implementation *1100 |
Mar/16/2020 09:25 |
113 | B - Little Elephant and Magic Square | GNU C++14 | brute force implementation *1100 |
Mar/16/2020 08:54 |
112 | A - EhAb AnD gCd | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *800 |
Mar/15/2020 12:00 |
111 | B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *800 |
Mar/15/2020 11:49 |
110 | D - Pair of Topics | GNU C++14 | binary search data structures sortings two pointers *1400 |
Mar/14/2020 11:42 |
109 | B - Vasya and Cornfield | GNU C++14 | geometry *1100 |
Mar/12/2020 10:54 |
108 | B - Minimum Ternary String | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *1400 |
Mar/12/2020 10:13 |
107 | B - Permutation | GNU C++14 | greedy *1000 |
Mar/12/2020 08:18 |
106 | B - Different is Good | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms implementation strings *1000 |
Mar/12/2020 08:12 |
105 | B - Inbox (100500) | GNU C++14 | implementation *1000 |
Mar/11/2020 21:15 |
104 | B - Mike and strings | GNU C++14 | brute force dp strings *1300 |
Mar/07/2020 11:37 |
103 | B - Art Union | GNU C++14 | brute force dp implementation *1300 |
Mar/07/2020 10:49 |
102 | B - String Modification | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms implementation sortings strings *1400 |
Mar/05/2020 06:28 |
101 | A - Grade Allocation | GNU C++14 | implementation *800 |
Mar/05/2020 05:33 |
100 | A - Erasing Zeroes | GNU C++14 | implementation strings *800 |
Feb/29/2020 07:32 |
99 | A - Dead Pixel | GNU C++14 | implementation *800 |
Feb/28/2020 21:04 |
98 | B - Motarack's Birthday | GNU C++14 | binary search greedy ternary search *1500 |
Feb/28/2020 12:44 |
97 | A - Three Strings | GNU C++14 | implementation strings *800 |
Feb/28/2020 10:15 |
96 | B - Longest Palindrome | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1100 |
Feb/28/2020 10:00 |
95 | A - Two Rabbits | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Feb/28/2020 09:26 |
94 | B - Cow and Friend | GNU C++14 | geometry greedy math *1300 |
Feb/27/2020 20:12 |
93 | A - Cow and Haybales | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *800 |
Feb/27/2020 09:51 |
92 | A - Fast Food Restaurant | GNU C++14 | brute force greedy implementation *900 |
Feb/27/2020 09:36 |
91 | D - Three Integers | GNU C++14 | brute force math *2000 |
Feb/27/2020 08:57 |
90 | C - Perform the Combo | GNU C++14 | brute force *1300 |
Feb/25/2020 15:31 |
89 | B - WeirdSort | GNU C++14 | dfs and similar sortings *1200 |
Feb/25/2020 14:28 |
88 | A - Add Odd or Subtract Even | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation math *800 |
Feb/25/2020 13:56 |
87 | A - Free Ice Cream | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Feb/17/2020 23:25 |
86 | A - Deadline | GNU C++14 | binary search brute force math ternary search *1100 |
Jan/15/2020 14:59 |
85 | A - Payment Without Change | GNU C++14 | math *1000 |
Nov/06/2019 09:25 |
84 | C - Constanze's Machine | GNU C++14 | dp *1400 |
Nov/02/2019 16:08 |
83 | A - Good ol' Numbers Coloring | GNU C++14 | math number theory *1000 |
Nov/01/2019 19:30 |
82 | B - Special Offer! Super Price 999 Bourles! | GNU C++14 | implementation *1400 |
Oct/29/2019 18:16 |
81 | B - Progress Bar | GNU C++14 | implementation math *1300 |
Oct/29/2019 15:32 |
80 | C - Round Table Knights | GNU C++14 | dp math number theory *1600 |
Oct/29/2019 14:24 |
79 | A - Broken Keyboard | GNU C++14 | brute force strings two pointers *1000 |
Oct/24/2019 17:28 |
78 | B - Basketball Team | GNU C++14 | combinatorics dp math probabilities *1600 |
Oct/21/2019 18:13 |
77 | C - Wet Shark and Flowers | GNU C++14 | combinatorics math number theory probabilities *1700 |
Oct/21/2019 15:13 |
76 | D - Ilya and Escalator | GNU C++14 | combinatorics dp math probabilities *1700 |
Oct/21/2019 13:29 |
75 | B - Alice and the List of Presents | GNU C++14 | combinatorics math *1500 |
Oct/19/2019 21:03 |
74 | A - Stones | GNU C++14 | brute force greedy math *800 |
Oct/17/2019 15:40 |
73 | B - Balanced Tunnel | GNU C++14 | data structures sortings two pointers *1300 |
Oct/16/2019 20:16 |
72 | A - Balanced Rating Changes | GNU C++14 | implementation math *1000 |
Oct/16/2019 20:15 |
71 | C - Standard Free2play | GNU C++14 | dp greedy math *1600 |
Oct/08/2019 18:22 |
70 | A - Prime Subtraction | GNU C++14 | math number theory *900 |
Oct/08/2019 17:39 |
69 | B - Kill `Em All | GNU C++14 | greedy sortings *1300 |
Oct/08/2019 17:17 |
68 | D - Sequence Sorting | GNU C++14 | dp two pointers *2000 |
Oct/08/2019 14:44 |
67 | C - Save the Nature | GNU C++14 | binary search data structures greedy *1600 |
Oct/07/2019 18:56 |
66 | B - Strings Equalization | GNU C++14 | brute force strings *1000 |
Oct/07/2019 17:52 |
65 | A - CME | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Oct/07/2019 17:28 |
64 | C - Vasya and Petya's Game | GNU C++14 | implementation number theory *1500 |
Oct/04/2019 18:49 |
63 | C - Flying Saucer Segments | GNU C++14 | math *1400 |
Oct/03/2019 15:51 |
62 | C - Replacement | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms data structures implementation *1600 |
Oct/02/2019 11:24 |
61 | C - Searching for Graph | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms graphs *1500 |
Oct/01/2019 19:08 |
60 | D - Red-Green Towers | GNU C++14 | dp *2000 |
Sep/27/2019 18:43 |
59 | C - White Sheet | GNU C++14 | geometry math *1700 |
Sep/21/2019 16:04 |
58 | D - Swords | GNU C++14 | math *1300 |
Sep/21/2019 10:19 |
57 | A - Prefixes | GNU C++14 | strings *800 |
Sep/21/2019 09:59 |
56 | B - Shooting | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation sortings *900 |
Sep/21/2019 09:53 |
55 | D - Make The Fence Great Again | GNU C++14 | dp *1800 |
Sep/20/2019 17:47 |
54 | C - Perfect Team | GNU C++14 | binary search math *1200 |
Sep/20/2019 12:39 |
53 | A - 2048 Game | GNU C++14 | brute force greedy math *1000 |
Sep/19/2019 22:05 |
52 | C - Almost Equal | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms math *1200 |
Sep/07/2019 06:28 |
51 | B - Make Product Equal One | GNU C++14 | dp implementation *900 |
Sep/07/2019 05:02 |
50 | A - Choose Two Numbers | GNU C++14 | math sortings *800 |
Sep/07/2019 04:46 |
49 | D - Coloring Edges | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2100 |
Sep/06/2019 17:19 |
48 | C - The Number Of Good Substrings | GNU C++14 | binary search bitmasks brute force *1700 |
Sep/06/2019 15:03 |
47 | B - Zmei Gorynich | GNU C++14 | greedy math *1600 |
Sep/06/2019 12:59 |
46 | A - Creating a Character | GNU C++14 | binary search math *1300 |
Sep/05/2019 18:03 |
45 | B - Uniqueness | GNU C++14 | binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1500 |
Sep/04/2019 07:56 |
44 | A - XORinacci | GNU C++14 | math *900 |
Sep/03/2019 20:39 |
43 | C - Sereja and Swaps | GNU C++14 | brute force sortings two pointers *1500 |
Sep/03/2019 16:07 |
42 | B - Duff in Love | GNU C++14 | math *1300 |
Aug/28/2019 18:15 |
41 | B - Fox Dividing Cheese | GNU C++14 | math number theory *1300 |
Aug/28/2019 13:54 |
40 | B - Gerald is into Art | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms implementation *1200 |
Aug/26/2019 22:09 |
39 | B - Towers | GNU C++14 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Aug/26/2019 20:23 |
38 | C - From S To T | GNU C++14 | implementation strings *1300 |
Aug/26/2019 15:12 |
37 | B - Yet Another Crosses Problem | GNU C++14 | implementation *1300 |
Aug/23/2019 21:38 |
36 | A - Remove a Progression | GNU C++14 | math *800 |
Aug/23/2019 20:44 |
35 | D - Number Of Permutations | GNU C++14 | combinatorics *1800 |
Aug/23/2019 16:51 |
34 | C - Gas Pipeline | GNU C++14 | dp greedy *1500 |
Aug/22/2019 21:39 |
33 | B - Square Filling | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 |
Aug/22/2019 17:03 |
32 | A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers | GNU C++14 | brute force greedy implementation math *800 |
Aug/22/2019 16:47 |
31 | C - Array Splitting | GNU C++14 | greedy sortings *1400 |
Aug/21/2019 18:27 |
30 | B - Pillars | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *1000 |
Aug/21/2019 16:05 |
29 | A - DIY Wooden Ladder | GNU C++14 | greedy math sortings *900 |
Aug/21/2019 15:52 |
28 | C - Yuhao and a Parenthesis | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation *1400 |
Aug/18/2019 20:15 |
27 | B - Petr and a Combination Lock | GNU C++14 | bitmasks brute force dp *1200 |
Aug/18/2019 19:14 |
26 | A - Gennady and a Card Game | GNU C++14 | brute force implementation *800 |
Aug/18/2019 18:58 |
25 | B - Semifinals | GNU C++14 | implementation sortings *1300 |
Aug/18/2019 16:30 |
24 | C - Trains | GNU C++14 | implementation math number theory *1500 |
Aug/18/2019 15:05 |
23 | C - The World is a Theatre | GNU C++14 | combinatorics math *1400 |
Aug/18/2019 13:11 |
22 | D - Print a 1337-string... | GNU C++14 | combinatorics constructive algorithms math strings *1900 |
Aug/17/2019 17:42 |
21 | A - You Are Given Two Binary Strings... | GNU C++14 | bitmasks greedy *1100 |
Aug/17/2019 09:27 |
20 | C - Tram | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms implementation math *1600 |
Aug/16/2019 21:45 |
19 | C - Round Corridor | GNU C++14 | math number theory *1400 |
Aug/16/2019 14:08 |
18 | B - Block Adventure | GNU C++14 | dp greedy *1200 |
Aug/16/2019 13:20 |
17 | A - Hotelier | GNU C++14 | brute force data structures implementation *800 |
Aug/16/2019 12:29 |
16 | C - Greg and Array | GNU C++14 | data structures dp implementation *1400 |
Aug/15/2019 16:47 |
15 | C - An impassioned circulation of affection | GNU C++14 | brute force dp strings two pointers *1600 |
Aug/15/2019 12:34 |
14 | B - An express train to reveries | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms *1300 |
Aug/15/2019 08:43 |
13 | A - An abandoned sentiment from past | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *900 |
Aug/15/2019 07:38 |
12 | B - Mike and Fun | GNU C++14 | brute force dp greedy implementation *1400 |
Aug/14/2019 18:00 |
11 | B - Tanya and Postcard | GNU C++14 | greedy implementation strings *1400 |
Aug/14/2019 17:02 |
10 | B - The Child and Set | GNU C++14 | bitmasks greedy implementation sortings *1500 |
Aug/07/2019 13:54 |
9 | C - Watchmen | GNU C++14 | data structures geometry implementation sortings *1400 |
Aug/07/2019 07:44 |
8 | D - Xenia and Bit Operations | GNU C++14 | data structures trees *1700 |
Aug/06/2019 04:11 |
7 | C - Soldier and Cards | GNU C++14 | brute force dfs and similar games *1400 |
Aug/02/2019 23:33 |
6 | C - Sagheer and Nubian Market | GNU C++14 | binary search sortings *1500 |
Aug/02/2019 14:19 |
5 | C - Drazil and Factorial | GNU C++14 | greedy math sortings *1400 |
Aug/02/2019 11:44 |
4 | D2 - RGB Substring (hard version) | GNU C++14 | data structures dp implementation two pointers *1600 |
Aug/02/2019 10:37 |
3 | D1 - RGB Substring (easy version) | GNU C++14 | implementation *1500 |
Aug/01/2019 16:49 |
2 | C - Robot Breakout | GNU C++14 | implementation *1500 |
Jul/31/2019 23:22 |
1 | B - Odd Sum Segments | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms math *1200 |
Jul/31/2019 03:23 |