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Document Analysis

img img

  • distribution is right skewed
  • the distribution of train,val,train are the same that indicate they are caming from the same source
  • rare data points that have length greater than 2000 tokens length.

Summaries Analysis


  • Right Skewed.
  • Most data points have 35-40 tokens in summary.
  • almost Identical distribution for the 3 splits.

Document Title Analysis

img img

  • doesn't suffer from skeweness problem
  • most articles have 8-10 tokens length in title
  • 50% of the data points have less than 10 tokens in the title

English Words Analysis


Most Repeated Words



Decoder-ONLY Models

  • inceptionai/Jais-family-256m img img img img
    Metric Score
    rouge1 0.024213605715402403
    rouge2 0.0014741946283852877
    rougeL 0.024084952075629662
    rougeLsum 0.02407977715402647

Project Organization

├── <- top-level README for developers using this project.
├── pyproject.toml <- black code formatting configurations.
├── .dockerignore <- Files to be ognored in docker image creation.
├── .gitignore <- Files to be ignored in git check in.
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Things to check before git commit.
├── .circleci/config.yml <- Circleci configurations
├── .pylintrc <- Pylint code linting configurations.
├── Dockerfile <- A file to create docker image.
├── environment.yml <- stores all the dependencies of this project
├── <- A main file to run API server.
├── src <- Source code files to be used by project.
│ ├── inference <- model output generator code
│ ├── model <- model files
│ ├── training <- model training code
│ ├── utility <- contains utility and constant modules.
├── logs <- log file path
├── config <- config file path
├── data <- datasets files
├── docs <- documents from requirement,team collabaroation etc.
├── tests <- unit and performancetest cases files.
│ ├── cov_html <- Unit test cases coverage report


Development Environment used to create this project:
Operating System: Windows 10 Home


Anaconda:4.8.5 Anaconda installation

Python libraries:

Go to location of environment.yml file and run:

conda env create -f environment.yml


Here we have created ML inference on FastAPI server with dummy model output.

  1. Go inside 'Arabic-Text-Summarizer' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    conda activate Arabic-Text-Summarizer  
  1. Open 'http://localhost:5000/docs' in a browser.

Unit Testing

  1. Go inside 'tests' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    pytest -vv 
    pytest --cov-report html:tests/cov_html --cov=src tests/ 

Performance Testing

  1. Open 2 terminals and start main application in one terminal
  1. In second terminal,Go inside 'tests' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    locust -f  

Black- Code formatter

  1. Go inside 'Arabic-Text-Summarizer' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    black src 

Pylint - Code Linting

  1. Go inside 'Arabic-Text-Summarizer' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    pylint src  


  1. Go inside 'Arabic-Text-Summarizer' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    docker build -t myimage .  
    docker run -d --name mycontainer -p 5000:5000 myimage         

Pre-commit hooks

  1. Go inside 'Arabic-Text-Summarizer' folder on command line.
  2. Run:
    pre-commit install  
  1. Whenever the command git commit is run, the pre-commit hooks will automatically be applied.
  2. To test before commit,run:
    pre-commit  run 

CI/CD using Circleci

  1. Add project on circleci website then monitor build on every commit.


Please create a Pull request for any change.


NOTE: This software depends on other packages that are licensed under different open source licenses.


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